Execution coming for all of those helping China!

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Other urls found in this thread:



Fake and gay

Made you look, faggot.


fake but not gay


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I guess Trump supporters never really did care about freedom of speech after all, even after all of that hand wringing. That was all just a ruse. Now we have the ministry of truth and if you say anything they disapprove of then you face "severe consequences" from the state. OK. Fuck all of you, you hypocritical, inbred fucks



Sure thing, chang. Enjoy your shackle chair time at the police station.

You know he won’t. He’d have to go after most CEOs and politicians. Fucking faggot.

I wish this tweet was real

Sedition is illegal, you fucking retard.


Yeah that's it, I'm the chinese communist because I actually DO care about free speech and the 1st amendment and the US constitution. That's what makes me the chinese communist. For sure, you fucking mouthbreathing POS Trump supporter MIGAtard

> Lock people up for saying things that I deem false information. China doesn't have free speech unlike US.
> OMG I am literally chang for posting this.

Butthurt is reaching critical mass, walmart shart cleaners activate cleanie cages

It's not "sedition" to say things that Donald fucking Trump disagrees with. Moron

Sedition isn't "free speech"

*COVID = Chinese origin Virus infectious disease
Yet the hysterics again make up rubbish to attack us with as usual faking victim hood.

The PRC is waging information warfare against the GOP and USA in support of DNC given that none of their candidates proved popular. All of this is an effort to restore the treason that was happening at the behest of China under the Obama-Biden administration.

Europeans depend heavily on Russian oil / gas. They do not like Russia having a lot of leverage over them in this way. Poland / Ukraine are the eastern border of Europe as far as Western Europeans are concerned, so they want NATO running a defensive corridor there.

The Middle East primarily sells oil / gas to China. They do not have pipeline access to Europe, and the United States blocks pipeline access to China via Afghanistan (which we occupy, for this exact reason).

In the middle of the Obama regime, they toppled Egypt / Libya, specifically by supporting rebels in eastern Libya. You probably don't know this, but eastern Libya is the highest per capita recruiting grounds for al-Qaeda anywhere in the world. They are the ones who were largely responsible for building IEDs that killed most of our troops in Iraq. Lots and lots of American blood on their hands. These are the people Obama supported against Gaddafi however.

Why? Libyan weapons stockpiles were shipped to Syria. The plan was to overthrow Syria and then Turkey. The intention here was to open a pipeline path from Saudi Arabia to Europe. The easiest way to do this is Jordan / western Iraq > Syria > Turkey > Europe

The fallout of such a pipeline opening up goes like this: Saudi energy becomes cheaper than Russian (easier to extract than Russian, but comparable delivery prices once a pipeline is available from Saudi Arabia to Europe). Europe switches to ME energy. Russia then has to switch to selling to China. Afghanistan is no longer valuable real estate in controlling Chinese energy sovereignty. The West has no controllable territory between Russia and China to cut supplies > China obtains effective energy independence, superpower status

Some delusional racists actually thought China wasn't going to obliterate the virus. Whether viruses, natural disasters (Sichuan earthquake), man made disasters (Tianjin explosions), economics (Shanghai stock crash and US trade war), it should be clear by now nothing can actually stop China. The sooner you come to terms with this, the better your mental health is going to be. Rooting against China is going to forcefeed failure to you for the rest of your life and you can't handle it.


China’s amazing agility and indomitable spirit to find solutions!

While the USA and much of the world are paralyzed by the Coronavirus, Chinese society thinks calmly, plans carefully and springs into action like a dragon!!!

the alien and sedition act was created while the founding fathers were still alive.

Again, it's not "sedition" to say things that Donald fucking Trump disagrees with. Or things that are deemed "untrue" or "chinese propaganda" by the ministry of truth in the state. It's just an abolition of free speech, fucking retard

Read before you type retard. It's fake.
Coof coof

Gdi I recovered :(.

Jesus Christ, another of you retards with your fucking "sedition". See here It's not "sedition" to say things the state disagrees with. That's the definition of the abolition of free speech.

he should just start having them shot at the press conferences

Kill yourself. You're obviously too stupid to deserve air.

kek, does that include all the tweets where Trump downplayed the virus as just the flu?

Political correctness IS SEDITION. it is an attack on you and you always knew that so do not cuck out now. Media, liberals, Chinese all need to be put down by any and all means. Donald will like that. We put him in his job for this reason so let’s use what we got. Mob up.

Finally he is killing the fake msm

I stand by hasty post, due to retards like this:

Didn't he just fucking say that China was doing a great job handling the virus yesterday?
Why is he so bipolar?

Fake, but this one is real

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hospitals are empty this is all fake. zion don didnt lock her up or build the wall hes a lying jew.

Thump likes small China pee-pee, he'd not say that

Is this real?

Nigger you can’t threaten to kill someone and then claim 1A protection. It’s not free reign to say everything.

that, and all the democraps who called trump xenophobic and all the other labels when he wanted to ban flights from china

>to say things the state disagrees with
That's not the charge, idiot. The charge is purposefully helping China to spread disinformation about a virus in order to sow chaos and destroy our country. That is called what? Oh, sedition. Now kill yourself.

Yes like you locked up hillary.

OP's Tweet is fake. Trump tweeted no such thing because he knows he is no match for China.
The idiot is rambling about Iran right now but he does not dare raise his voice against the world's superpower.

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BTW can I also point out the fucking irony of Trump supporters going a full 180 in a matter of days from saying "dude this is nothing, democrat deep state plot to destroy God Emperor!" to literally saying "dude we need to lock people up and put people in prison for saying anything that disagrees with us cuz this is SUCH a serious issue!"

Seriously, fuck you subhuman slimes

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u did u did. We can all hope rite?

OK that's a complete false equivalence that has nothing to do with the topic we're discussing, but OK thanks for adding that. I guess it's relevant in your own special world.

Shut up you "living-breathing-document" piece of shit fag.

68% of ICU hospital beds taken up in TN with only 200 hospitalizations from wuhan bioweapon

You seem upset.

All the trumps masturbators who didnt even bother to check if the tweet is real.

Please destroy all the lefties and chink supporters

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Lol take your meds you nonce

Right, so if I do an interview with the Chinese government and they give me some information, and I print it, then "oooops, now you're guilty of sedition" when IRL all I'm doing is practicing journalism.

And we're talking about a president who has daily meltdowns and gets defensive and petulant over reporters just asking him perfectly viable questions, or reading his own comments back to him verbatem.

Fuck you. Fuck you Trump supporters. You all know exactly what you're doing. Constant, endless attacks on journalism and free speech and FUCK YOU ALL, YOURE ALL MONSTERS AND YOUR DAYS IN POWER ARE NUMBERED

Adults praying?! Not on my fucking watch. Quick Fedoraman, to the athiestmobile!


When you have a media that dutifully parrots a foreign enemy nation’s propaganda, you kinda force a niggger’s hand

Is Musk fucked?

>dude we need to lock people up and put people in prison for saying anything that disagrees with us
You're the only retard saying that. Kill yourself.

Yas Forumsthreatens jews and niggers with death everyday. What's your point cletus?

So conspiracy theorists were right after all when they said: chinese bioweapon

Whos laughing now bitches

Don Lemon executed when?

You're literally too stupid to enjoy breathing air. Kill yourself.

Kys you sycophantic faggot.

Mr. President it isn’t about trying to “halp” china. Fuck China.
But if it turns out you released this virus which conveniently seems to infect your enemies than it will be you who has to worry.

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infection check

>when he banned flights from china..
Yah, 2 months too late? Which means we lost containment.

>Journalism and free speech

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Yeah no. You're literally advocating for the abolition of free speech and journalism. You're the literal treasonous shitbag here. Nobody else.
It's literally what people in this thread are saying. The white house can now call any journalist who prints a quote from the chinese govt as "seditious". We have freedom of speech here in this country. You're allowed to agree with China, ideologically, over the USA. I do not have ideological agreement with them. I'm pro-America, but that's something fundamental to who we are. Trump and his supporters are just authoritarian POS's who whined about "free speech" when they thought big tech was censoring them, but IRL they never gave a flying fuck about the principle. This thread and their support of Trump through BS like this always proves it

Kill yourself.

Lol does tranny cum all over your face make up for a lifetime of shame and self loathing?

> b-b-but communists deserve a subversive platform as well


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Kill yourself.

China coofed people poofed

Journalism is dead. We will still have free speech.



told you. "nothingburger" posters are going to be imprisoned for spreading fatal health misinformation. you have been put on notice.

April fools fuck you