Update on actual corona carrier

This is beyond painful, do not let retards shill this as the flu; my internal body temperature is hovering around 40 degrees and my nose keeps bleeding. Girlfriend is in tears, she also has it. FUCK the NHS and FUCK free healthcare.

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>fuck free healthcare
fuck you faggot let's see you deal with a pandemic

Stop being a fat cunt /thread

It gets worse, user.
Are those opportunistic infections on your knuckles?
Pic related.

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>those fat hands
>those tattoos

so this... is the power of the anglo...

>40 degrees
you must be freezing bro

kill yourself already

>hovering around 40
>the NHS
Bongs and their immigration policies lmaooooooooo


those are junkie hands

thats celcius bro

Huhuhuhuh you're gonna die.

coof btw

Deal with it op, fuck off our healthcare is full
>select all squares with: chimneys

bro how heavy r u

>fat hands
nothing of value was lost

>40 degrees

Do you live in Antarctica or something? Jesus that's cold.

Are you a pikey?

>knuckle tattoos
>sausage fingers
It's ok, we'll be alright if you pass away

Bro, this is why are country looks dumb

Yet you're not infected on here...

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>fat hands
> viral infection
You have an endocrine disorder called Cushing syndrome

excess cortisol causes down regulation of the immune system and increase beta 1 receptors leading to high blood pressure which is causing your nose bleeding.

RIP piggy bong

race traitor

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That looks infected.

I had it and all i had was a sore throat and coof LMAOA, imagine having a weak immune system :)

He's probably a pikey mate .

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>fookin ell me and the missus got the Chinky Flu when we scored our bags of gear from that Asian lad
>top gear but fug duh NHS

Yikes, is that your claw?

proofs? how do you know you had it
and why was your illness not as severe as others?

Lost some weight user. Also, those tattoos are gay as aids. You're a goner mate.

Judging by the tattoos and the gold bracelets he's a pikey, so those cuts are probably from his latest bare knuckle fight.

>1 post by this id

Healthcare is what your mother did for you as a child, what you do for yourself as an adult.
MEDICINE is what a physician practices.

"free" healthcare

Explain, is this what covid actually does?

>faggot bracelet
Nothing of value was lost faggot bong

He's one of you, NI probably. Got that pikey look about him.

Damn, so hes a beta?

>Tattoos on fingers
>fat fucking hand
>gold bling bling
Yeah fucking choke on corona faggot

No this guy has something like AIDS he’s a fat fucking Romanian who is an alcoholic he also has heart problems. He’s gonna die of something other than corona.

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Trump did this to you, user.

Look at those gay ass tattoos, OP is a faggot

Neosporin you fat bitch.

You fags cant infect me, I am immune..
I..am...Funky Fresh

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Looks more like kaposi sarcoma

Gargle with salt, take Aspirin or Paracetamol.
You and your girl bathe in minimum 50 gram of salt and one cup hydroxyperoxide 20 minutes every evening.
Stop whining it makes it worse.
Drink water not alcohol, eat chickensoup.


kek. i lost my coof. can someone please give me the coof again

You're not immune, but I am. Too based to be pozzed.

This is just a hardworking man or a football lad.

Sorry 500 g salt

his hand is swolen from shooting

Your can’t make this shit up

>1 post by this
yawn, another fake and gay larp.

No your not user. If im going down your going with me

Clearly well enough to post on Yas Forums. If you have hyperpyrexia you'll be so fucking sick you'd be delirius.

>40c temp
nigga you gonna die.

>>Bro, this is why are country looks dumb
it's our, not are you fucking bugertard

Day 9 isolation user here.
It's fucking nothing.
I should have symptoms by now if I have it, which is probably likely.

flag checks out

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flag checks out

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uwu who are these semen demons?

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He's dead, and in a refrigerater.

Wash your hands with soap and avoid cleansing them with alcohol-based disinfectant. It's damaging your skin.

Bro, 2 sites I was on had positives on them. I've been at home for 3 days now, no change to me though.

Construction will be the next sector to burn. Watch.

fuck you fat fuck fucking pikey faggot bitch

did you suddenly get unbelievable back and shoulder pain? i dont have a fever or coof but god damn i woke up this morning and rolled over to get out of bed and the pain was excruciating

COVID-19 happener faggots in 3 months when nobody with a life even remembers the coronavirus outbreak:
>NOOOOOOOO not the hecking plaguerino!!!! This was supposed to be the end of the world as we know it!! This virus was the only passion and exciting thing I've known for the last 10 years of me living with my parents and browsing Yas Forums all day!! Now I have to keep living this shit life because the fucking jews are always keeping us white folks down!! FUUCK now my parents are never going to stop joking about that time when I freaked out over that flu that killed a bunch of sick old people. Even the few relatives that still talk to me are going to hear about this. Shit! I should never have mentioned that bioweapon thing to my parents or that thing about how the virus never leaves the body and gradually breaks down the immune system. Now they are all laughing at me!! Fucking kike posters on Yas Forums tricked me!! Goddammit I was supposed to be a post-apocalyptic tribe leader!!!! I'm so intellectually superior and charismatic that people in the in post-apocalypse would totally accept me as their leader, even the people with actual survival training, military training, combat experience and leadership experience!! Back in 2014 when I still had the attention span to play video games I played tons of STALKER so I know way more about post-apocalyptic survival than those FUCKING normies!! Fucking normies are so fucking stupid!! I once quickly skimmed through this article that said that normies don't have inner monologue or something!! They are like NPC's guys!! They just have jobs and families because they run on autopilot and blindly follow their primal instincts while I'm stuck with the curse of a thinking brain!! They would not survive the apocalypse without my leadership! Goddammit I was going to deny starving families from sharing my rations because then they would have been sorry for being NPC's and not prepping!!! NOOOOOOO WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE A NOTHINGBURGERINO????

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>damaged skin on knuckles
The problem in this situation isn't alcohol-based disinfectant

No one is going to read that.

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