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I'd eat it.

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Well what? Sikhs are based. Gay thread.

Sikhs are the most based Indians.
Other Pajeets can learn from them.

The fucking idiot is blocking a working gas pump

wtf I guess white people don't have a right to self determination thanks kike

Id take the food if I was starving, Id much rather take the loaves of bread to the left.


Pass. I prefer real food.

>coofing diarrhea
Fuck that

That's pretty sikh, but immunity demands me eat MEAT.

Sikhs are and will always be based.

Bunch of alpha sword wielding, muzzie hating chads, and they fucking know how to use toilets.



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Seikhs are snug

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How do you know it works, did you test it?

Sikhs are like this everywhere, in India they run massive soup kitchens.

>carrying weapon part of culture
based sikhs

I'd take 3 and give her $20 for it because i'm not a cheapskate

that's it.
I'm converting to Jainism, fuck trad-caths

Sikhs are redpilled. I'd probably eat it since I'm tired of canned food.


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This. Never met a Sikh in my life that wasn't a cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything. I feel bad that they get mixed up with muslims so much.

The Sikhs come through more than most other brown races combined, its nice and refreshing but at the same time that doesn't look like an authorized food source with any enforceable health and safety standards, zero ppe, blatant violations of quarantine, encouraging unauthorized gathering, and operating a nonessential (nonprofit) business during a shut down.. so yea, it is a bit of a problem.

>vegetarian meal
Giving them away is cheaper than paying for the garbage pick up.

based sihks

I wouldn't eat it because I find Indian food disgusting but I certainly appreciate that lady's gesture and think that's a terrific way to generate positive feelings in her community. Based.

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Sikhs are my favorite muslims

Have fun being a seething, starving autist while the rest of us chill with our Sikh bros during the boog.

Sikh will fight the unwashed hordes of China with us and she seems like a nice lady

its fucked because they are literally muslim killers. That fucking knife they carry on them is to protect them from them in the first place

Oh and fuck the CCP

If there's no meat, you will starve too. Even seen a vegan?


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Are sikhs Aryan?

that's where bernie hides his gold. get down there and get it for him

This is America son. Fry some chicken and throw a breast on top of that shit. Good eating.

Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner M.A.R.S. is fucking awesome. Yes I know this is a thread about someone being pushed by pepsi and whatever a Sikh is but I am bored and can't play anything at the moment. COOF.

Dafuq does the laughing icon mean?

well? Looks like they have an ethnic/cultural superiority/preference and are feeding people solely from the same in group.
This is the problem with multiculturalism, these people always default to helping their ethnic community over local.

Sikhs are Muslim slaying bros and have fantastic beards. Also, Indian food is delicious.

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What the fuck are you saying about Indian people giving away free food. They're probably being nice, and there's not enough of that in this world.

Fuck you and your racist bullshit. You deserve to be nuked like those Chinks.

Shut up.
Delete this.
Some people are saints.
Don't you have homework to do?

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kek it's funny to see anons think this is something great
This stuff happens everyday in India, where tons of food is cooked everyday to feed millions of poor and homeless people
It's a custom in my family to never let any poor human(regardless of religion, caste) who comes to your house leave empty handed or hungry and my family has been doing it for hundreds of years

you recover

>Sikhs are bro tier
Literally the same smelly Pajeets

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I'd eat that. The food is probably pretty good too.

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Isn't the sikh community the one that tolerates all gods and let them to there big ass cafeteria?

Based Sikh grandma. Bet it tastes good.


Sikhs are based

If I had to become religious, I'd become a Sikh


/pol loves sihks, I see a retarded post like this every month where sub 50 IQ brainlets dont know the difference between a muzzie and a sihk. Americans are such ignorant, uncultured swine!

expired food

Sikhs aren't bad in small doses.

Sikh post user.

Honestly i would appreciate the kind gesture but doing this is pretty dangerous honestly you don't know who you're coming into contact with especially at gas pumps.

I think I'll go hungry for a bit

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As if I'd touch that corona infested food.

They're literally the same thing but with a different hat. Go dilate somewhere else, fag.

I'm feelin pretty sikh

Sweaty balls

normal indians are better then sikhs. sikhs are globohomo faggots like christcucks i work with alot of them

Agreed based Sikhs.

ever eat a vegan?

Thank you based pepsi

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Its not Friday, yet.

>sick community

> free vegetarian slop
Yeah, no thanks

Sikhs are nice, except some of the older males are sex perverts. But generally, Sikhs are cool. Leave 'em alone.

If Sikhs and hapas took over the world, we'd have Star Trek world by now.

Nice of her but I pass.

Sikhs were doing the same thing in the Rockaways after superstorm Sandy.
They are good people. You never hear a bad thing about them.

COOF COOF coof coof

Sikhs are literally shit tier.

No way, they prepare food with their feet


Nobody gives a shit. Sikhs are irrelevant.