This shit didn’t happen did it?
This shit didn’t happen did it?
No possible way.
Why not? Was it Kubrick? Did we actually go but the film was fake for propaganda purposes? I know there are some moon landing autists on the board.
nope. congrats on learning the moon landings were faked. you’ve passed level 1.
level 2 is understanding that no planes hit any buildings on 9/11. (hint: the simplest answer is the right one)
ye but the video isnt real
The broadcast was never live. It was shot with a TV camera pointing at a monitor. They could’ve played planet of the apes (in slow motion) and no one would’ve questioned it.
If the moon landing didn't happen, don't you think the Soviets would have called the Americans out on it?
Yeah, it did. Unlike my goddamn history accorded to all the post-integrity losers I apparently grew up with.
What? Of course Star Wars happened, it’s a classic film
Yes. Deal with it.
Looks like you need a coof
Everything you need is here:
In fact, so do you, based potato poster, and American caught in the crossfire
Also if you want to be up to date.
- We cannot go to the moon
- We have never been to the moon
- Radioactivity as portrayed in mass media isn't true, and is far less deadly (nukes aren't world ending weapons for instance)
- Dinosaurs aren't real (hint: google about dinosaurs bones being radioactive when dug up. How does that make any sense?)
>Evolution doesn't make sense even as a theory (Charles Darwin, a christian, lost a loved one and came up with evolution to spite God)
>The earth isn't a globe (does not mean it is flat though)
>The Jews are the most evil (but not all of them) because they reject Christ as the Lord and Saviour He is.
Christianity is the one true religion. Jesus Christ is the one true God.
Enjoy the ride.
No it was total bs. I think they thought they would get there eventually but there’s no need for it.
Technically it did or there wouldnt be photos, whether it happened on the moon or not is a different question.
The father
The son
The holy spirit
God is the one true god, Jesus spoke his word.
No rocket can leave Earth's atmosphere. Can't break through the firmament.
yes it did, what they're hiding behind it is the true goal of making the limited hangout in the first place
flat earth, moon landing hoax is a surface level hoax designed to catch the vast majority of people looking into moon, earth, space theories.
>people go to research moon, earth or space theories
>vast majority land(kek) on moon hoax
>either you know the moon landing deniers are retarded
>or you join them
>99% of people stop there
for the 1% who look further you find what they're really hiding from the public with all this surface level retarded hoaxes such as fake moon, flat earth, etc.
Think of them as fly catchers put up to catch all the insects who want to know the truth.
prove it
American Moon is the most comprehensive documentary on the moon landing hoax.
Dinosaurs arent real? What about othwr fossilized things?
you can visibly see the shit they left on the moon, bro.
>Moon Simulation set
>project LOLA
remember what comes out when emails are hacked
it's not about flat earths or fake moons and shit
>two light sources i.e stage lights
that's schiz you moron.
There are no aliens.
also our history might be much older which is why hoax or theories about the earth or moon or space are created to obfuscate from the truth
Seems like actual planes would be the simpler answer, user
there definitely are
some were called demons in order to try and understand the phenomenon before language or science could describe what was happening to them
they've been here for quite some time
it goes way back
this is what surface level hoaxes are trying to hide
google the term limited hangout
you'll see those in power use these all the time to hide what's really going on
the truth about our history will be revealed soon
our true history will be revealed soon
There's no aliens or demons.
Crowley got the idea for Lam from H.G.Wells who introduced him to Hashish.
I'm one of the only anons who 1. does research &. isn't a moron.
I created a blog but found out something to do with US defence so I had to take it down.
look on the wayback for the articles.
elaborate please.
Why can't we go to the moon, what's stopping us?
it's much older than they want you to know
this didn't start in the 1900s
this has been going on for thousands of years
our artwork and our ancient structures hold the road map, all you need to do is look
Hopefully they came back for the cameraman.
it's all around us
one must only connect the dots to see
if you believe NASA, it's because they "lost" all the plans or they "forgot". seriously.
Read this, read the whole thing. It's long. Maybe bookmark it.
All you know to be right is wrong
So sayeth Q
Praise Q
Blessed are the Qchads
>our artwork
it's religious iconography, you're just overlying modern context for flying discs.
Again read my post here if you want to research UFOs the right way
Aluminum can't penetrate steel.
declass is soon then we'll all know the truth
I'm more of a layman with this stuff. I can't tell you what I know because what I know, and what I know for sure isn't the truth, are different things.
I know we didn't go to the moon because we haven't had one single mission to the moon since the supposed first moon landings.
>NASA lost the data they had so it can't be verified
>NASA has said they can't go back because they don't have the technology anymore. Even though its been decades since the last ship was supposedly built.
>take a fucking LOOK at the looner lander. It is a fucking treehouse made out of tinfoil.
As for the firmament thing, there's videos online you can see of rockets hitting it. But they get taken down by youtube for obvious reasons.
>ignore alien / secret history shills
They're here to shit up the threads and distract from the truth.
Low funding
Correct and correct.
Level 7 is learning that we live on the cool, crusty surface of a very young, growing star.
What if they missed? Then their big 93/77 ritual wouldn't work.
1. The aliens are the shitstacks walkin around without masks. That's quite an example they're settin, isnt it? Since the aliens I see don't have masks, that means their genetics is immune, which means they telepathically fomented the virus release and/or know a cure. A cure would be simple because they can handle the pathogen without hermetic seals.
2. The alien internet 5th Column gives itself the authority to take up space and post jabs at me, regarding whatever the current conversation is, and posts to provoke data collection from other humans on social media, which means they have no problems sweeping humans into the alien dialogue of waste.
3. COVID19 is killing off the people that the aliens do not abduct anymore anyway. Perhaps knowing it is to refill the alien soul reaper trap to prep it for another round of reincarnations after the baby boom of the quarantine conceptions and the post-arrival conceptions.
Everyone should read this thread
They created limited hangouts like the moon landing or flat earth in order to catch the vast majority of people looking into conspiracies so that they would all look like loonies or retards
They're hiding the real truth under it all which is that ayys exist and have existed and that our history is much more grand than the elite lead us to believe
that shot has one light source, the pole is at funny angle. its not standing vertically
Yep this is what I got from it too
This makes so much more sense
I knew flat earth and moon hoax was retarded but now I know why they made it
Legit, not a single Saturn V schematic or technical document can be found to this day.
Also, very much read/bookmark the site
The oligarch class has had ether-powered, space-capable pic related since the 1950s. Ayys are just a cover-up of this.
The Apollo mission was a double mindfuck to make us think the best they have is rocket powered. And the more critical of us would find that it's fake and therefor think that space travel is impossible, thereby vastly underestimating the oligarch class tech.
go away, shit poster, defiler
yeah this one is tough for me to reconcile. what are the responses to this?
the universe is much more fantastical than they want you to believe with this moon landing hoax meme or flat earth meme
they need you to think you're locked here as their slaves forever
Isn’t there a window by which we must leave/enter? A literal hole in the ozone layer. I recall this being a thing.
Oh my god, take your meds bro
I don't do blender / 3D modelling.
I'm only going off my own impression.
You could be right.
Have you done any research to check? Also all wars during the 1900's were banker wars. They were legitimate wars like we think. If anything it was one big and successful attempt to reduce the white population of the world.
No. Because space as we know it is still a mystery. We don't know what the fuck it is. All we know is a lie. The ozone is a non-factor.
Good points
I honestly can't believe people would fall for this shit
Thanks for good info
damn this is good. never seen it before.
Oh there definitely are aliens.
When Mr. Mantis comes a knockin, don't say we didn't tell you.
It happend. *coof
UDSSR confirmed that they received a signal coming from the moon.
come up with a better theory tinfoil-hat *coof
It did but sometimes we wish you didn't.
Flying discs are real, there were several types made.
this vid breaks it down well
Oh jeez bro, you need to see a psychiatrist
British Skyship.
bright insight in yt. jimmy is awesome.
What proof could they possibly have? All they can do is theorize, as they couldn’t get close enough to us at the time to see what we were up to. The broadcasts were heard around the world by amateur radio enthusiasts and the military alike, regardless of whether or not they were coming from 240,000 miles away or 200 miles in LEO.
Laser 'light' craft.
cant we see foot prints and a mirror and the flag on the moon with telescopes from earth?
All flat-earthers and moon-landing-deniers have one thing in common: zero knowledge of physics.
there's far much more proof than that which is conveniently ignored
but they choose to overlook it much like:
moon landing hoax was created as a limited hang out
which is
>A limited hangout or partial hangout is, according to former special assistant to the Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Agency Victor Marchetti, "spy jargon for a favorite and frequently used gimmick of the clandestine professionals. When their veil of secrecy is shredded and they can no longer rely on a phony cover story to misinform the public, they resort to admitting—sometimes even volunteering—some of the truth while still managing to withhold the key and damaging facts in the case. The public, however, is usually so intrigued by the new information that it never thinks to pursue the matter further."
All 'Apollo-moon-landing-believers' lack an understanding of Popperian falsification.
It is interesting to see the shills that cropped up in this thread. Must suck having to actively shill for ayys. Nothing to be concerned about. People are waking up on mass and there's nothing shillers on Yas Forums can do to stop it.
>moon landing hoax was created as a limited hang out
And yes, I've read Marchetti.
Steven Greer is a fraud and the Limited Hangout.