Am I missing something here?

1) The average flu kills around 650,000 people world wide, per year.

2) In particularly bad flu seasons, 160,000 Americans alone can die from the flu, in one season.

3) "Corona virus" is not new. About 15% of all flus are of the corona virus strain

4) Covid-19 was officially documented on December 1st, 2019, and cases are thought to have begun around early-mid November. This means the world has been with the virus for 4-5 months already.

5) Half of Japan's tourism comes from China, and Wuhan is a central travel point of connection around China as well as out of China. If the virus emerged in November, it must have reached Tokyo, the densest city in the world, very quickly. Japan only has 56 deaths in 4 months, and at least one of those months Japan didn't even know the virus existed, and they still have not enacted quarantines or shut downs in Tokyo.

6) Seoul was hit a bit harder than Tokyo, but nowhere nearly as bad as Italy or anywhere else.

7) The average age of death in Italy is 78. Over 50% of those deaths were in patients who had three other co-morbidity factors such as cancer, lung disease, diabetes, on dialysis, etc. 30% had two co-morbidity factors.

8) If you happen to have corona virus, or the "flu" when you die, your death is attributed to corona virus and the death counters increase.

If we had a death counter every year for the flu, we would see the death toll hit between 550,000-750,000 deaths EACH YEAR.

And yet, Corona virus has only killed 45,000 in 4-5 months, and we've shut down the world economy for it. Even if the governments realize they made terrible mistakes in destroying the livelihoods of hundreds of millions they will NEVER admit it and will attribute to the nothing burger result of a nothing burger to their swift action.


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Other urls found in this thread:

It should be obvious to everyone that this is a shill post that's being spammed on the board at this point.

>If we had a death counter every year for the flu, we would see the death toll hit between 550,000-750,000 deaths EACH YEAR
No you wouldn't. Flu deaths are estimates, Chinkflu deaths are confirmed only. Fucking retard.

Me Chinese, me play joke, me put Covid-19 in test kits sent overseas.

It's about hospital overload not a plague sweeping o'er the land


everyone knows at least 6 people who died from the flu

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built for coffee being good for you

How the fuck is this spam, I just wrote it you fag

>is coffee good for you?


Built to be kept at home as a housewife and homemaker.

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

because it was a bioweapon that the chinks stole from us since we allow fucking Chinese nationals into our country to work on top secret shit (I'm not even kidding)
The FBI probably set it up as bait though and wanted them to steal it but something fucked up along the way and it was somehow released in china

The only difference with this particular virus strain is that is has a higher R0 value and would therefore infect more people.

its not estimated you fat fuck

23 million dead in china you fat cunt

just loged in to my 4hcan acct wtf is going on why are you green??

Yes you are. Stupid’o. Sars kills 10 to 20% depending on whether the victims have respirators. Our government says everyone will catch corona over the next couple of years. It is as reinfectious as the common cold.
It’s the species killer. Hence all the fuss.
>but the telly hasn’t said that
Just die

That's because they don't test every single person that with flu symptoms who die for which strain of the flu they have, because no one gives a shit you retard

I'm thirsty for MILK

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Who is green?

How can you niggers not understand?

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It's not an ordinary coronavirus. It's a betacoronavirus of the same family as SARS and MERS. It has an R0 value much higher than the flu by far. Do you even comprehend the concept of exponential spread and no herd immunity? It's a virgin soil epidemic of an exponential spreader with a long, asymptomatic, contagious incubation period. An R0 of 2 means that you have 2048 sick after 10 generations. An R0 of 1.3, like the flu, means 18 sick after 10 generations. That's what exponential spread means. If you don't comprehend why this makes COVID-19 such a problem, then you will in a few weeks.

I have compiled a very detailed research file on SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2. It contains a number of scientific papers on the pathology of this disease, organized neatly with headers and everything. Educate yourself:

>Bilateral viral pneumonia and ARDS.
>Lung fibrosis and permanent loss of lung function.
>Myocarditis and pericarditis and the breakdown of the heart muscle into the bloodstream, accompanied by elevated troponin levels.
>Excessive clotting leading to myocardial infarction.
>Mild viral hepatitis, indicated by abnormal AST/ALT and elevated ferritin.
>Myoglobinemia and renal tubular damage that leads to acute kidney injury.
>Cytokine release syndrome.
>Bacterial co-infections and viral sepsis leading to multiple organ failure and excess clotting.
>Hypokalemia, low lymphocytes, low platelets, and low white blood cell counts. One might think it's odd how it causes clotting with low platelets, but it's because the sepsis puts gunk in your bloodstream made up of your own dissolved tissues.
>Male infertility and damage to the seminiferous ducts, indicated by abnormal testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels.
>Medullary damage that causes dysautonomia and loss of automatic breathing.

This is not the flu. Stay the fuck indoors.

Attached: CovidPoster.jpg (1400x1838, 494K)

>we allow fucking Chinese nationals into our country to work on top secret shit (I'm not even kidding)
We have to. They are cheaper, and we allowed libertarian drivel to completely destroy our minds. Bigot.

Attached: IMMIGRANT-COVID.png (1734x2135, 1.8M)

>muh information warfare

Yeah no shit, every country does this all the time every day forever.

What the fuck did your post have to do with corona virus?

Covid-19 was being developed in a lab in China as a bio-weapon. Currently its effectiveness is unknown, these unknowns are what is causing the massive scare.

For all we know, the specific modified version of Corona Virus, could have a very high rate of mutation.

GOOD GOD i want those milkers in my mouth

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Built for BBC (Big Black Cock)

With out these measures this virus would kill between 2-12% depending on whether our health system was going to be able to keep up. Unchecked corona had the potential to kill roughly 30 million people in the US alone if we went down the same road that Italy did.

>Corona virus has only killed 45,000 in 4-5 months
Worst of all, it hasn't.
A lot of countries are testing post-mortem for the virus and attributing all causes of deaths to it where detected.

Wut? *coof* we're fine! (sneeze). You will be (doubles over in pain) *wheezing* fine. /collapses

This is based on faulty data that was pushed out before proper research was done. It is not anymore contagious that the normal flu.

Why? Because corona virus IS a strain of "normal" flu.

>logged in

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>My musings don't matter because I need tits to get attention

Cover for impending economic collapse.
Kill the economy, bail out the banks and corporations on our own terms instead of letting it happen naturally and the people risking getting fed up with our financial system needing bailing out every 10 years.

this. this was a massive overreaction. why did we decide to nuke our own economy?
>hurr durr china shut their entire country down, therefore it MUST be bad, we'd better do the same!
the reaction was based on china setting the standard for response. are you fucking kidding me you retards? DID YOU FORGET WHO WE ARE AT ECONOMIC WAR WITH?

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Read you retarded faggot, read.

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they do this with flu too

the average flu affect millions every year, and has been coming back every year for decades now. the average flu has already settled in the general population.
the coronavirus is a new virus that appeared recently, and has started to spread.
currently, at the time of writing, coronavirus has only infected less than a million person (by official figures) but it is dangerous because this virus has not settled yet, it started and it continues to grow. the death rate you see now is the start. if we suppose that only 1 millions have it currently, and we decide to super spread it to 100 million people, then 45,000 becomes 4.5 millions death. hence it is deadlier than the flu and more dangerous. Plus many anons have showed articles saying the coronavirus damages your testicles and liver, as well as lungs, and for a long term effect. surely you don't want to become sterile just because of a virus.

also, SAGE, this looks like a bait post.


If it's so contagious and deadly, why does Japan only have 56 deaths in 4 months of having it? They didn't even know about it for the first 1-2 months and thus could take no precautions against it.


Good fuck any fat fuck or aids ridden faggot that cant recover from the flu. Fuck boomers too. Also fuck you for being a memeflag kike who makes up numbers with no source whatsoever.

I have been following this mess since January very carefully and every point in OP's post is correct. You better start your research if you can't believe any of it, because it's all true.

It's a power grab. Look at the laws being passed in europe. Look at the social conditioning happening in the US.

Isn't that the point though?
Flu is made up of many different strains. Flu isn't just a single virus.

Question, if wuflu killed even more people but only those in their 20s, would we have crashed the global economy?

The thing is,
China lose trade war
they go big with covid to win trade war
media is general lefty, so they support their communist brothers
everything gets hyped as fuck in media
stock market crash
china goes like
>oh yeah, we have no more problems
>we open our market again
they win big time on the market again
meanwhile the rest of the world still in the clown script and media goes like
>oh no, we all going to die if we dont stay home

>what are preventives measures and quarantines for, I do not understand, Hurr Durr

yeah you're msising the eternal slave genes that are supposed to make you not question anything

You're not wrong. It's an election year though. We're swimming in a sea of shills. The same thing happened in 2016. They just arent focused on the election yet. Think about it, what narrative makes Trump look bad?

we are already passed that. Smart people realized the danger early indeed, but we're passed that, we're in a new phase. The phase of being fucked in the ass by our governments for a virus that turned out to be fkn nothing.

Dude her tits are bigger than her head wtf.

It can also damage your heart when it gets into the bloodstream to spread around the body. Heart muscles have the ACE-2 receptor. Some cases died from heart muscle infection.

The economic crash was already happening and the corona is being used as a smokescreen and a scapegoat to obfuscate the true cause.

Once the bankers are done buying everything with the trillions they're printing and the currency goes to zero they'll start the ride over again.

Beth lily if anyone asks also

For sure it be good

People are self isolating. The death toll would be significantly higher if this step wasn't taken. It's estimated 1.5-2.2 million would die in the USA if life went on as normal versus 100-200k if people stay at home.

How much did China pay you?

...If you would get the dick out of your mouth and do a fucking search you'd find that there are 1100-1200 CONFIRMED flu deaths in the US this year. Covid-19 has already killed 3x that.

This. Definitely a bioweapon.

Are you retarded? Japan/Tokyo issued no quarantine orders, lock down orders, business closures, or even changed any public transportation measures. They STILL have not.

Excellent summary. And no, you're not missing anything. It's obviously fishy. It's so suspicious even my total normie friends think something is up or at least that it's an unjustified hysteria that happened because of media over-saturation. IMO it's a move towards agendas like digital money and ID2020.

Are you the user that's been making these infographics?
If so: They're really great! Keep up the excellent work.

Attached: trump-ourlifeandfuture.png (2789x1291, 2.29M)

You're missing:
>Zero herd immunity, unobstructed spread
>Extremely high viral load leading to a propensity to mutate rapidly

yeah it's all bullshit
people either are ignorant of it or willfully ignore the truth

Hot take right from the president I see

>corona is a beerweapon