1) The average flu kills around 650,000 people world wide, per year.
2) In particularly bad flu seasons, 160,000 Americans alone can die from the flu, in one season.
3) "Corona virus" is not new. About 15% of all flus are of the corona virus strain
4) Covid-19 was officially documented on December 1st, 2019, and cases are thought to have begun around early-mid November. This means the world has been with the virus for 4-5 months already.
5) Half of Japan's tourism comes from China, and Wuhan is a central travel point of connection around China as well as out of China. If the virus emerged in November, it must have reached Tokyo, the densest city in the world, very quickly. Japan only has 56 deaths in 4 months, and at least one of those months Japan didn't even know the virus existed, and they still have not enacted quarantines or shut downs in Tokyo.
6) Seoul was hit a bit harder than Tokyo, but nowhere nearly as bad as Italy or anywhere else.
7) The average age of death in Italy is 78. Over 50% of those deaths were in patients who had three other co-morbidity factors such as cancer, lung disease, diabetes, on dialysis, etc. 30% had two co-morbidity factors.
8) If you happen to have corona virus, or the "flu" when you die, your death is attributed to corona virus and the death counters increase.
If we had a death counter every year for the flu, we would see the death toll hit between 550,000-750,000 deaths EACH YEAR.
And yet, Corona virus has only killed 45,000 in 4-5 months, and we've shut down the world economy for it. Even if the governments realize they made terrible mistakes in destroying the livelihoods of hundreds of millions they will NEVER admit it and will attribute to the nothing burger result of a nothing burger to their swift action.