Why is Yas Forums always right?
Why is Yas Forums always right?
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>intelligence community
Kek. Imagine how desperate kikes are if they think they can start a war between US and China since US vs Russia failed.
>china hides the truth
wow who knew
it is not rocket science to know that totalitarian regimes lie.
This wasn't exactly rocket surgery … China? A Communist regime?? LYING? No way. There's no way that could ever happen. Good old honest authoritarian dictator Xi Jingping would never lie about anything
>Chinkoids lied
>Sky is blue
A thread died for this. Sage.
>US Intelligence
The same idiots who tried to convince the public that Saddam Hussein had nukes?
You say it's obvious now but two months ago people were saying it was nothing BASED ON CHINAS NUMBERS
>Intelligence community said
ya no
not this time schlomo
not gonna work
Good question. Since it's a wide open, no holds barred forum, any and all ideas are entertained. It started as a joke on this forum, but within weeks it was clear that the anons were on to something. Sure there was mostly nonsense, but the fact that /pol was talking about it AT ALL meant there was also useful discussion going on.
Corona-chan is a great argument to how much better off we are when all voices given a place to spout off.
By the way that was all unironically said.
You're fucking retarded. You live under a communist dictatorship. Their takeover is complete in under 6 month. Who the fuck are you kidding fat mutt?
You couldn recognize a communist dictatorship even if it destroyed your economy and quarantined you home.
How can we expect the US to be telling the tru tru then? They're corrupt as fuck
Theyre not going to be able to hide the virus emerging from dormancy and flaring up in the "recovered ".
Its already starting.
Fake news China is our fren...this is a jew trick
>intelligence community
So that's what they're calling us now? Haven't been called a hate machine of hacker in a while.
We knew this in January. KIKES alphabet agencies BTFO just get Yas Forums to take over the CIA
Wow really? Man who could've guessed
Chinks lied
Mutts died
I wonder if they’ll show how many bodies they burned or how many people were executed because they had the virus
they'll probably stage video like they did so many times
the (((intelligence community))) is totally known for their honesty
Media was desperate to bash Trump so they deluded themselves. Obviously China under reported their numbers.
>no one other than Yas Forums predicted this
someone post the chinaman copy pasta
You don’t think doctors, nurses, families, and independent journalists talk to each other and their communities? You think 10,000 people dying would be unnoticed in any american community?
While not impossible if under martial law, or a fucking insectlevel hellscape chinky commie shithole “government,” it’d be extremely hard to pull off here
Anyone got a free coof I can borrow?
gonna have to work hard to URN my trust back, China
Knew it
You don't need a government agency or a classified report to state the obvious. It has been apparent that they've been lying after they suddenly stopped reporting new cases, months ago. It became pretty obvious to any normie with half a brain when Italy's deaths surpassed China's and later, their total infected as well. You'd have to be retarded to believe China or the WHO.
Chinese provincials acting up again
Go home Chang you fucking bugman
Fuck you faggot I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em all!
It's a jew trick...fake news
>It's real
it's real
china would never lie
Imagine my absolute shock
WHO officially dead and buried
China next
wow, whoda thunkit
literally everyone except autistic CCP fanboys knew this.
In other non-shocking news, the Federal Reserve is ran by jews!
More at 11
I don't trust China and I don't trust America equally. It's not a hard thing to understand that states war against each other on a PR and propagandistic level.
But they lie about everything.
>always Chang
>always a fucking leaf
I'm old enough to remember the "this chink plague only kills chinks" threads that shitted up the boards.
Life comes at you fast.
1972: Jews create China golem which now threatens their extinction.
China lied,, people died *heavy breaths*
yeah no shit
Member back, long ago?
It’s incredible that a fucking Vietnamese fly fishing forum figured this out months ago using publicly available data.
the "it's nothing" fags are getting btfo on an minutely basis, so why do you care what they say?
because we're the only uncensored place on the surface web, the only exchange of free information.
ok lol
Yeah, so?
Now at least those filthy chinks are being called out internationally.
kill yourself Turdeau, you retarded faggot
Absolutely. This is precisely why there needs to be a venue for free political speech. Honestly, the thing I feel bad about is that i didn’t do enough to wake up the normies to this threat while there was still time.
nothing special here
And two months ago I was sitting in the early CVG threads laughing at retards who believed the official ccp numbers.
Didn't age well
china lied
people died
Bats fried
Chinks lied
People died
Can't go outside
See the japs lying about Tokeyo to try and keep olympics
>(((kike))) posts
Gtfo loser
How about the kikes say the actual numbers, instead of just saying they lied?
Hello jew
>U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report
i was in that thread
Yeah, retard shills like you were trying to down play this months ago while the entire board called them out for being complete idiots and trusting literal commie chinks to tell the truth.
the asteroid was a fully justified false flag attack to preserve the social order and rationalize necessary military expenditures in the minds of the people.
Is that the same 'intelligence' community that was surprised when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan?
The same that claimed they didn't see the Israeli masterminded 9/11 FF coming?
The same that has been lying for 3 years about Russia stealing the WH for Trump?
China lie even on a good day