Why did the Alt-Right fail to gain mainstream support?
Why did the Alt-Right fail to gain mainstream support?
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Why are shills in utter denial?
they're faggots i mean just look at these dorks
>why did my goldbergstein funded controlled opposition suddenly disappear
Lack of quality public relations. Running over crowds of people you don't like doesn't win hearts and minds.
It's almost like there never was an alt-right and they just made it up during the election, and all the "alt-right leaders" that sprang up over night were just opportunists looking to sell books and get attention
Was there a dress code? Or do they just normally wear collared shirts and tuck them in? I highly doubt they dress like that on a daily basis. Also imagine having your face plastered on the internet like this. I bet most of them lost their jobs, but also imagine your friends and family seeing this as well.
Because they can't get laid.
Why did a controlled opposition fascade designed to fail fail?
Because the general public is a combination of retarded, lazy and degenerate. Why else do you think the people behind what's wrong in the world are so obsessed with democracy?
Because it was not organic.
Alt right views are more mainstream now then they have been since the '60s. What, did you think there was going to be some gay movement with spencer as the leader? No its an awakening of the population to race realism
Actually, they succeeded. Their talking points are now mainstream. The individuals involved thought they’d get money out of it, but that just isn’t how this stuff works.
Back in my day trolling meant something
>mainstream support
Depends on what you refer to as mainstream.
Because the state, supported by massive corporate interests, systematically persecuted and jailed the leaders and participants in the movement. The aftermath of Unite the Right was a textbook example of totalitarian repression but demoralization shills were so effective that most people here are too scared or blind to admit it
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>Why did the Alt-Right fail to gain mainstream support?
THIS. What the fuck where people expecting? If anything they have been more successful than i thought they would be
Because they killed Heather Holmes.
> thought they'd get money out of it
Like who?
because it was associated with wh*toid retard southern inbreds and incels, also the Cville death that was endlessly harped on. there should have been well publicized white martyrs beforehand, and a more tightly controlled movement without low iq fuckups like James Fields allowed in it
Pre-existing conditions did.
blm killed tons of people and the media and government still supported them. While we are supposed to be outraged that a single person died in clash of +1000 people of two political groups that hate eachother
i literally turned every boomer i work with into "nazis" i praise hitler all the time and say racist shit all the time
Because they're losers lol. I mean just look at the fags in that photo. Bad optics
based murdoch murdoch shirt
The government and the left fought back after Charlottesville and broke the will of the Alt-Right.
This is true. The right is weak and cowardly.
they are losers cus they are racists, not because of how they look.
this, cville was a success
It was label for anyone not falling in line behind Shillary and it was controlled opposition to discredit Republicans and Trump.
weird 80% of white people i know are racist. even the boomers are breaking the conditioning
and just to provide some perspective I humbly submit this for consideration
look at that chad in the back, nice
The hypocrisy and double standards exist, you have to work within them or around them. I'm just saying that a guy driving a car thru a crowd of people and teenagers attending rallies having posted messages about killing niggers the same day, isn't good optics. Better for him to have just been roughed up.
Spencer and crew.
Because they're retards who want to preserve and imaginary past that didn't exist while people are facing real economic woes induced by the very system they're ignoring
Also their rhetoric is completely unattractive
Failed the optics test. The quiet become influential and powerful not the loud, obnoxious or those people see as dangerous.
If you want to get to any sort of level of power or have any ability to affect change you have to get there by hiding your power level until its too late and the right opportunity is there.
See Orban.
Because the government suppressed it. The fact you even still discuss it shows that white identity is still a important topic that will likely define the collapse of America in the 2020s.
Meant to say teenagers attending rallies with AR15s and firing into a crowd of blacks.
COINTELPRO operation Charlottsville
>unironically believing the Chinese numbers
Get coofed on retard
>subvert and backstab
Orban was lucky and in a country that was still majority white, that isn't possible here
You have to be quiet or at least not marching in the streets. Effective racism is essentially cultural and racial nepotism.
Because it was a fed run psy-op.
MAGA faggots where always meant to make the right look bad and scoop for some lower IQ retards
Sorry just need a cure *Coof* *Coof* *Coof* sorry hold on *Coof*
See the jewish controlled left-wing propaganda machine that is mainstream media.
cool edit
Subverting and backstabbing works. Marching alienates too many.
Remember the Irish used to treated just the same as free niggers in the North until it was more convenient for them to play nice with the W.A.S.P. majority, then the Irish worked their P.R., became accepted as part of the American whites and abandoned their former allegiance with blacks.
People will abandon their principles for better opportunities as soon as it's convenient.
It was too autistic of a movement
You can’t have nationalism in a culture that is extremely individualistic. Our culture values the individual over the collective
>wannabe neo nazis
A lot of people flying swastikas at the Charlottesville rally, mostly by idiots who don’t know its symbolism, a symbol of the German nation. And I’m sure very few of those people are actually GermanThat would be like British people flying an Irish flag.
Also, all of those people probably read breitbart, Fox News, OANN, or any other right wing media that takes advantage of conservatives and spews garbage. At least left wing media does original reporting
We need a true, authoritarian, fascist movement, with true fascist values, not some Walmart nationalism
>We need a true, authoritarian, fascist movement, with true fascist values, not some Walmart nationalism
You mean the pro-corporate "nationalism" of the Italian, British and German movements that fucked up their nations through social and economic policies?
You're in love with an aesthetic not a ideology
If you paid attention to history you'd realize how horrendous fascism has been in every iteration
Corporatism doesn't mean what you think it means. It has nothing to do with corporations as they're understood today, but rather with the theory that a country is like a human body (corpus is latin for body) and thus all classes of the nation must work in harmony for the body to be healthy (the workers as blood cells, the military as muscles, the political leadership as the brain etc etc you get the picture)
People don't understand technocracy (platonism).
Because of the racism often associated with it.
> why did Richard Spencer's vanity project to cargo cult himself as MLK but without the commie handlers fail?
>Corporatism doesn't mean what you think it means
It means a preference in policy towards the support and enrichment of corporations over any other organization
Fascism involved massive "nationalization" that was the handing over of public and private assets to other private individuals, a massive transfer of wealth to the new ruling class
>all classes of the nation must work in harmony for the body to be healthy (the workers as blood cells, the military as muscles, the political leadership as the brain etc etc you get the picture)
This is a dehumanization of every person involved and a reinforcement of the previous system by blocking each caste from participating in larger politics and reserving it for the "brain"
Fascism has always resulted in the distancing and consolidation of power, and the violent oppression of anything offering even token resistance from within or without, resulting in tremendous internal and external human suffering
It's a system that only works for the "brains" (those exact same greedy fatcats and bourgeoisie classes that fucked the previous systems)
It's a violent system meant to preserve the same elements that led to the fuckups of the past
this. the alt right was controlled opposition.
this ^^
Oh fuck off you gay communist tranny subhuman. All I needed to see is the word 'bourgeoisie' out of the corner of my eye and I immediately knew your opinion was utterly worthless and I didn't bother reading the rest of the post.
Get tossed out of a helicopter, marxist filth.
Got psyopped like OWS. Can't have the people mustering for any sort of change after all.
this. controlled op. the canadian "alt right" Rebel Media, who had Gavin Mcinnis, literally owned by a kike.