The board is dead
bro............. you....... you're infected............
Good. Shit things should die.
2017 is the year the board died.
Is this board salvageable? Having a hard time finding a place anything like pol was circa 2016
too late it’s the first, tiem for concentrated shitposting
Ill take take 5g and white boi posting any day over this place sucks now posts.
Lol wot ever I come here to defend social justice
You wish
bumping fuck the kikes and shills here
Hopefully coronachan kills all the boomers, urban retards, jews, jannies, glow niggers, and real niggers.
>mixing in Q threads with all that trash
Man, you anti-Q fuckers are going hardcore lately. April is going to suck for you.
>April is going to suck for you.
And why is that?
This. There clearly ARE happenings. Maybe not Q predicted, but some of it is close. I want to see what the fuck he's saying anyway, I'll make my own mind up with censorship
*without censorship
Ignore the shills
Nothing will happen
remember when jfk or his son or something was supposed to come back? what happened to that?
Qchads run this board
>jfk jr supposed to come back
Not a Q claim, try again.
>Q replies back
Tell me about it.
>he still thinks it's just a LARP
Filter memeflags and filter keywords and it goes back to normal. Or I mean whatever normal for Yas Forums is.
Qtards claim the right now all the children are being saved and that Trump said “the next few weeks will be tough” and this is supposed to mean that all will be revealed with pizzagate and the children will be released. Will Qtards keep going on with this shit when nothing happens in two weeks?
This. Only newfags think this place sucks now.
>t. retard boomer
of course they will, because half are paid shills and the other half are mentally ill with poor reading comprehension and deductive reasoning skills
Infect me.
>This time it will happen!
>Actually believing in Barr, a Jewish clinton connected lawyer who was apart of Waco, would save you
Oh this April? Not like all the other predictions except things happening far away behind the scenes that Trump is totally doing? Trump, Kushner, Pompeo, Bolton, Barr, and Netanyahu will save the day!
I coof on you
Nobody except you faggots cares what Qtards say. What matters is what Q(the demonstrated insider) says. You don't know the difference and will probably lie about what he says.
watch me get banned.
Will spread like coronavirus or aids
Or was it Benjamin Fischbein.
>turn this place back into a board for logical discussion
lmao look at these obvious tourists
they came because they heard this is the epic place to be for the cool stormfront kids and they take it and themselves very very seriously
Again, what does that mean? I don't see any connection to April.
No u...
Yes it was Benjamin Fischbein
>disinfo is necessary
>it's all part of the plan
>there's been a change of plans, but it's still happening
>any day now
Serves him right for agitating self-rulecukery. Imagine using filters unironically and censoring yourself from seeing things you do not like. Sounds like those people the other side of the Mississippi, you know? What is the appropriate denomination for them again? It starts with R and there is and editor part.
It really is worrying. Is this just a really unfunny joke by some rather stupid jannies? Are they going to let the little happening-babbies do pee-pee and poo-poo over the board just for 24 hours for April Fools Day and then ban them all?
Or - over-dramatic as this might sound - is this part of the general globalist grab-back of power that the Corona nonsense is being used to mask?
As some posters are reminding us, Yas Forums WAS a significant factor in the anti-globalist fightback of the last five years. Now that they are shutting that fightback down irl, have they bought the mods to shut it down here too?
This past month has been the worst I've ever seen the board. All those fake Bernie bros have been replaced by fake Qfags. Their Discords ops are finally proving to be successful at destroying the board in a way that even BBC threads couldn't accomplish.
>Will Qtards keep going on with this shit when nothing happens in two weeks?
Yes. The difference between a good old fashioned conspiracy theory and a cult is that any defeat is twisted through cognitive dissonance into a form of test, a type of religious-style suffering through which TRUE AND HONEST believers must pass to get to the end. Every hardship, every knockback and every obstacle is seen as part of the Plan. The human mind is an amazing thing. Like millenarian Christians who thought the world was going to end in 2000 and then kept moving the goalposts, Q has become its own religious mentality. It is that powerful. It is arguably one of the greatest creations Yas Forums has ever crafted. It's beyond us now, and it may destroy us.
>logical discussion of right wing...
Ich verstehe, dass Du erst seit einem, zwei Tagen hier bist, mein Kind, also bin ich Dir nicht böse, dass Du Yas Forums nicht kapierst.
Also, um Dir ein bisschen weiterzuhelfen: hier auf Yas Forums gibt es verschiedene "Boards". Da gibt es, zum Beispiel, das Yas Forums board. Da kann man pee-pee und poo-poo machen und da lachen sich dann die ganzen kleinen Jungs zu Tode, das ist sooooo komisch.
Da gibt es aber auch, zum Beispiel, Yas Forums und zu Yas Forums kommen Menschen, denen es ab und zu etwas anliegt, ob betimmte Sachen passieren auf der Welt oder nicht.
Oder das war wenigstens einmal so...
I come here for the Q
and now for Joe Exotic
Extrem basiert
yep, the sad harsh truth is that most of people here are too fucking dumb for a 'logical discussion' of any kind.
this place is for mems
Oddly, the most perfect example of the collective mind-trick you describe is Sabbatianism, which several serious thinkers, like David Icke, have suggested to be a realer and more specific antagonist than just "the Jews".
In any case, you're right about the board being in crisis and possibly at death's door.
It's fucking frightening how this Covid 19 psy op, childishly transparent though it is, has almost completely knocked out the entire nationalist / traditionalist resistance, like a nuclear blast knocks out all electricity.
People we half-trusted - Stefan Molyneux, Paul Joseph Watson Tucker Carlson - have just fallen to their knees,and become globalist shills overnight, buying into the whole "it'll kill us all, we need more martial law" narrative.
bro I've been here since this board was /new/, died and came back
you retards are the outsiders. just like chanology back in the day, you dont get it. this isn't about being lolrandumxd, it's about not taking yourself and the internet so seriously. if you wanna be a big boy slacktivist, go somewhere else. I heard reddit is big on shouting "we did it, we changed the world"
>it's about not taking yourself and the internet so seriously
Cynism = black pill
Kid - and I call you "kid" even if you've been here ten years because I'm sixty years old and I sold nudes of Winona Ryder to Edward Snowden on IRC in 1988 - what is going on right now is surely the most significant global political event in decades, maybe in centuries: a massive clawback of power by a ruling class that seemed on the brink of total defeat by a psy op of unprecedented proportions that seems to be MASSIVELY SUCCEEDING. If ever there was a time to "take oneself seriously" it's now.
I filtered “white” and now I don’t see any useless arguments about who is/isn’t white or the dumb ay white boy posts.
Faggots like you have always been around just like we have been.
Go fuck yourself nigger. You don't get to control shit.
actually , faggots like you used to be banned when you became too insufferable. chanology, gamergate, etc. were all banned topics once autists got too obsessed
you guys are fucking worthlessly blind
Moderation needs to step it up and actually be here actively to make sure trash material is removed and banned right away.
Making a faggot post, screen shooting it and then making another faggot post based off of that faggot screen shot of the original fucking faggot post doesn't make you less of a fucking faggot poster.
See you tomorrow, Dylan.
Who here /KALIACC/
serves him right, schizo threads are good for redpilling, only brainlets can't spot the difference between a reasonable theory or made up gibberish. The other points are good though.
The spectacle this place provides now is both nauseating and morbidly fascinating at once.
Every variety of shill imaginable trying on every sort of imaginable mask from behind which he can get his message out, which is always the same: "Don't resist the government; stay in your home and tremble for your life and obey"
You have your Berniebro commie shill in an "Alt Right" mask who comes on here claiming that "real Nazis" like him love the lockdown and spending months or years living on food parcels suckling at the teats of Mommy State because that way "you never have to go back to work for the Jew".
And then you have this guy: the liberal Reddit globohomo in a "Yas Forums oldfag" mask who tries to tell us that Yas Forums was just a runoff board for Yas Forums all the time and that "real Alt Righters" are nihilists sitting in front of their computers inhaling their own farts, sniggering and grunting "'s all good, man"
I definitely agree with OP
Join telegram mate
The people you named were always controlled opposition.
Here is a point, and you can immediately determine if someone is controlled opposition by these two points:
1. They do not talk about the international financial system
Take any promoted 'leader' on either side. None of them talk about it. Pelosi, Trump, Spencer, Anglin, etc. Doesn't matter - they won't touch it.
2. Your suspicion is piqued. Ask them or see what they have said about parents that refuse to vaccinate their children. Go and find your 'muh based white nationalist' leaders calling for the roundup and execution of parents and children that aren't vaccinated.
So yeah. Controlled opposition is so easy to sniff out by those 2 points.
What's fascinating is how you really don't get it. Both in your assumption than anything isn't super serioous is a Yas Forums runoff as well your convenient rewriting of history.
Traffic statistics don't lie. Yas Forums traffic exploded just as overall Yas Forums traffic exploded in 2016. The conclusion is clear - the main userbase of Yas Forums following your election is evidently made up fo newfag tourists. It's a simple fact.
And yet here you are, saying it is people like me putting on the "oldfag mask". No, I don't have to put on a mask. It's you retards who are new, who sincerely don't get it, who are confused at common imageboard norms and trends that you suspect every random shitpost (or in this case, just a guy who disagrees with you) to be some nefarious plot of shills or secret ops or whatever. JIDF, SRS, CTR, Shareblue... there's always a new boogeyman in town to blame when the topic you care drown in "forum sliding". But really, it's just yet another symptom of you not getting and taking yourself and the internet too seriously. I'm sorry to tell you that you and whatever it is you are passionate about are not that important that a million evil organisations are working day and night to make sure your shitty threads get 404'd and your posts ignored. That's simply how this site works.
And then the based anons come in
>You guys see this Q stuff?
>Kinda crazy, you should look into it.
Per 1 Q based poster.
>schizo! Take meds!
>You just like spics and niggers!
>This is MY Nazi board
>Q is jew Kushner!!!
>Trump is doing bad job
>Why q post when INFECTED!!
But it's all DROUMPF AND Q
It's so obvious who and what topics ALL shill faggots consider thier boogeyman.
After this based post responded to your based post, shills will samefag and pretend to continue convo with other shill anons ITT to slide even our replies in thier shills threadss.
Now that i said this.
>inb4 404, bant, archive
You rarely see people fight against something so hard when its all bullshit to them