Default on me get all this for free.
Rents due pay up
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Mines bigger
[front toward enemy intensifies]
(You call that a gun)
i have that same shirt on right now
Shitcocks fans are just the worst.
I slice my stomach and chest with razor blades soaked in rats blood and pay homeless women to shit on me until I die from infection.
HA guy's probably a convicted felon. They can still own a gun, just not one that is legally classified as a firearm, i.e. a black powder gun of a 130+ year old design.
Well, there's a snake on it.
lmao white nigger you won't even have time to pull that pea shooter before I fill you with lead (in minecraft)
Nice dick you got there. But that big snake won't make it shoot any better.
I don't pay rent to Zoomers.
come and get it
You know you still have to follow the law, right? Have fun getting sued and having to give your tenant free rent forever dumb fuck. You can't just bust into your property with a gun due to non payment of rent.
Not to versed in law but this sounds like a violation of Nap. Okay then, remember you chose this.
Come and take it.
Non-white Americans
HA! This is correct. Dumb people think that anarchy and lawlessness are the same thing. No, anarchy is lawful order enforced by regular people, who themselves, are also subject to the full extent of moral law. It's like how you'd live if you lived in a suburban neighborhood with 25 houses, a grocery store, a bar, and a strip mall, no police station, and nobody else within 1,000 miles of your neighborhood.
We aren't in the old west nigger.
It's a Cimarron .45 based off the Colt in Sergio Leones "dollars trilogy".
I'd get the "Tuco" Frankenstein pistol they make to clear out the tennies but I'm paranoid about getting put on some list when ordering.
You have to order them directly from Italy.
One call to the cops and people that look like op become the most subservient little worms
I have little girly hands and revolver tiggers are so hard for me to squeeze
>he likes to sing along
>dont know what it means
You're not getting shit, kike.
Nirvana and Seahawks? Jew shill
I have a right to a house, and you don't have a right to make me homeless. You don't deserve that extra apartment just for being born rich. You were lucky, I wasn't lucky, and who the fuck do you think you are to be so self righteous and take my apartment away from me just because you get to be rich, and then, now that you are rich, instead of supporting your community you are going to pull even more money from victims of society like me. Don't you understand that you are rich because you are taking more than your fair share? Seriously, you have three places to live when you only need one. I am only having trouble finding a place because you came in and took three houses and left me with none.
Not just you, of course, you are representative of a whole class of parasites victimizing the rest of society, but you should certainly feel ashamed yourself for impoverishing the rest of your countrymen thanks to your laziness and greed.
Poor bait
>6 bullets
You didn't bring enough.
Lmao a Seahawks fan, Nirvana fan, AND a gay revolver. Ik this isn't you OP but this guy is literally a meme. 7/10 bait also *coof*
lol gaaaaayyyyyyy
I already paid my rent days ago. Take your gun (and your Seahawks fandom) elsewhere.
Shut up Frankenstein
What is this the fucking Wild West get a Glock you faggot
Glocks are gay.
So you're a faggot with no taste. Thanks for sharing
Have fun finding parts for you Faggot fancy gun if shit hit the fan
>Nirvana t-shirt
You will get no rent, you will give me your money and I will cum in your daughter's mouth.
Nigger detected
You goys never learn, investments pay you for others work. Real estate requires collecting rent, marketing the property, maintaining it. HAHAHA you call that an investment goy. I call that work. See you later wanna be jew.
Tenants: 1
Landlords: 0
I fire faster
unless landlords come in and straight up molotov their own houses in the middle of the night, the defenders are always going to have an advantage, since landlords are the ones who want a peaceful resolution they'll be baited into lowering their guard to "talk it out" every time.
Holy shit those grips, that is one ugly fucking wheel gun my dude, you buy that from a jamal?
Get fucked landlord faggot
Wrong just not a retard glocks are the most common gun in us easy to find parts and mags
>seahawks hat
>nirvana shirt
You arent going to do jackshit in liberal washington state except get the big Juan goin in dry.
Inslee is going to make YOU pay your tenants gibs, kek
>landlord busts in with gun drawn due to non payment
>landlord gets greeted by his tenant with a larger rifle that holds 5x more ammo
>landlord dies or fucks off
It's a win win honestly
You don’t have to pay rent if you live in moms basement!
Worked pretty well; my tenants paid up. Thanks fren
Alot of white guys with their guns are the equivalent of blacks with "muh dick".
Come at me with a gun pleb ill come at you with jew intellect (pic related) and leave you hoping that you left a bullet in your gun for your self.
OP is a redpill small dick big truck driving faggot
Lol fuckin .22lr faggot blaster. Get a man’s gun you goddamn poser.
Pay ya rent, or I'll send ma boy after you
LOL is that a 22? What are you going to do with that baby gun?
lol seattle pussy has a pussy gun, big surprise. who is this faggot op?
So you don’t pay rent and a get free gun???
Or you being a edgelord saying you’ll murder someone if they don’t pay rent, even though you’ll get blacked by Tyrone if your gonna be mr tough leech.
brandish a weapon at my front door and you will die. period.
Rent in facist