Orbán moves to strip away 'trans rights'

"The gender entered into the civil registry is based on facts determined by doctors, declared by the registry." It further states: "Given that completely changing one's biological gender is impossible, it is necessary to lay it down in law that it cannot be changed in the civil registry either."

How can we be so based?

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there has to be some drawback

does he obey the jew bankers? does he use political drama to avoid fixing shit? is he a fervent christcuck?

a man so perfect cannot exist, there has to be a drawback

Guy on the right is not too happy about it, fucking tranny

The headline isn't exactly correct, the bill was introduced by Zsolt Semjén, the leader of the christian democratic party (KDNP), which is in a coalition with Fidesz. But the bottom line is: you can't legally change your gender in Hungary.

Fucking based

Ok I don't like trannies either but this is the first important thing on his mind when taking more power?

>Given that completely changing one's biological gender is impossible
Lmao that’s not even based, that’s just a true statement, which show that he’s not participating to this 21st century globohomo bullshit


As it should be

If a delusional faggot chops off his dick he does not magically become a female, he becomes a dickless faggot.


I want a president like him.

it's not like it's a difficult issue to fix, he tells a grunt to write up the policy in 5 minutes and it's done

>Given that completely changing one's biological gender is impossible, it is necessary to lay it down in law that it cannot be changed in the civil registry either
Saying biological facts is concidered far right in 2020. Are westerners trying to create Slaanesh or what?

this will cure the virus?

from what i understand hes a neoliberal at heart

He better fucking step it up, this is just common sense to keep mentally I’ll idiots away from power.

Why doesn’t he use his literally limitless power to perhaps kick every gypsy, kike and sandnigger out of the country?

Or perhaps use his power to curb kike subversion, how often does an opportunity like this occur in Europe anymore, step it up faggot.

The best part of this is that trannies and faggots won't even be able to protest it, since you can't go outside. And by the time the pandemic is over, it will be old news, so no one will care.

* ill

Why is he so based?



Is he, dare I say it, BASED?

Nah but at least they can die being based as FUCK, good way to go, IMO

NOO not the trans!
Fucking Nazi!!

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Yas Forums loves to find problems in everyone. Even Jesus isn’t good enough for you

Exponentially based


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alapú és újra feltöltött

wait, are there really places where trans is a gender?
can a person in such places fill a census form describing himself as transgender?!?!
I thought this was just a meme since it is seriously retarded to do so
that man Orban is only describing the very fucking obvious lol

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>but this is the first important thing on his mind when taking more power?
This is a move toward protecting children. Now that it is law he can do a Putin and start outlawing media that promotes faggotry and move on from there. You always start with the laws and children are the most important resource any country has.

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This is Glorious. Bless this man.

Wtf I love unlimited power now!

>Why doesn’t he use his literally limitless power to perhaps kick every gypsy, kike and sandnigger out of the country?
His basedom hits the level that he doesn’t let the mudslims into the country and that’s it, nothing anything more then that.

Okay based

>But the bottom line is: you can't legally change your gender in Hungary.
That's it? That's "trans rights"? No tranny curb stomping?
Puh! That's just something any TERF could've done.

More like a Punished!Liberal. A man who saw liberal ideology twist it's meaning from "liberation of humanity from tyranny" into "liberation of humanity from morality".

>trans rights
What does this even mean?
The 'right' to peepeepoopoo in another toilet?
The 'right' to a locker room/sports team?

The idea of rights was that they were supposed to be universal.

In America, non whites and faggots have extra rights and privileges

The mutts... I mean, the other mutts, would wage war on you if you mess with the homos too much. I think that's enough for now, it's not like they won't delete themselves anyway.



he is a gypsy

what does it say IRL
I just wrote based and redpilled into google translate

did it translate properly or is it cringe?

>What does this even mean?
The right to cut off your son's dick and throw you in jail for not liking it.

Bázisolt és vöröspirulás
That’s the correct translation

Wow, just wow! Not biology! This will cause many trans suicides!! Imagine having to live your life without being able to change your sex in an official document! Literal genocide!!!!

What ethnicity is that?

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How long is he likely to be hold globohomo off for? I have spoken with 3 young Hungarians about Orban, all of them were reasonably BASED but quite sceptical about him


he is great friends with bibi, the man is a crypto jew.
perfection doesn't exist.

>politician managing the important things in life

the translation was complete failure

based (would be semi correctly) "tökös"
redpilled (would be ...) "képben van" or smt like

but not easy to translate slangs and keep their meaning

Yep, sodomy isn’t a right

There's gotta be more to this. Which version of Jew does he work for? That's the real question. Sure, he could do something really great like this, but what's the catch? I have a feeling though that the parliament isn't going to let him do anything really "radical".

le 63% slav

dieing from a virus is not very based

user your ID, i-

>not easy to translate slangs
s/not easy/impossible/g

one day for no reason at all..


someone just moved up to the CEO position of the BASED department

Im going to make goulash to celebrate

>very homo
kek fitting that OP has that ID
he's next on Orban's list

Nope, it's one of the many ridiculous things about my country. You can legally fuck animals too.

I wish USA wasn't a MOLOCH RACKET and we'd be more like BASED HUNGARY. FUCK FAGGOTS AND FUCK THEIR GROOMING WAYS. they can burn in hell

Fuck I want to move to Hungary desu.

Theres always a catch. Everybody has an agenda and they aren't sharing it. Even if he makes some glorious empire it's only gonna get toppled in a decade or so.

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Based,i hate those faggots

The EU will just continue to do nothing like the weak cucks they are

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Eh, it'll turn transition tech towards totality.