Absolutely NO lockdown in place, no government restrictions at all to combat virus

>Absolutely NO lockdown in place, no government restrictions at all to combat virus
>There isn't any panic, or bodies getting stacked up in the streets

It looks like the literal cucks from Swden aren't as big of FUCKING PUSSIES compared to plebbit faggots from USA. How fucking pathetic hahahahahahahah

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WTF I love sweden now

Not dying isn’t an excuse for cuckoldry

Get back in your hole and thats a police order, bitch ass pussy

I haven’t been able to eat for two days because of this...

lol why?


Don't be a bitch, this virus is puss puss

Not even your wives pussy?

No it’s not, it’s actually really bad for you if you get it...

no it isn't you utter retard. Stop drinking the koo-aid

It is, stop it.

laughs in suomi

Listen you utter fucking moron, you're either a little teenager who believes everything on the news, or you can look at this logically. If this virus was as deadly as they say, dead bodies would be flooding the streets here in USA seeing as we've had infections since January yet only did something about it in March. Conveniently no one was dying in mass for those 2 months. Also 80% of the people who test positive for the virus SHOW 0 SYMPTOMS. Dying from this is like winning a lottery.

I’m not a teenager I’m 20. I don’t want my grandparents to die, I don’t want my lungs to get destroyed and I just want this whole thing to end.

dumb faggot. it's not about death it's about permanent damage done to lungs, testicles, and kidneys. and the fact it loves in your gut and brain neurons and can remain there reinfectjng you at a later date to compound the damage.

kys faggot.

Pffft I don't want anyone from your shitty ass Midsommar human body eating fucking cult Cunt-ry near me, but you can't always get what you want.

This is a debunked facebook myth you piece of shit plebbit niggers. You're granparents arent going to die if you go fucking outside and get a beer you FUCKING PUSSSIES

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>omg tissue damage from diseases!??!
yeah, we've known this happens with diseases for centuries.
until there is more info, the people who get severe damage are probably 2 or 3 times the same rare who will "die". That means nearly nobody.

Shut up, midsommar is a nice tradition and that movie sucked.
Stop it, it’s not a myth...


post your source then

Source for what..,

It will take one maybe two days and o change everything to panic mode as soon as they register 100 deaths a day.

See Holland / Belgium / UK to get the idea.

the fact that "your lungs will be destroyed."

They’re only doing that because their new Swedes would chimp the fuck out in a lockdown

kek probably

Idk, it’s something I heard.

Exactly, a facebook house wife myth. My gf's hairdresser coworkers are the type of fucking morons who parrot that dumb shit

holy shit you are dumb and uneducated.

I don’t think it’s a myth.

HOLY FUCK this comes directly from your own scientists, you nigger kraut


You say you're not a teenager, yet you're going to take word of mouth on face value. You have the mind of an elementary school girl

If you get it go infect some muslims or niggers.

I’m not dumb.

Yes you are. You're a fucking idiot

Joking off course.

No I’m not.
I don’t want to infect anyone.

Why are you here when you could be out in public "grabbing a beer" and enjoying other peoples company like you're advocating for?

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Yes but Sweden needs less niggers and muslims though, and more Nordic aryan people.

I cant because a bunch of stupid ass niggers locked down all bars and restaurants, yet convenitnetly allowed all the Mcdonalds and Taco Bells to stay open. Only a supreme fucking retard thinks a lockdown will do anything to prevent a virus from spreading.


Its so easy to point out you statist appeal to emotion pussies. I hope you get hit by a bus and die slowly and painfully

No comment.

Not replying to the Swede cuz he is infected, but why are all Swedes such feminine pussies? Even the way they type is girlish.

If you're not unhealthy in some way or other you should be fine.. Being old is a risk, but a 101 year old lady was just released from hospital here the other day because she survived.

Having a pre-existing lung condition puts you at significant risk, allegedly.. But the most striking thing about the situation in the Netherlands currently is that 90% of ALL Corona patients in ICUs have BMIs over 25.

tldr; If you're not old or fat, and are without lung diseases you should be fine. No guarantees obviously, but the same is true for crossing the street.

Implying they can get the new Swedes to do anything

Sweden desires a purge of older Swedes to make the immigrants dominant. To make Sweden less white and lass Swedish.

I know, but I’m still worried.

Sweden is not pussies, they are naive idiots that don't recognize danger.

>See Holland

The news is nuts, but in fairness: Except for the quiet streets and the complete lack of traffic jams, life just goes on.. There really isn't that much of a panic. Even hospitals are relatively quiet, because all non emergency care & all medical appointments that could be moved are being postponed, changed to telephone consults or rescheduled.. I just talked to a pediatric nurse today (my friend's wife) and she says the hospital she works at is calm, except for the ICU which is basically full even though capacity was doubled in the past weeks.

The MAIN thing we were warned about in this country is the risk of running out of ICU beds/breathing aid capacity.. That has proven to be true so far. Pre Corona we had a capacity of 1150 ICU beds in this country. Because we're tiny, and have good roads, that's enough. About 60% are usually occupied at any given time... Currently, there are 1200+ people in ICUs for Corona alone, along with 'regular' ICU patients.. Plan is to have 2400 ICU beds available by next week.. The real worry is whether or not that will be enough.

Germany has huge capacity though, and some hospitals in the border region have already offered to house Dutch patients in their ICUs.


So long as you don't need an ICU bed, it's fine. If you DO need an ICU bed, and in decent health and shape, you'll likely live. Just don't be fat, and don't be late.

Maybe if you post a picture of your chest I will be able to determine if you are at risk or not

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literally 80% of people who contract the virus are asymptomatic. The overall massive majority of people who catch the virus fight it off themselves without even noticing they were sick

youre not fooling anyone chink

>blah blah blah ICU beds

Propaganda, this virus is no different than every flu season every year see

Nej and nice try.

Are you a female?

As clean as my name.

has to be seeing as this user is acting like a tremendous little bitch

>Sweden Begins to Abandon Liberal Coronavirus Approach as Deaths Surge
More fatalities than Denmark, Norway & Finland combined.
OP is a Dunning-Kurger.


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>literally 80% of people who contract the virus are asymptomatic. The overall massive majority of people who catch the virus fight it off themselves without even noticing they were sick

This is true for most viruses. What's special about this one, from what I understand, is that it A) spreads like wildfire and B) causes SEVERE lung conditions in a small portion of cases.. But a small percentage of a huge number is still big.

>>blah blah blah ICU beds

>Propaganda, this virus is no different than every flu season every year see

Do you think the European nations affected are just doing this to dab on some Yanks or some shit?

Do they stack corpses into cooling trucks in American cities every flu season? Because somehow I think that would have caught some press earlier..

posting all day on Yas Forums and wont get infected....
superior german imunity

based Swedes

No, all of your media stations and politicians are bought buy China. Just look at all the begging and worshipping over China sending relief supplies, look at the WHO that is clearly in bed with China.

>death surge

Nice big spooky words, nigger

get in the boxcar, kike
it's for your own safety

You have low IQ.

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>Get quoted by infected Yank
>Get infected


kill yourself pussy.

That has no relevance at all to the convo.
Shut up, most guys are freaking out too you know...

they are fixing Sweden
mudslime ghettos are suffocating right now, you just need to convince them that mudslime prayer will save them

>180 deaths in 3 months
wow what a catastrophe. Not surprising this post came from an infowars brainlet

so there are other faggy men, great. No need to jump on the puss puss bandwagon


Yes and she told me she has a cute tummy in another thread

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Shut up, corona is serious.

You are a pathetic piece of shit who cannot possibly be anything other than a burden and an annoyance in your community. The benefit of this virus is that such people will suffer and have to toughen up and stop being faggots or be eliminated.

It isn't serious, like at all. Watch these two videos
There is literally nothing to be afraid of you gay retard