In this thread we discuss the political ramifications and consequences that black women have in our society today

In this thread we discuss the political ramifications and consequences that black women have in our society today

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you had 1 job swede bro that picture is terrible

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come on Sweden...
That pic? really really?

your newness to ebony is showing australia
once you are a seasoned vet, only bbw ebony will suffice, nothing less

UP your test levels. they are in critically low territory

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Shame on (you) OP. You were supposed to post a Kween, not a hambeast.

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why would you fuck fatties

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resort back to response here shilling skinny ebony should honestly be a crime and only shows your profound whiteness at heart
it's like going halfway into ebony fetishism but not going all the way in. very very disrespectful

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pol brethren gave up... too weak you were

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Build for big white cock

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I like them thicc but the OP pic is straight obese, my son in time you will understand how to garner taste within this fetish we share

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That's because you're posting hambeasts and uggos, not Kweens.

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I nut in negresses always

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When you give them power.

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That revolting ass is ramifying me right to the weight bench.

I'd Best in her Carmen, if you know what I mean

you merely adopted the fetish, I was born in it, molded by it..
>not bbw posting to scare off and expose the low t men that hide amongst us
>not seeking out the highest echelons of slamhogs to test your might
it's like you don't want to prove your manlyhood
you will soon learn the dark arts..... maybe

>non THICC
whiteman ebony starter kit

white bois really scared

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gib fiery mysterious dark panther gf

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you're false flagging us people who are attracted to obesity I see your tricks schlomo

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or better yet 2 gfs

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I need to breed with a black woman

Black women, statistically, are the "most educated" demographic in my country.

us as people who are attracted to obesity*

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Only a black queen's African genetics will do for my lineage

>posts an equally thicc (in other peoples words obese) blacc girl
what did he mean by this..

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Woman in OP's image would break a voting booth if she sat on it and that would stop others from voting thus having a political ramification.

See, negresses like that are hot.

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its time to reclaim our property and get them to work the wheatfields before we work them between our sheets

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I'm showing you where the line is for me if they have too much cellulite or fat stomachs it's a no also no your picture is fat in comparison to what I posted I think you are body blind

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God, I must admit, that looks like ex-gf. I was still bluepilled back then, let me tell that these bodies look much much better in clothes than in real life. Also a shower before sex is absolutely required, just because they're "thick" doesn't mean they don't sweat like a fat chick. If you're out doing any actual movement like moving furniture and shit, the pussy stench hits you like an upper cut. I dunno if nigresses all smell worse, since it was my first and only non-White girl but even not sweaty unless she's talcum powdered and perfumed she'd have such an odd smell.

I would be interested if you could find hot black women standing around in banana tree fields or watermelon fields etc

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Black women are built for breeding

daily reminder if you don't choose the strongest west african stock you will have weak harvests

>fat stomachs it's a no
agreed. depending on

>your picture is fat in comparison to what I posted
agreed. but simply saying how others would percieve that girl...

>you are body blind
I can assure you I am not. I'm an expert at both identifying pixels and body types due to rigorous studying of morphology along with fitness, giving me a top tier knowledge of bodyfat and bodytypes

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Tranner bod

Built for BWC.


chocolate booty goood

built for Big White Rhinos

>God, I must admit, that looks like ex-gf.
sounds pretty based to me.
there might come a point where the fatness is simply just TOO much though. when that point hits, who knows?
fat deposition and frame is crucial

another of her

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>if you don't choose the strongest west african stock you will have weak harvests
And a weak bloodline
African genes are superior


why /pol claims is redpilled or nationalist when it clearly loves black queens?

Absolute units

she looks one of those prehistoric stone age fertility statuettes

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Loving black queens is redpilled. Also the best kind of nationalism is ebony/mulatta nationalism.

the most useless people in society

OP is literally unironically nonwhite. No nonnigger in the entire world would find this attractive. No chance in hell.

maybe, let's stop in fighting as we're both queen lovers, but I prefer thiccies like this I do understand what you mean though normalfags would perceive mine as fat probably and DEFINITELY what you're posting as fat
>he doesn't know that a conglomeration of ancaps, libertarians, national socialists and ebony lovers founded Yas Forums after /new/ died

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Man, she looks exactly like that. I had to really study the pic to she her nose shape was different because that's exactly how she looked like.

How do white women even still exist when there's women like this out there

Colonizing and bleaching Kweens is absolutely based and fucks up niggers mentally

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ITT: yuck

82% of black women are clinically obese


ancient civlisations were bbw pilled

when you quoted the second pic I knew you were def low test with guarantee. what happened to you Franz

the BBW is the allmighty equalizer, who can withstand it's crushing power and who which will not...
if you like BBW then you are battlefield tested simple as and have chronically high levels bordering on dangerous territory...

sounds based to me. here another

bbw whites also exist with equally good ass. but don't tell any ebonyposters I said that
plus she's also shooped

..and that's a good thing

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no way she can wipe properly


one mo

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the best part about black girls is the colour contrast when you shoot your load on them

>not in

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ok, you like these black women and their amazing asses in your bwc.

it turns out that these black women you divulge are not culturally allied to your purposes and causes, they hate it, they are the kind that is more enthralled with that hip-hop shit, queen twitter, and so many other idiotic things.

I preferred a lucid black woman with big asses but not inserted in this rotten and junk hip-hop culture.

That is one infected and diseased ass

although i want to fuck a nigger i can't ever let my family find out about it. it would have to be a secret relationship

Based. Negresses are the worst.

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that's part of the thrill mr niggerfucker

probably true

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>being this much of an abo

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>t.low test

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>t. Achmed
You need to go back to your sandnegresses

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thi is now a high test niggerfucking chads thread

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I dunno italian women are just as loud and bossy as your average negress and besides you just need to be picky about your women no matter the race at the end of the day and yes I do know what I am talking about med immigrants that come here are extremely loud and obnoxious and are no different from other wogs like sand niggers

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ghetto ratchet nigresses > larping preppy nigresses desu

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feels good to not have our threads pruned for once we've always been the silent majority on Yas Forums but literal tranny jannies delete any discussion of ebonies and the political implications they have on white men

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black people are disgusting. god i hate them so much.

>high test
>going for the ugliest women
>going for the most easy to pick up women
Someone's lying

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If you want her to sit on your face does she make you sign a waiver first?