We are destined to become a society of simps and whores soon and there’s no stopping it

We are destined to become a society of simps and whores soon and there’s no stopping it.
do you agree?

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It already happened.


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>to become
happened 30 years ago faggot

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Realistic sex dolls will be the death knell of thottery

What if sex dolls get really good and affordable? whores would lose a good chunk of their audience, since simps would rather spend money on physical goods rather than pointless donations.


Nice cunny.

Hivemind confirmed, also can I get the coof from you if you’re cured?

Happened year ago. Old news.

kikes and whores will ban them like everything else that only benefits affluent males

does anyone else ever get violent thoughts when they see a woman
like whenever i see some fucking thot sticking her ass out wearing almost nothing obviously vying for attention and wanting to be desired, i find it hard to stop myself from daydreaming about bashing her smug fucking whore face in with a fucking golf club, watching her expression go from that fake "trying to be cute" face they all make to fear and then horror as she starts screaming and pleading with me before i hit her again and knock the wind out of her disgusting whore body, her screaming turns to frantic gurgling as i keep bashing her stupid fucking face in over and over until even that subsides, she's unrecognizable her head is a bloody bubbling pulp, all shades of red speckled with bright white and soggy grey littering her crushed cranium alongside tufts of her stupid fucking dyed hair jesus fucking christ i hate these people so god damned much i don't even want pussy from them i don't want their attention i don't want to be liked by these vile people they're disgusting, if one of them touched me i'd cut my fucking hand off i just want them to fucking DIE


explain to me what a 'simp' is... please.

Oh ass, ive got the coof. I was doing fine earlier. What happened?


forgive your mother dude, before it's too late

Already happening to a degree. Spineless beta loser are still a problem, but a lot of men are waking up. E-thot stream girls have already been shafted by a anime girl lol.

go back!

Coof coof

I'm recovered. Don't know whether I'm still contagious though.


Bastard you gave it me

> ID get gas
> post is all green
What did kek mean by this

It's your own fault if you're interacting with me.

blessed cure

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Yes, we lost the benchmark of morality (christianity) so now every generation slips further and further into degeneracy than the last.
We need a replacement for Christianity that provides the same objective moral benchmark without the faith/spiritual aspect that allows people to turn away from it.
Otherwise we will reach the point of pure degeneracy and hedonism within a couple more generations, followed by the destruction of civilisation.

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No. I think we are in the apocalypse.
And for every 100 whimps, simps and cuckolds there is a me. My detox is OFF but corona is stopping me right now. Once I work out a way (condoms do not stop the revenge of the Chinese soup bat virus) I will be back at it. Cocaine+viagra+ovulating wenches = fun
Have 1 me-art on me, by me and starting... me of course. Notice the theme that’s most important to me?

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uhhh guys?

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I feel the same exact way...these stupid overly posed for pics, they're ridiculous.

Imagine the smell.

Short for SIMPLETON. Basically a guy that goes for girls

Bro you just posted cringe

Yeah I know the feeling.
I know a lot of woman hate is just cope but honestly when I see these whores posing on social media I am not attracted at all, just disgusted at the attention seeking and corruption of everything feminine.
What they are flaunting is nothing they have achieved through their own merit either, just the genetic lottery.
All I see in their smug faces is how happy they are to be destroying society, how happy they are to live a life of being a completely vapid, useless piece of flesh.

Femininity is all but non existent in modern society. The only time you ever get a glimpse of it is in children or devout christians.

.yeah imagine having that for a gf NO TY.
I'd rather die alone yes siree Bob

Snoofing used socks is based

better than christcuck monogamy

that's not gonna happen any time soon

oh, so she's an old hag. Whatever

Ahmed would be proud. Inshallah brothers

too old

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Who is the tranny?

You are justified but keep in mind this was their endgame.
Better treat them like children and only beat them when they bet you, and even that's not recommended due to the way the law is applied.

this is the problem with YOU STUPID RACIST NAZI KEK SIMP FEMINIST PEASANTS posts. they fail to recognize just how bad things really are.

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That’s not any porn I know of
>t. pornhead

the actual rule is only beat a woman that you own, if she attacks you make fun of her man for not controlling her

You might be in trouble if you prefer a "petite" body type and try to get it shipped to your home from an international place of origin


I think of Rome when I see women now...

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Waaaaa! Another thread about how evil beautiful, sexually empowered women are.

Literally 99% of everyone posting this shit are white, ugly, and microdicked.

Women like these intimidate white nerds.

You cucks couldn't even hold eye contact with them for more than two seconds.

Women like this can only be tamed by aggressive, superior BBC.

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Cursed image.

*sniff* *sniff*

BBCposters are indistinguishable from neoconservatives

Its not about that so much as the emotional attraction, everyone will straight up just turn gay if this happens

If "simp" means sympathetic, fucking finally. Compassion is good.

They’re indistinguishable from chinks and half breed asians

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It is short for SIMPLETON. Basically a guy that goes for girls

>High-waisted jeans
Oh dear

They’re in


why is it that everyone who says compassion is good is a slimy poisonous snake who would sell his own mother for social approval?

We’ve always been a society of simps and whores. Literally since the beginning of time.


Wait, where was I?

Why do they all dress the same

No. Those of strong will are going to thrive.

life is not internet. IRL nobody look these girls


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lol life is cruel

no, since women's liberation. china has always been a society of simps since the beginning of time.
women's liberation means imposing on Whites the hypergamous sexual practices of niggers and chinks


nice SIMP MEME!!

Only if said whores do more diaper porn. My penis is in one hand, and my credit card is in the other!

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Men would have to learn how to control themselves but unfortunately they're stupid animals. If there wasn't a financial incentive to whoring than no one would be whoring. But you idiots keep throwing money at women and fucking fat chicks and niggers because of your disgusting fetishes ruining the DNA pool.

Suckas.Idolising.Mediocre Pussy

Thats literally my ex-gf. Blonde with black pants lmfao

>pic related

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Saved this EPIC MEME!!!

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Sucka Idiolizing Mediocre Pussy

I’d prefer to just place them in a nunnery and make them wear cloaks

>t. newfag redditor/instagram hero

diaperfags are worse than furries desu

>t. SIMP

no, but things aren't looking good either way.

You can thank /asp/ for that if you know who the people on the bill is.

>Thats literally my ex-gf. Blonde with black pants lmfao
So you're (part of) the reason why she's like that.
Both genders are shit anymore. I want to become an amish.

Wasn't there a VR thot on twitch blowing roastie profits out of the water?

Not really. If you browsed /abdl/, it's unanimously a Yas Forums approved fetish for obvious reasons, and if the girl is cute, it's a win-win. I have no desire to be an animal and wanting to fuck another animal. It's fun being the dominant species known as man, y'know?

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Yeah, until the deplatforming started to happen. I should have put money down on it as it was inevitable.

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