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Are people still this stupid?

April Fools, I hope

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Lol Pompeo told Iraq generals to draw up plans to attack Iran because it was "weak due to corona" over a week ago. Google it

I thought Iran died


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It's always isreals dumb ass that is masterminding this stuff according to you fags.

Its just a prank

because its true

Fuck yeah. Let's bomb Iran!

Ebin Abril Fools :DDD

Without Israel we would have avoided about 100% of our conflicts in the Middle East

Are you retarded?

Lol yeah right. If isreal didnt exist the middle east would still have that sweet sweet oil that we started multiple wars for.

Not much of a mastermind.
>pretend to be Iran
>blow up some stuff
The difference is most people have the decency not to play this foul game but jews aren't people so there you have it.

they are going to start a war with Iran for the economy and Israel and it will end up getting out of control and turn into WW3 instead, this is 100% going to happen screencap this

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gee I wonder why, you fucking kike

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Are you? Fucking kill yourself tinfoil faggot. Post proof of your retarded claims or stay BTFO.

Nothing like a good war to get you out of an economic slump

And by Iran Trump means

FUCK you Jews and your trickery ways...never die for a jew

>He thinks the wars actually were over oil
You're either israeli or stupid, Israel is responsible for every middle Eastern war the west has been involved in

Coofers make good suicide bombers.

I ain't reading all that shit nigga. How about you tell me what YOU think instead.

why do you believe the cheerleader of the country?

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Ok, youre clearly retarded.

Plausible deniability 101


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God shut the fuck up dumbass leaf it absolutely was for oil. Look at the fucking history of price per barrel and learn something you faggot.

>no facts
>just name calling

What a jew lmao

still pushing this meme ay?

Nothing ever happens

Dont be lazy, faggot. Read the man's post and type up a point by point response. You get paid to post here. You could at least put some effort in and earn those shekels.

Funny how the american president who approved the war isnt on here.

The occupation in Afghanistan and most of the middle East ist souch that WE get the oil, Afghanistan is to prevent China fr building a pipeline for their own oil supply. Were there to destabilize the region to prevent everyone else from getting oil.

That's the same reason the Russians are in syria

Shale. We have Shale.

OIF was for protecting Israel from Saddam.

Shut the fuck up you've got alot of nerve calling someone else lazy when you cant even bother to make your argument you dumb shit.

I want to believe this is Trump spouting this off to foil the false flag. I don't but I want to

>Look at the history of price per barrel

Id rather look at the history of Jews and realize this isn't new.

The price of oil is irellevant to why America went into the middle East, it was a bonus though

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Shut the fuck up kike

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Who gives a fuck about shale? Americas oil policy has been for thirty years to use up our enemies oil before we use our own.

Iraq wasnt for oil you dumb fuck. We dont need oil.

You're such a fucking retard, no wonder you have corona.

guys this isn't funny I thought David Goldberg was a meme, why are his predictions coming true?

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Look at that, another retard who cant make his own argument. He just posts egomaniac faggot in isreal who wrote a couple of paragraphs to pretend to himself that America is literally his personal bodyguard.

No point of listing the puppet when we know the puppet master

>You've got a lot of nerve

Coming from you?
>Resorts to insults
>No facts in his argument

Complains when someone does it to him

You're pathetic

>Being this pathetic

Yep, you're a kike

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Shut the fuck up you dumb shit you dont know shit about America's oil policy. "Need" has nothing to do with it. We went to war to steal resources from enemy countries to keep them down.

Did you just wake up from a coma? It's no longer 2005.

who said there is no money for ventilators? people on twitter are so fucking dumb

The fact it is taboo to point out this obvious truth tells you all you need to know about who controls our nation.

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>corona ridden faggot still cant support his claims

But keep believing what comes out of the mouth of a person who was tortured for information.

All me btw ;)



We didn't do anything for "our" enemies, you kike faggot. We did everything for (((your))) enemies.

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Not an argument. The war was for oil. Isreal gained from it because we fucked over their enemies in the process. Both of these things can exist at the same time.

>Look at that, another retard who cant make his own argument

You asked for proof
And now he's deleting posts

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You're such a retard. Go move to iran if you think they're so friendly with us you dumb shit.

Probably it is. Iran won't do shit and neither will us. Trump knows that. My guess is Pompeo is trying to stir shit up

Still haven't posted any proof you aids faggot. Dont cough on me you sick fucker.

I will pray that God ends your parasitic life.

> ISRAEL =Biggest trouble maker in ME
Not a fucking meme
No hard feeling Mr Shecklesberg.
Happy Easter

Suck my infected cock, niggers

>Haven't posted any proof
So testimony isn't proof in your mind?

At least you admit there is no proof of the holocaust then

mooslums are fucking schizo, what else is new

Thats some grade A pilpul, kike.