Melanin kills wu flu

melanin kills wu flu

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Thank god the leafs are finally posting hot black women. Praise the lord the racebait is at least good shit to look at

Immunity Chan is the antidote

Imagine the many BWC she had

fuck chinks

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Chinkflu is exploding in Detroit right now

fuck niggers too.

>melanin kills wu flu
what doesn't melanin kill


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her ass is too flabby

chinkoid detecte

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What's with you queers posting pictures of negress all fucken day? Lighten up cockbreath.

Name, NOW!

>says the chinkoid

How can I get one of these to marry me?

Yum! Made to jump on my dick.

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be white

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Yes? Biggest cock on the world is a white brother.

why do her legs BLOW UP past the hips? Wtf it looks awful

She looks like a bug.

Damn imagine the contrast of my cum on her black booty.

Literally built for BWC

Fucking leafs are even worse than the plague on steroids.

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I think I'd rather have the plague.

Seems like the top half isn't proportional to the bottom half.


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If every black girl looked like that, there would be no racism.

Shes ugly. How do you like dem apples?

my dick definitely has a higher than normal density of melanin receptors

She looks like she fucks white dudes, meds and slavs even.

FUCK niggers, literally

She looks like a babboon.

Also kills fatherhood, steady employment and IQ

The biggest thing I dislike in any woman, regardless of her melamine quantities, is the fat ass.

So is the green stupid glow supposed to be chink moot's way of celebrating April 1st?

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Tell that to Brooklyn lol

she looks like she fucks white guys


bestiality is what got us into this mess in the first place

Anti-mutts law?

>Black Chun-Li waifu
Wtf I love black people now

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1. Bullshit
2. get good at Photoshop, syrupnigger

Then why is Italy harder hit than Germany?

Now we know the origins of the
Big black coronavirus :
Are negresses the cure?

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God she's cute.

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I'd kill dat ass.

She cute

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flat *ite roastie

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the monkey would be a solid 7 if she had her hair straightened

how old are they in this?

>africans are even too dirty for viruses

i would chew her tits and ass right off of her wriggling body while forcing Jannies to watch

old enough

The only thing keeping this from being common in the US (brown + black, interracial) is the culture.
They're very different from each other in their foundations. Although black culture takes it's own form the foundation is the same as the whites. It's what you see as being "American", they both share the same base culture of this country which is different from a chicano, a first gen other than mexico or immigrant. This is why you see so many whites and blacks mix together, it's actually based on shared personality/culture. Both blacks and whites are thoroughly United Statesmen.

If you think you can make it work there are definitely opportunities. Black chicks dig native american aesthetics.

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would you vaccinate if it made you black

This is why celebrs adopt niglets. They can eventually harvest them.
Haitti and human trafficking.
Whites for magick rituals of the highest order on top of harvesting
Blacks for certain medical benefits of melanin
May that rot in hell

We're not like the States. We have attractive ones here.

If only it protected against STDs...

I slept with that woman and I’ve been oozing this green liquid from my penis for the last few hours. What could that mean?

>melanin kills wu flu
It's the smell


Yes sure i could go out there and claim to have the biggest dick and people should believe me too

Nigger countries don't have the tech to properly test coronavirus. That's why they appear to be hit the lowest.

Cope more shitskin. Just search it up.

Do poltards seriously think that melanin is exclusive to blacks?

Whites have melanin too. But lower.

I did cumskin keep coping with your 4.5 inches

probably zero


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