ITT: Ask an actual member of the "Illuminati" anything

ITT: Ask an actual member of the "Illuminati" anything
Been in Bilderberg, Trilateral Commission, G8 meetings, etc.
You don't have to believe me, it really doesn't matter.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Is it true that you have to let the higher ups diddle your b hole?

When does the REAL culling begin?

So, If real. What ist the last Illumination?
Have you done it?

Have you seen the giant human skeletons in the south pole?

Where is Tupac?

There are many people in positions of power who have traded sex for it. Me? No. I was plucked out of academia.
Never, there's never gonna be this big global genocide. But you guys are kind of right about things like abortion, infertility, making it harder and harder economically for the weak and the stupid (read: you) to have children and families. There's no centralized plan for eugenics but almost everyone in the elite is, in the words of moldbug, "not exactly allergic to it"

He's dead. The guy who shot him was paid off, yes. By whom? Couldn't tell you. I'm too young for that stuff. But it's well known that it was intentional and Tupac "needed to die"

Which is your favourite Fleetwood Mac album?

>My single mom mommy is a nurse and we stayed in a hotel that has 5 stars on yelp once. I am an elite.

What is the significance of Antarctica?

Did they pick you or did you join? If they picked you, why ?

I'm an actual illuminati. You're a fraud.

There is no "last illumination". We're all basically Nietszcheans, we'll keep striving for the highest and hope to never reach it. Didn't you watch 2001? lol.

What's the deal behind all the incredibly anti-white policies in the west right now? Why the huge intake of niggers and shitskins?

Zoomer larp confirmed. Sage

Did you make a deal with satan?

why is no porn on tumblr anymore

Bilderburg isn't secret because people know about it. Are there any actually secret groups that you could talk about, and their agendas? W
What is the ratio of women to men in your circles.
Do you know anyone that has "fallen out of favor" without your group because they messed up or something?
What is your area of specialty that you are valued for in those groups?

Shelter from surveillance. Secret stuff definitely happens there. Out of my jurisdiction. Ask DARPA or the Air Force, lol.
I like the Seaweed cover of "Go Your Own Way" from Clerks.
I got picked. My IQ is 162 and I'm an expert in artificial intelligence and data science. Can't tell you which university I come from, but I got picked after doing some stuff for the military and intelligence.

>We're all basically Nietszcheans

HAHAHA ok made me reply 1/10

Why not just wipe out africa, south america, and most of china. You are targeting the wrong groups.

at this point these larps are fucking boring and gay.

Any info you give us is useless. It's boring shit you can find on any schizo youtube channel.

Seriously dude, give us something useful or quit being a faggot.

What is the real reason behind the quarantine?

Don't you understand, you're a dead man walking, who gives a shit if other people who are stupid exist?
You could be putting your energy into getting us off the planet, and instead you spend time plotting how to murder?
Greedy, fearful faggots.

Is the immunity stored in my balls?

Will you admit the spinning globe Earth model is a deception?

Give us juicy info you gleaned from your position.

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were the moon landings faked?
were the towers controlled demo?
can plebs get in the illuminti as plumbers?

How old do you believe the Earth is? Do your peers believe the same as you?

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Is the eye of the pyramid the eye of providence?

Providence, of course, due to all the knowledge you all have.

>actual member of the "Illuminati"


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Is the real happening an asteroid or celestial object or is it just conspiracy theorists freaking out because they don’t understand space?

Have you ever heard the mandela effect discussed? What can you tell us about it?
What is a secret that you are privy to that you can share with us.
What is the purpose of chem trails?
Where do the loci of power lie with your orgs? For example, is power equally shared between N. America and Europe, or is it heavily weighted in favor of say, the one specific geographic area or industry

How do you define 'highest' (like refered to in the answer about the 'final illumination')?

Is the pursue of "highest" (I know it's an adjective, but you used that word) an excuse for immoral behaviour, specifically the manipulation of others?

>claims to be picked out of "academia"
>types like that
Yeah, ok.
I'm Donald Trump, AMA. Make Yas Forums GREAT AGAIN!

The weak and stupid are the ones having bigger families

lol zoomers

Since race and ethnicity promote greater social cohesion, why are global powers trying to destroy them?

What is the goal of corona? Was it (((you))) or the good guys?

Thank you

Which holiday is 9/11 named after?

prove it, my wallet is 12cgsqJH3qeeLnLHnJ9YQMpxpDUph3VFu1

ever had to do any weird satanic (or saturn, moloch, you get the idea) rituals?

one of my cats is kinda sick and it feels like she has a fever. will she be ok?

Larps should be banned. If I post my address will you come to my house and tongue my anus

Sorry but I don't believe you.
Generally people that grade that high on IQ tests are high functioning autists, and judging from you not saying anything that isn't readily available on the web casts doubt.

If you've been to these meetings, produce a picture of some form of itinerary as proof.

But you won't. Because this is a LARP.

Tell us about the yellow cube, stargates and thechokedown of intel. in DEC. 2012...faggot

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why would they get rid of taxslave livestock. how would that benefit them. whoever doesn't do it automatically wins

We're not anti-white. That's more a corporate thing. Corporate media likes anti-white stuff because it gets everyone riled up and arguing, glued to their smartphones. Most of us are white (not Jewish) in case you didn't know.

The real reason why us "glowniggers" (as you call us) like immigrants is because they're hardworking, a lot of them are smart and highly skilled, the ones that don't love spending money and consuming, and will work for cheap.
Huge CP scandal. Remember?
>Bilderburg isn't secret because people know about it. Are there any actually secret groups that you could talk about, and their agendas? W
What is the ratio of women to men in your circles.
I'm part of a group that's working on making sure machine intelligence falls into the right hands. There's lots of little clubs, any specific fields you wanted to know about?
>Do you know anyone that has "fallen out of favor" without your group because they messed up or something?
Yeah. Most of them "died" before anyone knew them. Also might be privy to tell you now that Epstein was mostly fake. He's not dead, he's in hiding. He was an actor, and his role was "guy who gets in but wants all the power for himself and tries to run the show" Moral of the story? Don't try it, we can ruin your life and kill you at the drop of a hat.


ouch my sides
coof coof

>infertility, making it harder and harder economically for the weak and the stupid (read: you) to have children and families.
That is quite a bold statement from a group that has members trading sex for "being part of the elite".

It’s probably a LARP but I know people with higher IQs and they are perfectly socially well adjusted

Why did you do this to Boston?

Seriously, how much of a needy attention whore faggot are you that you come to an anonymous forum to pretend to be a super secret illuminati fag

Why did you get picked? Surely not for being a pencil pusher that's a dime a dozen these days.

Do you have any real power or did they just hire you as a data monkey?

what would be your utopia? (aside from you being in power) where do you want humanity to go

>Most aren't Jewish
>Making sure MI falls into the right hands
Clearly JIDF If you don't start posting some actual proof and not schizoid LARP shit you're gonna wind up blowing your cover, rabbi

>the words of moldbug
idiot (you)

>Ask an actual member of the "Illuminati" anything
What is your M O S?

Knowing what you know, why do you think things work as they're presented to you?

Didnt you have a 161 iq?

denver airport?

>I'm part of a group that's working on making sure machine intelligence falls into the right hands. There's lots of little clubs, any specific fields you wanted to know about?
Big larp, make yourself useful already and help building the machines. They may help prevent the culling of your class, if you're not too late.

I got him bro, he is going to slip on my banana peel just watch.

If that’s true, you are more intelligent than the people you co-conspire with, and you should see the inherent fallacy in attempting to play god and control your fellow man. You must know that this can only end in self destruction, and I say that from a purely secular standpoint.

How much to suck my cock?

> The real reason why us "glowniggers" (as you call us) like immigrants is because they're hardworking,
I can assure you that all the shitskin immigrants in Germany are welfare leeches.
So that can't be it!

Also what is Q? Is it a psyop to keep people passive are is it the real deal?

You're a fucking retard. The so called "illuminati" is just Jews and we know this since Uncle Adolf wrote his little book. Here you are saying it's difficult for the stupid to have children and yet these days it's easier for them than it's ever been before. You're born into a farming family in the EU and you're literally on top of the food chain. You control what seeds you use, what pesticides, everything. You choose what you feed to your cattle, you control the vaccines, your illuminati jews will eat it. You're not interested in the global economy to the slightest, as it doesn't have any effect on your survival. Farmers are our overlords and there's no walking away from it. We depend on them more than they depend on us.

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>The real reason why us "glowniggers" (as you call us) like immigrants is because they're hardworking, a lot of them are smart and highly skilled, the ones that don't love spending money and consuming, and will work for cheap.
So this is the fucking reason for white genocide? Who gives a shit if a few immigrants are hard working when you're filling the west up with low IQ brown people? What a fucking retarded policy. If you by the off-chance are legit some insider I plead you fucking convince the endless growing economy obsessed boomers at the top to get their priorities straight, as their retarded policies are gonna lead to civil war.

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>The real reason why us "glowniggers" (as you call us) like immigrants is because they're hardworking, a lot of them are smart and highly skilled, the ones that don't love spending money and consuming, and will work for cheap.

They're being depopulated. Ignore those population growth charts. It's not happening.
Pandemic is real, quarantine is real. We've been expecting it, though. And it's a huge opportunity. Welcome to the UBI surveillance state.
We really want to create a better world. I recommend you read some of the stuff the old CIA guys wrote. Our ethos is basically "the technology that exists now is way too dangerous and the weak and stupid will fuck up our society if they get too much power."
No and no and no.
Yeah, I mean it's pretty explicit lol
Not happening any time soon, but we're working on technology to stop stuff like that. That's one thing people don't understand. There are existential risks right now that require huge amounts of money and resources to prevent. That's why we keep doing stuff to make ourselves richer. It's not just power.
>Have you ever heard the mandela effect discussed? What can you tell us about it?
Yeah, it's just false memory. Nothing special.
>What is a secret that you are privy to that you can share with us.
Epstein was an actor.
>What is the purpose of chem trails?
They're just water vapor, but we are working on cloud seeding.
The actual chemtrails? Look up what the air force did to the Pruitt-Igoe project. That's a pretty big skeleton that you guys often ignore because, you know, it happened to black people.
>Where do the loci of power lie with your orgs? For example, is power equally shared between N. America and Europe, or is it heavily weighted in favor of say, the one specific geographic area or industry
Mostly the G8 countries, to a lesser extent Japan and NATO and some renegade Chinese businessmen.
Yeah, we don't actually believe that stuff we do it for fun. None of us believe in gods, but we took some notes from William S. Burroughs

What are some of the types of sub-groups and what do they work on? Obviously I could speculate here, probably with accuracy, but it's easier to just ask.
