Single roasties really feeling the loneliness and fear right now lmao

Single roasties really feeling the loneliness and fear right now lmao.

Is 2020 best year ever?

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who gives a fuckcel


Beware of bitches who tattoo stars on themselves.

>life is a suckfest

im sure it is for her

I've gotten so many calls from ex girlfriends (all non-whites [Mexicans, Arabs and Asian]). I do feel empathy for them (very suggestive for brainwashing and lack of attrition in their lives to forge a formidable sense of reality]).
t.Lebanese Califag

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It's impressive she can still fit in her prom dress, I'll give her that.

Beware of bitches who have any tattoos.

Femcels will soon be a thing as millennial women go into their mid 30s and early 40s.

can't read what u posted user


Get out of our country you subhuman.

Shes never had any kids user....

Speak for yourself, Chang.

Interesting. More on this please?


Ever watched porn

Yeah any tattoos are a bad sign. But stars are literally the worst. Psychopath tier.

Made for horseradish and gravy

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>Femcels will soon be a thing

They already are. Unless you mean they're going to go much more mainstream. The Femcel virus is basically in it's January phase, it's not going to get ugly for some time, but it's already apparent for those of us who have been paying attention


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Nope. Learned about its evils as a kid. Gonna have to help us out here lad

roasties btfo

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Angry Incel sees a pic
Reminding him of his small dick
Incel huffs and puffs so hard
Seething anger through his lard
Incel makes an angry post
It's himself he hates the most
He thinks anger is the cure
But one thing he knows for sure
He will not ever have sex
He will live on wagecuck checks
He will never touch a dame
He will never accept blame
Incel, incel, fat and mad
Disappointment to his dad
Tears run down his chubby face
Angry at his own disgrace
He fills out the captcha form
Hits "submit" with bitter scorn
"Fucking roasties" he does mutter
In his rat hole full of clutter
Incel, incel, don't you know
Every post is a new low
At this rate you have no hope
Please repent of find the rope

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It's the mark of an attention whore who thinks she's special and better than anyone else, while simultaneously suffering from low self esteem and, usually, father issues. Research for yourself. Every. Single. One.

Maybe not the best year ever, but definitely the best one in a long long time

Based and checked

A whole bag of fucking crazy.

Agreed completely, but stars are the absolute fucking worst.

If she were married with kids, she'd have a house full of people to support each other through the crisis. But instead she wanted to be assistant to the regional HR manager of a clothing chain or some BS like that.

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The sad part is the mention of the prom dress. It is a desperate attempt to show that she still has her high school body.


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I just feel sad when I see these pics

Incel, incel, fat and mad
Disappointment to his dad

does birthcontrol really fuck up oxytocin?
what does that do?

>tatto with stars

those stupid People have all the same shit and think that they are special. this day and age you are special if you dont have any tattos.

>still has her high school body.
Armpit fat fantasy

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>Beware of bitches who have any tattoos.

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35 year old roastie trying to humble brag that she fits into her prom dress. Disgusting attention whore, you can tell they've all been particularly starved lately.

tits or GTFO you know the rules.

That is literally the entire point of her post, to bait all the "omg you still fit in your prom dress??? ur gorgeous xoxoxo"

Superspreader mode: ENGAGE
Enjoy your coof faggots

This. My sister's best friend just left her husband because there was a job offer across the country for double what she was making here. He didn't want to go, so because she is a selfish, domineering star-tattooed cunt, she told him she was going with or without him. He was like, "Bye bitch."

My sister, who is married with 3 kids, gets calls from her constantly begging her to come out and visit, all expenses paid, right in the middle of this fucking plague. Crying and cajoling her, saying she is lonely now and all alone. She says, sorry, can't do it. Got a family here that needs me and I can't risk getting the herp.

So now this stootch is sitting at home in Ari-fucking-zona in her 2 million dollar home with a shitload of wine and xanax drinking and doping herself numb.

I feel fine. Gonna go play all the guitars in guitar center now.

There aren't as many femcels right now because most of them are GenXers who as a generation did not fall for feminism as hard as millennials.

With so many millennial women being roasties, you will have an epidemic of femcels as millennials enter the mid 30s to early 40s age range in this decade.

Yeah I don't think there's anything wrong with me, I've got time for a quick to Jerusalem to cough all over the wailing wall.

Stupid woman, the stem is there so you don't transfer heat from your hand to the wine, if you're not holding it by the stem then there's no point to using a wine glass.

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OP is a faggot

As if it's gonna be in the glass long enough to stay cold. You don't know any wino bitches, do you?

Thanks lad, very helpful

based leaf
that's not reddit spacing you fucking retard

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A more accurate pic would be a roastie holding a bag of wine from those giant Franzia boxes

Let us march to jerusalem

This is my new fetish

Might as well take it straight off the bottle then, though that probably doesn't make for a good instagram photo.
And no, I don't associate with their kind.

>Look at me! I can still fit in my prom dress!
Typical roastie with the underhanded brag-posting to status signal.

Star tatts next to ribbon tatts are the tramp stamp of porn stars

lmao so are they

Only girl I knew with star tats was a borderliner nutcase so yeah.

>So now this stootch is sitting at home in Ari-fucking-zona in her 2 million dollar home with a shitload of wine and xanax drinking and doping herself numb.
Doesn't sound all that terrible, desu

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Whores suffering?

I don’t understand why she’s upset, this is the future she chose.

Most of those women are average looking or above. If theyre still single at age 30+ its because they repeatedly denied the advances of good suitors in their pursuit to have hookups/flings with bad boys and hold out for mr perfect

>Might as well take it straight off the bottle then

They never do that. It's admitting that they have a drinking problem. My sister goes through 3 bottles of wine per night, and when I suggested she just drink out of the bottle, she said, "I can't do that. Alcoholics do that. I'm not an alcoholic."

>And no, I don't associate with their kind.

Wise choice.

thanks to feminism all those empowered women are now alone with their stupid home office.


Jokes on you I don’t have any pets


It's the women on bumble who are at the threshold of being barren claiming they still want babies despite wasting their entire 30s on hookup apps and getting pumped and dumped by men who wouldn't give them the time of day IRL. So they're still waiting for some stud to sweep them off their feet instead of kicking them out after an hour of ass to mouth and not helping pay for the uber. Much like manlets, they'll never learn.

What’s with the green shit wtf ?

>a girl at work who’s been flirting with me has these under her ears
Fuck. Bullet dodged there then huh.

This. And 'fit' means 'able to squeeze into'. If she moves, that poor dress is done.

sure incel. How many women have you personally approached and got rejected? You expect women to come crawling to you





She’s just mad she’s just a used up hole now

A lot of girls are really lonely now.

Oh well basically if they consider themselves a porn star they tattoo a star on their body. It is usually a starfish-style star tho.

I just love watching these bitches be miserable.

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just because im a woman with a tattoo doesn't mean im automatically crazy or a bitch or I put out like ffs do any of you go outside and talk to women?

KWAB have sex

>would rather drink wine

Literally sour grapes


Of fucking course hormone-altering drugs change your oxytocin levels. Equivalent exchange, sloot. You can't cram something into your hormonal system and expect nothing else to change.

Why do they post this shit. It's cringe af

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>saw on dating site; age 60 wants kids someday
I lold

World flipped upside down as extroverts are coming across as mentally unstable.

for the first time in their lives they are faced with a real derivation from their normal programmed routines. it's amazing how boring the average woman is once you cut out the ability to go clubbing, shopping, general socializing. all they can talk about is the copious amounts of alcohol they're consuming alone while watching netflix

Yas Forums bringing the feelz...

Suffering roasties always makes for a brighter day.

funny cause I have a tattoo in the red zone and have had a job for 4 years now reatard

No u

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Girls with tattoos are so sexy though

>dating roasties

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Women are painfully predictable and everything they do online and in public is for sexual advertisement.

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The female version of an incel is basically a woman who only gets used for degrading sex and then ghosted over and over when what they really want is someone who cares about them.
There's just as many of those as there are men not getting their dick wet at all.

It's like fancier herpes.
Christ imagine the mornings, even half a bottle gives me a headache on-par with a night of vodka shots. I can't imagine downing three a night, what's she drinking fucking boonsefarm?

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Not him but I’ve rejected exactly 11 thots with a potential 12th coming up. Each one specifically asked me out and I refused.

>he leaves early
>she paid bill so he would leave

Women are liars, period.

How do you explain the abundance of single 30+ year old career women who are reasonably attractive?

coronachan, coof coof

maybe 20 years ago. She’s been used goods for over half of her life now.

I want green

this is what Yas Forums come to
cross posting from reddit

Found the simp

As if this board hasn't already been cancer for at least 12 fucking years, infecting all of us.

This is correct except that a lot of chefs, cops, soldiers, etc have forearm tattoos. Face is degenerate no matter what.

that was a great story i need to find a starred up roastie to console

Oh fuck. That girl I mentioned in another post has that exact star tattoo pattern. This shit is eye opening desu, no wonder I’ve had crap luck meeting anyone that isn’t trash tier, I gotta spot the red flags

Yeah I feel sad for their kids. So many of them, even the below 30 ones, have one or more kids. Not only do they have to grow up without a father, they'll have to watch their increasingly desperate mother keep going on holidays and trying to appear successful and supremely unconcerned that no one wants to date her.

Why don’t you post like this?


Am I still infected?


Sex and the City ruined a whole generation of women with expectations of whoring around for decades and then landing a rich globe trotting captain of industry even after cheating on him a couple dozen times and despite having an ugly horse face.

spread you cheeks pierre I'm gonna pozz your virign ass


They're out there. Just remember to wrap up your package, hit it and then disappear from her life. The sex will be amazing. That's how they rope you in. So you've gotta get it in and then get the fuck away from it.

Whole thing is her humble bragging she can still wear her prom dress.

>it's amazing how boring the average woman is once you cut out the ability to go clubbing, shopping, general socializing
this really hit home dude. i wish more women were interesting. after dating my ex for a few months i realized that she had literally no personality traits, no interests, nothing interesting to say when she had nothing to do.

*coofs at you*


I have been here since 2004 and have never been on reddit, and yet I double space.

It's a polite way to help other anons parse through my post easier.

>have to watch their increasingly desperate mother keep going on holidays and trying to appear successful and supremely unconcerned that no one wants to date her.
I dont really know how many of these women are single moms. Single career women are rarely single moms. They do however oftentimes give birth at age 40+ after they finally find a guy willing to settle with her, and having kids at age 40 is just insane to me.

>im a low IQ degen so i feel the need for a tattoo, but i also have no imagination...

This is why women bitching about "incels" is retarded. They're just as miserable.
No woman goes on Tinder hoping to be Chad's painal sexdoll for 45 minutes before being kicked to the curb and blocked on everything.

lmao you're not wrong


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Doesn't work that way glownigger

>Much like manlets, they'll never learn.
Fuck, I don't know how I became 6'1, when my dad is 5'8 and mom is 5'3. I did play basketball since age 7 and always ate a lot of meat. Maybe Maasai "effect"? (primary diet of raw/cooked meat, blood and milk -- whilst doing the jumping dance "adumu" since they were kids [something about stimulating the spine and pituitary gland])

You are facebook

Tick tock, sweaty. Your eggs are drying up.

Or just don’t get involved with them in the first place.
To complain (rightfully so) about women sleeping with everyone under the sun then turning around and doing exactly the same thing yourself makes one a fucking hypocrite.

>what are paragraphs

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Coof on you roastie. COOF

>not including calf tats
Missed opportunity

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/pol rails against these women, but date/marry them.

>Missing the opportunity to quit alcohol while in lockdown.

Imagine how many cocks have been in her rank pussy

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Because I don't want to
>I have been here since 2004 and have never been on reddit
That's what they all say


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Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it faggot? I'm not complaining. I use them for the whores they are and throw them away the same way they throw men away. Go preach to someone else, nigger.

Yas Forums is an eclectic group of people. I will say that the male posters who use "incel" a lot usually have a non-white gf. Really makes me think

Siesking of disgusting apps.
>mfw I had no idea what a Grindr was until a female colleague told me about it because she caught her bf on it
>mfwnf for that

The lack of cadence felt like diarrhea in my mouth. Not sure if that's what you were going for.

>amazing sex

I know everyone is trying to boost their immune systems right now so I am selling my breast milk. Hey, it's capitalism! Breast milk contains immune-boosting proteins, fats, antibodies, and probiotics that protect against viruses.


Its only another decade at most before people start to realize that promiscuous sex is not the key to longterm happiness. I fully expect within 10 years for much of the mainstream culture to be in support of monogamy and chastity.

And now she has left an entire legacy for women who are being taught to celebrate "muh independence" through that fucking kike shitshow she produced.

>mfw I had no idea what a Grindr was until a female colleague told me about it because she caught her bf on it

What the hell?


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Go ahead and hit it raw then, but be warned: Women carry shit that can kill you, unlike the kangaroos you are used to banging.

Such a stupid fucking meme. That's a sociopath or psychopath not an "emcel", gayest fucking meme I've heard. You can't just replace nomenclature you narcissist.

Because so many men are pathetic boys who refuse to grow up.

I think assuming they have a gf at all is generous of you. Criticizing the current dating market should be an open point of conversation, and just because you're in a relationship doesn't mean you can't agree with some key tenets.

Lol hit a sore spot I see. Good job contributing to the whore problem you knuckle dragging nigger. You’re the same as scum gutter trash.