Redpill me on shrooms

Redpill me on shrooms.

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brain damage

I micrdose psilocybin. Makes me smile

Look like penis

Actually it promotes myelin regrowth

Turned me from an objective atheist into a fundamentally spiritual person. So it’s helped me there. Given me a lot more peace of mind. They aren’t even hard to find, going back up to my family farm soon pick up more from the cow paddies.

Variously the best or worst high you've had in a very long time. You are taking a genuine poison if you don't know. Low doses can make you have an absolutely wonderful experience. Tread lightly. The shrooms know how to bite.

I'm thinking about trying them to gain some sort of spiritual contentedness. I heard they work pretty good for that.

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they will lift the veil
for me I've become obsessed with calculus and higher math since getting into hallucinogens. Be careful. It could happen to you.


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Now our posts are green and we will die soon. Oh whacky mushroom why?

press F for my ego

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-12 pol - Thoughts on psychedelic drugs - Politically Incorrect - 4chan.png (890x471, 94.7K)

They'll give you a profound eureka feeling that makes it seem like they aren't making you completely retarded.

Shrooms are based but mildly frightening
Acid if fun but ultimately not enlightening

they are degenerate drugs that make the user retarded.

Based and redpilled


A good tool when used properly by the right people. My friend who was a heavy opiate and benzo user for almost 20 years quit using after one mushroom trip. He had to taper the benzos though because that was dangerous. Opiates he quit cold turkey immediately. Never touched them again. It put life in perspective for him.
Not to sound like an elitist but psychedelics aren't meant for low iq people though. Just saying.

Don’t blame shrooms for your retardation

don't hold your breath

Thinking you are accessing some "ego" or a godly being while being drugged is retarded. Its no different from what the shamans and druids in America and Europe thought. Its nothing special, it just fucks up your sensations and makes you feel dreamy, but you are actually awake. All you get from drugging yourself is some illusions created by your brain and every brain responds differently to stimulus, so its different for every one. That's my opinion tho.

wanna take a big ol munch out of pic related

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badger badger badger badger

>Shrooms are based but mildly frightening
>Acid if fun but ultimately not enlightening
You don't think acid is enlightening? I find both to be equally as enlightening. A strong shroom trip can be a real kick in the balls though. Much harder to control than acid imo.

They are awesome if you have a strong mind, degenerate if you are a degenerate

Turns normies into schizos. Causes brain damage. It's just another drug they use to keep you from revolting. Degenerate shit, same as all the other shit degenerates push. Bad for family, bad for work, bad for health. Take your soma, goy.

They restored my faith in God.


a shorcut for spirituality that doesnt actually work, but actually hinders you in the end. You all know it stop lying to yourselves.
Also no one has the balls to take famous heroic dose, cause you'd go full retarded, there's your redpill

>higher math
>pick one
shrooms make me stop being violent.

Well have you ever done them?

I mean, if you really are a totally straight laced person, acid will offer you some new avenues of thinking but nothing you wouldn't get from having been well read or just smarter than average, IMO.
When a group does acid together, you vibe hard and have a good time but it's just some fun.
Mushrooms in a group is to be avoided because the energy of others is very intense and, frankly, distracting from the personal revelations you'll get if you just do mushrooms Terry style

No, I have never done any drugs. My neighbor did grow weed tho, and my classmate smoked, he said weed is a no big deal.

>they are degenerate drugs that make the user retarded.
They're a drug that often turn degenerates into non degenerates. Look at the studies that were done involving mushrooms/lsd being used to cure alcohol/drug addiction. The cofounder of Alcohol Anonymous got clean using lsd. I've read about people being cured of their sexual issues also. Whores, both male and female, who become monogamous with one trip. Psychedelics can really improve your outlook on life.

They a very redpilled food, very tasty. I just bought a plug kit for shitake and blue oysters. Can wait to start growing.

>psilocybin causes brain damage
Oh wow, really? Source?

They're neither as profound nor as dangerous as anyone here will tell you. They're just fun, and provide an enjoyable high and a pretty unique way of thinking about things. Don't eat more than a gram or two your first time. If you start tripping out real hard and getting anxious, drink a beer or a glass of wine, the alcohol has a grounding effect and, as a downer, can calm the intensity of the experience. Smoking weed (for me at least) does the opposite of alcohol - it just amplifies the experience. Wouldn't recommend getting stoned while you're tripping your first time (if you don't usually smoke weed, just don't get stoned at all)

>you in the end.
Which is? It already succeeded in making me spiritual.
> Also no one has the balls to take famous heroic dose
Plenty of people do it, look it up. I plan on doing it when I get enough shrooms to dry

Gave me severe DP/DR and filled my mind with delusions. One time I took 7 grams and started thinking about Jesus Christ and for some reason everything that I was thought was true was revealed to be delusion and demonic manipulation.
I thanked the Lord for opening my eyes and I never did psychedelics again. Now I just pray, fast, do semen retention, and read the bible. Making music is also useful as well as meditation.
Psychedelics are popular because it's viewed as the easier route to spiritual contentedness / enlightenment. The problem is they do the opposite, they make you delusional. The wrong path is short and easy to find, the right path requires searching and it takes a long time to get to the other side.

shut the fuck up. Nice shitpost

Jesus keeps you sane
i don't need jesus
god is real
fuck your desert cult

Your anger just reveals your fear

>taking a factually non-toxic substance that stripps away the Jewish conditioning you doubtlessly received having been raised in a western democracy = bulepilled
>praying to the Jewish god of cheek turning and nigger acceptance = redpilled
Yea, no thanks.

All there is to it basically, research the active ingredient. Psilocybin has been found in studies to treat/cure certain mental disorders with a success rate similar if not higher then synthetics. Big pharma doesn’t like this because it’s easy to obtain and can’t make as much profit off of it.

I highly suggest trying it at least once. Especially during a nice long hike or with a big music playlist ready to go!

>They restored my faith in God.
This happens often. They create a legit religious experience for many people.

The experience you have is 100 percent linked to the particular strain. And unlike weed there's no big book on what strains are which and what they do. Every dose of mushrooms is a roll of the dice.

My first trip was super hardcore but i had crippling nausea the ENTIRE time.

My second trip was practically nothing, they just didn't work unless i smoked weed with them too.

You're a fucking nigger poster that hails from nigger africa

Judaism didn't exist when Christ walked the earth. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees because he knew they were creating Judaism. He called them children of the devil, the synagogue of Satan, Moloch worshipers.
>Turn the other cheek
That verse means don't respond to insults with violence. Do you really attack any person that insults you? That's extremely primitive and degenerate.

Source is his panic attack 7g trip, as with all no drug boomers on this board.

>It already succeeded in making me spiritual
yeah? in which way. Do you have power? or is it just bs in your head. Have fun with your 'heroic' dose
who said anything about desert religions, keep eating the poison, after all it takes no work. you think spirituality is about taking drugs, or does it takes effort like all things that are worth

"genuine poison"

>probably inhales benzos like its your job

sure, pal.

They let you briefly peek through the veil without actually piercing it. It’s a good place to start when looking to open your mind. But only do it on very rare occasion, as the price for seeing the other side is that you’re delayed in getting there. For the real deep dive start looking into Alchemy and the mystic traditions.

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the recipe
>pitch black room
>audio bible

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people who talk a lot of shit about mushrooms and other psychedelics usually have never tried them. very interesting experiences that force you out of your stagnant and hardened mindset.

i know you get angry a lot too, don't ever lie piece of shit

fucking incredible.

I fucking hate the smiling emojis


How to grow magic mushrooms? Asking for a friend

Wtf are you talking about you retard schizo. I mean that it showed me a world that is other than the material. a world that I couldn’t explain away with the scientific method. It gave me inner peace about death, purpose and life. It Made me left handed for a week and destroyed any use of my biceps for a day. Got rid of temporary anxieties and made me more nice.

fuck you fucking kike loving zog

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And letting primitive hominids into your society and allowing them to mongrelize humans is degenerate and yet its the Christian thing to do.
>TRT doesn't work because it would clash with my worldview if it did
Ok, dummy, whatever you say.

They're fun but don't try to attach meaning to the experience.

shroomery dot org i think

people think they are visiting astral planes and shit when really it's just their nuerons firing like mad.


Take dried mushrooms, powder them, mix with melted dark chocolate, coconut oil, and some Quest peanut butter protein powder. Pour into molds, put in freezer.
When solid, pull out of freezer, use heat gun on tops until sheen is visible, add sea salt flakes, back in freezer for ten minutes.

you have to be in a good place to do boomers


The ceiling opened up, and I was gonna break thru, but I didn't have enough to open my third eye.

Nigga what.

Trust me, user, you are connecting to and perceiving real things that are typically beyond your perception. There is no shortcut to enlightenment, so there are other ways to access that state of mind, but entheogens will throw you into the void and humble you. And it's a lot of fun and completely safe, so why not?
The only reason not to, is pic related. If you peak behind the curtain too much it can become overwhelming to your waking life. But some people have a natural curiosity and will want to see for themselves.

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It literally says in the bible NOT to do that. You're making the common mistake of judging Christ based on Christians.
Christ is not Christian humans.
The bible says God determined all of our nations and that we should live in them FOREVER, until the day we die. NEVER go to another nation, and especially do not go to another nation as a visitor and disrespect their laws or culture.
But overall you should stay in your own nation, so says God.

It’s very easy for us burger. You can get all the materials legally for less than a hundred bucks. The spores are the most sketchy part about it and even those are completely legal to buy you just have to go to websites like Shroomery to find a website that’s trusted. Alternatively you can research your shrooms and how to identify them, then go on walks in areas where they are to be found. Personally I’ve done both but it was far easier to just find them. In any case your gonna need some substrate, spores, jars, and more substrate for growing, there are many guides on shroomery and an entire forum dedicated to it

Dude, people cite Jesus quotes incessantly when they try to make reasons for letting in subhumans to only white nations.
How if your interpretation of Hitler Nazi Jesus more valid than theirs?
Spoiler: It isn't.
Why not make science and objectivity your god?
No way to twist that beyond just outright lying.

Its not worth taking. Any potential benefits dont outweigh the risks. There is a chance you can go psychotic and spend months in a mental hospital.

That means that they probably had some sort of mental illness to begin with.

If you're redpilled on the absolutely wretched and putrid things Jews have done to humanity and still stay sane, I don't think any revelation on mushrooms will hurt worse than that

take them and they'll redpill you themselves