

I'm Candice Tarasco (pronouns: she/her). I'm a Communications and Media major at Seattle University who landed a dream internship at Vice News!

Hiroyuki Nishimura has been a complete sweetheart and welcomed me into your board.

I'm your typical Seattleite. I enjoy my Starbucks latte even tho I'm neck deep in student loans. I used to enjoy long walks through the University parks, but COVID19 put a stop to that. I'm working from home now, but I'm mostly eating Ben & Jerry's and binge watching Netflix and Prime. I totally recommend Fleabag, Cable girls, and the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, if you haven't watched them already. I also binge watch the best episodes of the Big Bang Theory for nostalgia points.

Now that I've introduced myself, I'm here to learn more about you.

Who are you? What makes you tick? What do you do for fun? How did you find this board?

I'm especially interested in interviewing folks with views deemed by the media to be 'incel' or 'alt-right'.

I'm absolutely not taking sides here, and want to hear your side of the story. You will remain anonymous unless you wish otherwise.

I'll also be putting up a few polls with demographic questions soon. It would really help me if you filled them out!

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Other urls found in this thread:


>(pronouns: she/her)
Glad you clarified, couldn't tell from the photo

Attached: happywoman.png (487x470, 455.27K)

I want to talk about Zionism.

Tasty pasta

>Communications and Media major
More like Unemployment and Welfare major

Corona Chan has spared me her gift


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post tits and vagene

tits or gtfo.

Okay! Let's open a dialogue!

Tits or gtfo

>Why yes I believe Chinese nationals should be rounded up into camps and deported. How could you tell?

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Why do you hate Trump? Is it because youre sexually attracted to him but he won't even look at you?

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Tits and timestamp

Dumb cunt.

Attached: sc.jpg (1280x720, 92.39K)

I hope not after this internship!
I hate 45 because he is racist and misogynist and a Nazi. But this isn't about me.

Nah not taking the bait.
As a fellow Femanon I would like to tell you, that I shit on your pronouns, your fat ass and your polls.
Hope not to see/read you again until you lurked for 1 year minimum.
If the cute Jap infects me now I do not care.

Fuck off (((Vice)))

can i do you? consensually of course

I am incel and i am entitled to you sucking my fat cock

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vice is gay

Post feet with timestamp

How do you cope with the fact that I'm a Jew that married to Arabic girl and I think you're a total faggot bitch? And I support president trump?

>Who are you?
Trump-supporting Incel
>What makes you tick?
Hating women and minorities
>What do you do for fun?
Hating women and minorities
>How did you find this board?
I was told to come here by Mossad.

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Why did you post a phone screenshot you redditor

Why do you all hate women? What happened to you to make you all so hateful?

Hi candy, you never took any walks did you, you fat fucking cunt bag. You are ginormous. I suggest you jump off a cliff and fucking die. Cheers



hi dude, have fun

Attached: tits or gtfo decline.png (2282x1090, 221.16K)

Shut up, Niggerfaggot. Kys

>Hi everyone! This is my first time on pole!
>is already coofing to death from deadly infection
could have been a good larp but you went just a little too far with the faggotry.

does anyone else ever get violent thoughts when they see a woman
like whenever i see some fucking thot sticking her ass out wearing almost nothing obviously vying for attention and wanting to be desired, i find it hard to stop myself from daydreaming about bashing her smug fucking whore face in with a fucking golf club, watching her expression go from that fake "trying to be cute" face they all make to fear and then horror as she starts screaming and pleading with me before i hit her again and knock the wind out of her disgusting whore body, her screaming turns to frantic gurgling as i keep bashing her stupid fucking face in over and over until even that subsides, she's unrecognizable her head is a bloody bubbling pulp, all shades of red speckled with bright white and soggy grey littering her crushed cranium alongside tufts of her stupid fucking dyed hair jesus fucking christ i hate these people so god damned much i don't even want pussy from them i don't want their attention i don't want to be liked by these vile people they're disgusting, if one of them touched me i'd cut my fucking hand off i just want them to fucking DIE

Fuck off retard

Because you're a hambeast glow in the dark CIA nigger

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t. Yas Forums tranny

>he is racist and misogynist and a Nazi.
wow you sound so intelligent! props! you tell those racist putin-nazis!

1. Tits + timestamp
2. Get out, attention whore.

Bonus: which are you?
>pic related

Also, fuck you, OP.

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Tarasco? More like TARRASQUE XD amirite guys????

What have women and minorities ever done to you to deserve your vitriol?

show use your doughy tits you unwashed swine

A black guy fucked my jewish wife.
As a racial jew I found that my that I can't compete with my tiny jewish cock and that I am a loser. I decided to stand up against it. With all my will and join JIDF division to clean internet from antisemitic comments.

Pronouns should be dunce and cunt.

Answer this


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I think you're a self hating Semite. I think that's sad, considering everything your poor, poor people have been through.

They are too free. As a jew I want total domination.
Jewish women all lust for black cock and I can't compete with them. Therefore I decided to attack them.

I would unironically have sex with this slam pig.

its not hate user she kinda qt, idc if shes with the left id still do her XD

I agree that we need to stomp out antisemitism on the internet, but some of your other comments seem a little racist.

i guess i'll use this thread to test whether or not i'm infected

Fat people have tiny dicks

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landwhale tits or gtfo

>aww sweaty, who hurt you?

So you think that Jewish people are inherently bad because they're Jewish? Most of those conspiracies are either coincidences or just lies.

Tits or GTFO

3/10 pasta.

Would've been more believable if you hadn't just ripped a pic from Faceberg.

Diaspora Jews aren't semetic, they are mutts just like the rest of usa, true Jews are drawn to Israel, it's in our nature, diaspora Jews are the offsprings of moral degeneracy

Testing for infectivity.. please hold

Kill yourself dumb bitch

It is ok for jews to hate other animals.
They are not humans, they are goyim.
Fucking retarded goyim. I won't stop until I've enslaved all goyim to show who is the real master race.

Post feet

I bet you are just larping as that dumb bitch


user ...

Wow! Justified racism in my books

Aww so cute Mariusz
You are a poet

>vice news
imaging working at vice as a reporter and thinking you are anything even close to a journalist. oh and fuck off with the pronoun bullshit, your chromosomes determine your gender (oh and sex and gender are the same thing and no amount of playing pretend and changing the definitions of words will ever change that)

do poopy

I like to fuck fat Redheads

how much time do you plan on spending here?

Its about the control of information and the pushing of an agenda. Just look at these children's companies like CN using the trans visibility day hashtag to promote transgenderism TO KIDS. nothing bad about jews inherently, its just that the most vocal ones seem to always have a anti white (((progressive))) agenda

I feel like a lot of you would benefit from a meaningful relationship with a woman of color. Maybe that would change your outlook on everything. Maybe have sex, incels.

Fake and gay. Add herbs and spices to this thread. Clean it up jannies!

I'm gonna slap you in the fupa.

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next time try not being infected from a full day of shitposting before pasting this pasta

Roll the nuts around in your mouth a lot. Gnaw them slowly, deliberately not biting them too hard. Work the tongue around the nuts sucking off the salt.

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Goyim are animals, not humans.
You can call it speciesism if you want.

I'm a nazi, and every time i start talking about ancient christian military orders their wikipedia pages change.


when we finish the race war we will either hang you from the gallows or put you in the breeding farms, we're still undecided at the moment

I’ve seen this same post with the same pic. Pretty lazy

I won't have sex with a monkey. You might keep fucking your dog's dick as your not better than him.

pic related is also relevant on transgenderism

Attached: porn_redpill.png (1907x2074, 450.88K)

Bitch, you don't even know King County still allows park access for exercise, get your tranny shlong offline and lose a few pounds, maybe then you'd pass.


Hi Candice! Before you get to know us, there’s a few terms you need to learn beforehand so that you can understand our discussions (like a secret handshake)

Redpill = a way to signal to everyone that you want to meet in person, usually to do minor things like graffiti synagogues but sometimes more major things like fixing an internet celebrity or finding a way to frame or blackmail a minority coworker.
Glow in the Dark / Glowie = a black person trying to pass as a white person on the internet.
Trap = a person who pretends to be democrat but is secretly a Trump supporter, especially on the internet
Coom = fulfilling an internal fantasy of lynching an African American.
>anything in “green text,” like this text, means a secret message that no one can mention outside of Yas Forums pol

Anyone care to share any others?

I highly highly doubt this is real but if you want you can email me at [email protected] and I will give you actual answers to your questions.

I don't know anymore. I thought I could start a meaningful dialogue here today, but all I get is racism, antisemitism, and rampant misogyny. I don't think I'll be back. It's clear there will be no meaningful journalism done here.

What the sandmonkey said.

I like it! But i am a Goyim, i guess it works in reverse also?

Yeah go back

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This is a datamine thread


Btw OP if you don't post those tits you gotta go
Dilate tranny

first of all, tits or gtfo, with timestamp ofc
second of all, lurk. Lurk before coming here with your shitty Reddit spacing and thinking this is some sort of safe space, which it isn't
don't try to impose your libtard views on these folk, it's impossible
all that "muh woman hatred" is just bullshit, understand the culture before making assumptions
redpill yourself about Jews and the media, whatever the cost. It's easier to understand it here if you do
you may ask me anything

Show us your stinky flappy brown vag

In reverse it is antisemitism.
So fuck off.

nah i'm good thanks but i'm sure tyrone would love to beat and rape you. oh and don't forget it's his right to do so as a minority. don't be a racist

You wouldn't know meaningful journalism if it whipped its dick out on your fat forehead, cunt.

Landmass Fatassco
Welcome aboard, Landmass. Show your flabby armpit stubble.

>It's clear no meaningful journalism is done here
You broke your anonymity, this isn't Reddit we don't worship women here.

Breaking anonymity is a clear sign of an attention whore.
maybe next time try not being such an attention whore and you'll get actual answers

Show your tits you fat cow, no one cares about your stupid opinion. Otherwise, fuck off and don't come back.

Can somrone give this bitch the virus

"Dream internship" at "Vice news"
Low quality bait

You are nigger and nigger lover I hope you die from anal corona Chan she gives you and you die in car fire nigger bitch post selfie titles fat bitch I want to see rules of internet cunt show me before I trace your ip through TOR and steal your nudes.
> You will remain anonymous unless you wish otherwise.
My name is Prostate Pummeler
>Who are you?
> What makes you tick?
Niggers, Jews, spics, gooks, and you’s
> What do you do for fun?
Fuck jannies
>How did you find this board?
The need to coom

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I am greatly concerned for the future of Jewish people, and I am glad you are doing your part, Candace!
Thank you for having and raising a mixed child!

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Good, never come back, you jewnigger whore.

Wow! Thank you, finally. So when people say to "drop redpills" that is code for minor terrorism? How many "glowies" do you deal with? How did that term come to be? Do you ever "coom"?

This. I wonder if she thinks she deserves a living wage for what she dies?

And not infected

OP is infected, regardless of her/it's authenticity, status or manner, she/it is a filthy carrier and should be ignored unless her/it's revolting condition is spread
>cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war

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Hello roast. Around here we have a greeting ritual. It goes something like pic related.

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Ahh i see! But is an animal capable of antisemitism?


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You cant be real.
This is info widely available on the web, you're feigning ignorance now, whore.
Nice try, bit you're getting sloppy shlomo