after he gets done throwing them private parties at maralago!
trust the plan goy
after he gets done throwing them private parties at maralago!
trust the plan goy
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah. President Trump is probably as guilty of naughty shenanigans as the rest of the globalist cabal, and there's that whole "King of Israel" thing, too.
He's been an FBI informant since 1987 working this case
Giselle is so qt
>redditors make another anti-Q thread while claiming they don't care about Q
amazing body for a 78 year old desu I wonder what her secret is.
Trump's been in deep cover playing 44d underwater chess ever since his mentorship under CIA fixer and pedophile Roy Cohn. He's been waiting 40 years to drop the storm of sealed indictments but you just have to trust and believe in the plan. the deepstate patriots in the CIA are saving Israel for last!!!
This. Everyone who doesn't agree is a shill and a redditor. GOD bless you Patriot.
Donald 'Epstein' Trump 'fighting the deepstate pedophile elite' = Zion Don persecuting the church of Jesus Christ
Glad you understand! WWGGLAMOFAGGGOT1WWWW right brother?
I like how we can best and boast Q all we want and there's literally no one there to [you] us.
Q predicted this
That's because they KNOW BETTER, Q will OWWWWN these fake ass anons
>hates Q
>can't stop being Q up
weirdly inorganic
Q is a GOD, Q has blessed me with his divinity and made me IMMUNE
What the fuck is WWG1WGA?
trump is fighting the pedophile elite by having sex with all the kids before they can
get a grip retard lmao
>President Trump is probably as guilty of naughty shenanigans as the rest of the globalist cabal
If you ignore actual evidence, sure.
why is the ISRAELI military making anti Q threads if it is just a cool larp huh?
Motto of Qanon.
>Where We Go One, We Go All
From the movie White Squall.
Mocking useful idiots is a lot of fun, simple as that.
Imagine projecting this much. I'm sure you're totally an organic user just like everyone else.
I really feel bad for all QAnons. Really, it was Julian Assange and the faggots at Wikileaks who really ruined the board and the world for everyone. If Wikileaks just did what they were supposed to do (help topple governments by strategically leaking information), then everything in the world would be a-ok to this day.
But no. Faggot Assange and low IQ "freedom fighters" on Wikileaks had to assume they were the heroes of the story. They had to assume that they were going to bring the entire pedophilic elite to the light. Stupid fucks. Never built the technology themselves, they were gifted weapons of encryption by their overlords. Instead of being grateful in playing a part, they had to act like faggots and ruin the game for everyone.
Well, I hope it was worth it. Because now, the CIA is stuck selling this shit level LARP to Trump's base - it's Trump against the establishment goy. Here are the clues goy. Oh fuck off. We all know that Trump was a bought candidate and Hillary was supposed to win. If Wikileaks didn't act like the faggots they were, we would have gone to war with Russia as planned by Hillary and the world would be a better place - instead we now have Trump and the coronavirus. Fucking hell.
Did you write this fan fiction yourself satan?
I prefer pic related timeline
>Did you write this fan fiction yourself satan?
Either you're a jannie, or a mod, or a low IQ faggot. Do you want me to speak like Q so that you understand?
>What do we know about elections?
>Think establishment. Think Wikileaks.
>Who gains from HRC winning? Think Ivanka.
>CIA or NSA? Pakistan or Indonesia? Think Tropic Thunder.
>Hang tight patriots. The fight for the light is long and arduous, but the reward is sweet.
>gets 666
>no but really, I'm not satan
>still gets three sixes in his post
Why does Q piss you off so much? Is it simply because of his logically demonstrated insider status? Is it because he redpilled more people than anyone on Yas Forums ever could?
>I prefer to be an ostrich and shove my head in the ground.
Idiots have their uses too.
>All Q threads
>Schizophrenic rantings about gematria
>Schizophrenic rantings about meteors/comets/5G/Aliens
>putting this in between trannyfaggots and bbc posting
You reddit, discord, mainstream media funded trolls truly are truly some of the worst people on the planet. I know, you know not what you do, your brainwashing since birth with low spiritual vibrational energy, prevents you from EVEN HAVING HOPE but goddamn you retards are annoying as fuck.
>for a larp
whoa was that picture taken today? aren't they supposed to follow the social distancing rules?
>the CIA is stuck selling this shit level LARP
They sure call themselves out a lot.
Ok groomer.
>Q predicted John Perry Barlow
No you faggot. Barlow had a near fatal heart attack in 2015. That fucker was already a heart patient who was going to die. Q just got lucky (or Q is just a CIA asset).
He isn't.
You're a shit cunt.
Take your meds.
How you fucking retards still think (((Trump))) isn't one of them is beyond me.
Daughter converts to Judaism to marry Kush.
Bows to the Chabad.
Says how much Israel loves him.
New york real estate developer.
The mental gymnastics on this board.
Lmao shills on suicide watch. Fuck the C_A. Rot in hell you scum
Usa Jews hate Israel memeflag shill
>CIA would to better to hide their tracks.
Do you know anyone at the CIA? Do you even realize that they don't give a fuck if people think they're connected to any shit on this planet? They know how to get out of any situation, faggot. Do you know why? Because they fucking orchestrate all situations. So stop with this CIA vs NSA crap. They're all on the same side - the side that rules the world with information. CIA is better at understanding human beings. NSA is better at cracking code. They're both in it together.
why the fuck are you idiotic reddit faggots replying to an anti Q thread saying its a Q thread? are you that fucking stupid?
>Q just got lucky
lol nice cope
Assange is Trump's cousin, mr satan
>Stay in the market goy, so that we can pull our money out.
Which faggot really takes such advice without a grain of salt?
Because fuck jannies, fuck MSM shill retards from discord and reddit but most of all.
>Q says no name is returning to headlines on July 25th.
>McCain dies ONE FUCKING MONTH (NOT A DAY, NOT A WEEK) LATER on August 25th.
McCain was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2017. Did you not know? Are you really going to give Q credit for such shit?
Right after he tweets and kills the internet right??? Still waiting...
Still thinking the Jews are all in on the Rothschild and Soros scheme even after the international bankers funded Hitler. Still thinking Israelis are anything like American secular Jews.
Do white people run the world? Yes. Are they all out to keep the negro man down? No. Same shit with Jews. You are just a low IQ loser who is jealous of their IQs and family and community cohesion.
Why not
Should have highlighted the dates and times too, NPCs only looking look at what you point out to them.
>All Q threads
>Schizophrenic rantings about gematria
>Schizophrenic rantings about meteors/comets/5G/Aliens
>putting this in between trannyfaggots and bbc posting
You reddit, discord, mainstream media funded trolls truly are truly some of the worst people on the planet. I know, you know not what you do, your brainwashing since birth with low spiritual vibrational energy, prevents you from EVEN HAVING HOPE but goddamn you retards are annoying as fuck.
>for a larp
fuck jannies, fuck MSM shill retards from discord and reddit but most of all.
Go ahead and post a picture of some famous person with their hands up, saying they'll return to the headlines, one month TO THE MINUTE before they die. Go ahead.
>protip: you won't
Now say Q got lucky twice. It'll be funny.
>Still thinking Israelis are anything like American secular Jews.
American Jews are the words. Israelis are better anyday. At least they fight for their lives. American Jews are just a bunch of whiny women, 50% of whom pretend to be male and the other 50% pretend to hate white cock. Fucking pathetic to watch American Jews.
2020 is already sealed, OP. No amount of shilling will save you now.
only the lowest of mutts can't do the math at this point
Meds now. Seethe harder.
Because the time of 1 month is arbitrary faggot. Did Q specify a time? Fucking no. That means even Q did not know when McCain was going to die. And when MCCAIN DIED - HE WOULD COME INTO THE HEADLINES - everyone knew that. Tell me one time when Q gave you fuckers all the details, where you fucking knew everything, and it came to be true.
DON'T FUCKING TELL ME THAT Q POSTS ARE TRUE ONLY IN HINDSIGHT - because that is just Nostracuntmus level LARP.
>weirdly inorganic
your dick is you absolute hyperhomo
Wanna Wrestle Gators 1 Wendsday[?] Gotta Ask
Trust the plan, brother. In Q we trust.
That URL
what the fuck are you talking about you insane reddit faggot, kill yourself you fuckin dipshit.
Also, you fucking low IQ faggot. Q mentioned texts, emails (gmail), draft (gmail), HAM comms, PS + Xbox chat. So why the fuck did only XBox go down?
Do you want to be a retard for the rest of your life?
>Did Q specify a time? Fucking no.
Doesn't matter. He posted the exact minute of McCain's death, about McCain, one month before(focus here) the mainstream media announced McCain's death. He demonstrated foreknowledge of when the propaganda machine was going to publish its propaganda. You belittle and dismiss this because it demonstrates clear insider status and gives Q credibility. Watching you flail and try to claim it's nothing is hilarious.
Sure it is.
I know.
>continues all out war
>jannie, or a mod, or a low IQ faggot
Amazing projection.
>so what that xbox live went down two minutes after some user said deep state was using them to dodge public surveillance of their comms
When actual deep state arrests happen, your first response will be to demand to know why other people weren't arrested. You're not a skeptic. You're a well poisoner. Ah well.
>Did Q specify a time? Fucking no.
>Doesn't matter.
imagine reading this fucking faggots posts saying "1=1? ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" and thinking its anything other than some tripfag larping while hes on the toilet at his Best Buy job
Trump is the pedo.
Wake up dumbass.
>Ignores the rational analysis I laid out and responds with a nonsequitur.
Ok boomer.
Why do you care though?
How many Q posts are there in total?
Any Ghislane nudes?
I'd fuck the Jew out of her....
im just laughing at you, like one might laugh at a monkey in the zoo staring too intently at the shit in his hand
As of right now, 3908 officially as reported by crumb sites.
>Trump is the pedo.
Verifiably the only innocent man in Washington, DC.
3,908 as of today.
>qmap dot pub
Go to that site to read them.
I wasn't who you replied to.
But would you support spreading information to those that don't know it?
>Any Ghislane nudes?
Trump hired Acosta who gave Epstein his plea deal in Miami.
Use your brain.
Acosta literally got to tell his side where he said they told told him to back off epstein and that he was of intelligence you fucking retard. Maxwell and epstein were in a news report for being connected to mossad. whats that add up to dipshit? that means mossad no longer has that influence it once had.
of course, if its real information, or even has a whiff of accuracy. i like conspiracy shit, i'm not a head in the sand normie or anything, but i've been seeing Q posts for the past 4 fucking years and never seen one confirmed happening. Qtards have been talking about Trump's master plan to arrest celebrities for years, saying "THIS IS IT, THIS IS THE DAY, HERE WE GO, ITS HAPPENING" over and over and over again. then the day comes and goes, nobody goes to jail, Trump keeps pushing zog agenda and you morons just go back to deciphering timestamps and making schizo charts and graphs that show nothing of value
>Q posts for the past 4 fucking years
Nice larp faggot shut the fuck up and try again in the next thread you fucks make.
>Trump hired Acosta who gave Epstein his plea deal in Miami.
Acosta was the only person who managed to get Epstein charged with anything, on his THIRD arrest, and even after he was told to "leave it alone" because "Jeffery belongs to intellegence"
God bless you OP, for trying to make us smile in this troubled times.
>Nice larp faggot
that turns out to be 3 posts a day since 2016 election
Sure thing mossad.