I hate chinese people

i hated them even before the outbreak, but now i hate them even more. i don't just mean people from china, i mean the chinese race. all chinese people on earth in all countries.

they're assholes

they're arrogant

they're pushy

they're racist

they're actually really stupid despite the world's misconception

they smell awful

they're greedy

their food belongs in a dumpster

they look like grey aliens, only human phenotype like that

they act like insects

their status on earth is essentially that of a human rat, overpopulating and spreading disease everywhere it goes

they have a need to totally control everything around them.

aren't satisfied living in a district if their rep isn't also chinese.

they're infiltrated every city on earth and then walled themselves off inside of "chinatown", they don't give a fuck about the countries they move to, just exploiting them

if youre dying in the road a chinaman will step over you and keep going without thinking twice

now there's evidence they intentionally spread coronavirus to americans.

why has the government not nuked them yet?

why have normal americans not slaughtered them in the streets yet? they caused all of this. not their government, but them. the normal people. the normal people cultivated the disease in their filth, then they brought it over here and all over the world knowing that they had it but not giving a fuck.

get a gun, a blade, a stick, it doesn't matter. just find the nearest chinese person and wail on them til theyre dead. then we're one step closer to evening the score.

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Other urls found in this thread:


shut up nigger


Hello fuk yu chink

lying and buying up other countries medical supplies and sending fake ones to other countries should be considered an act of war

bet we got two of them right here

>projecting everything that his nigger people would do on another race

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man you are so intelligent.

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yep Am*rimutts need to be wiped out of the world not Chinese.

How retarded those masks will have a bunch of fakes.

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How the fuck do you get run over by an excavator?

Grubby little Chinese fingers typed this post

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Nigger/spic detected
I'd take an entire neighborhood of Chinks before I take a single house of niggers or spics.

Be Chinese

How stupid are the Chinese that they shipped the masks to the US instead of France. They can't do anything right.

Don't give a fuck if I get infected from interacting with

Lmao a canadian saying that i am Chinese

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Flat earthers are going way too far.


Just nuke the yellow people.

cant make this shit up

I hate Chinese too, but
>reddit spacing
Fuck off

>Chinese are the best! Im cooming!

Honestly? I like Chinese people

They’re family-oriented, traditional (even under a commie regime), conservative

They don’t put up with anyone’s bullshit and are always looking out for their family and they know how hustle

Plus they know math, which nobody in our society knows anymore

Hard not to like em

Kill Chinese

Yeah they're all genetic genius user


Japan should have wiped out the Chinese when they had the chance.

I wouldn't go that far, look at japan. A nuke or 50 can really fix up the people. Glass Beijing, remove any dependance you have on them, instate puppet government and maybe they will act like humans in a 50 years or so.

ok mutt

Can someone post videos of chinks spitting on things/produce. Especially the one in Australia

They can suck fat dicks

>am I still a coofer?

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Yeah, nah.



I hate White people.

they're assholes

they're arrogant

they're pushy

they're racist

they're actually really stupid despite the world's misconception

they smell awful

they're greedy

their food belongs in a dumpster

they look like Shaved Gorillas, only human phenotype like that

they act like Orangutans

their status on earth is essentially that of a human donkey, being the beast of burden everywhere they go

they have a need to totally control everything around them.

aren't satisfied living in a district if their rep isn't also White.

they're infiltrated every large city on earth and then walled themselves off inside of "Bar District", they don't give a fuck about the countries they move to, just exploiting them

if youre trying to explain something to them they will step over you and keep going without thinking twice

now there's evidence they intentionally spread degeneracy to the world

why has the government not nuked them yet?

why have normal Chinese not slaughtered them in the streets yet? they caused all of this. not their government, but them. the normal people. the normal people cultivated the degeneracy in their homosexuality, then they brought it over here and all over the world knowing that they are it but not giving a fuck.

get a gun, a blade, a stick, it doesn't matter. just find the nearest white person and wail on them til theyre dead. then we're one step closer to evening the score.

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>I wouldn't go that far, look at japan. A nuke or 50 can really fix up the people. Glass Beijing, remove any dependance you have on them, instate puppet government and maybe they will act like humans in a 50 years or so.

Stop trying to give suggestions Ruskie.

Siberia belongs to China.

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>all chinese people
well there's only 5 of them so calm down. You have ling ling, chao bae, gua he, hung ze, and yau me and several hundred million clones of each.

I call them chinee

They’re the joggers of the orient

Based and correct

China will collapse. Hundreds of millions of chinks will die. China will be partitioned. Permanently.

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as much as I hate niggers, and think they're only good for cotton picking, they still have souls. Baboon souls, but souls nonetheless. Chinks have less soul than a piece of drywall

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Friendly reminder that if you live near a university, it is your patriotic duty to rid it of Chinese spies.

They are in your backyard, slowly draining the western way of life.

Whatever you do, don’t burn your local Confucius Institute to the ground!! That would be racist and awful

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Perfect! I've been washing all my groceries because idk who's been coughing and spitting on them

OP just described the american population.
It's really striking how american propaganda targeted at chinks can be 100% redirected at americans. Fabulous!

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I agree op, but watching chinks get obliterated on leak reality never gets old. So cathartic.

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why are they coughing and rubbing their balls on elevator buttons? they hate their government? other chinese? for some reason i couldnt picture a mexican in america doing this

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Typical chink making shit copies of everything

Confiscated and burned for your own safety
You are welcome faggot

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