The board is dead

Remember to sage the following, let's try and save this shithole:

>Tranny posting
>All Q threads
>Schizophrenic rantings about gematria
>Schizophrenic rantings about meteors/comets/5G/Aliens
>BBC Posting
>"White Boi!"
>Titty Posting
>"Defend this!" and similar 1 word bait threads
>Obvious PRC propaganda threads (including those that excessively exaggerate Corona deaths...MUH TEN GORILLION! TWO MORE WEEKS!)
>Threads that are anti-natalist or anti-familial in nature.

It's time to turn this place back into a board for logical discussion of Right Wing and Third Positionist politics. This place was able to influence real world events a few years ago, now the entire catalog is flooded with literal spam and schizophrenic boomers.

It's time to fucking push back or this site will become even more unenjoyable and irrelevant than it already has.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yas Forums is not your safe space, faggot

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Yeah! Let's ban everyone and become Reddit!

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They don´t know we are not here all together.

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which living political thinkers are worth reading today?

Go larp elsewhere, you fucking chink.

Let's not ban memeflags, Canadians and chink information warfare officers and let the board continue to fall apart and get slid into oblivion!

kek. accurate.

don't see anything false there

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Theodore Kaczynski

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>pleebit spacing nufag

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The "Culture Wars" book was released in 1991 and made a splash and we are still talking about it and referring to those issues today.

I'm glad the the term woke and simp and chad and cuck exist but politicking is conceptualizing for the masses and no one person seems to be doing it in a manner that can be easily digested and discussed since maybe moldbug.

Point proven.

There's really nothing redeeming left about this board. It's just an extension of /x/ & Yas Forums at this point. Time for Nationalists to take things to the real world. Network with like minded families.

everyone who disagrees with OP is actually outing themselves as newfags lmao

based and taftajpilled
post moar

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can we keep the titty posting tho?
Asking for a friend.

Sage doesn’t do shit

No you degenerate bitch

No, porn is fucking degenerate, go to fucking pornhub if you want to see porn faggot.

Tittyposting is how shills get hundreds of replies to otherwise off topic and retarded threads. You niggers take to it like moths to a lamp though because you're too retarded or canadian not too.

It's so pathetic

there is nothing wrong with memeflags

Attached: memeflag history.png (1350x630, 86.01K)

What about coof threads


Sage, Report and IGNORE. Too many retards keep replying to obvious fucking slide threads and it's why the catalog is 99% slide threads now.

There didn't use to be. 99% of memeflags now are glowniggers at your state intelligence fusion center, or kikes literally on the ADL payroll.

You gays are all guys

Probably because its April fools you dingus

>Sage, Report and IGNORE.
I'm getting the feeling that you don't even know what sage does

Nigger it's been like this for 2-3 months now.

It all began around the time of the Yang Gang and it's only gotten worse, 3/4 of the posts on here are not even organic anymore and it's blatantly obvious.

Built for BBC

Fuentes does. That's why he has all the zio-cons supporting censorship.

>99% of memeflags now are glowniggers at your state intelligence fusion center, or kikes literally on the ADL payroll
If you were a smart person you would realize that that is ridiculous
And even if they weren't why would they be using memeflags? To "hide" their flag?
Do you think that they wouldn't have proxies for that?

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Yang gang was funny. Triggered /ptg/

It helps them identify their posts when they print the post logs later for court proceedings you dumbfuck. It's easier to pick out a pirate flag than another American flag.

keep 'em coming leaf

Attached: good leaf.gif (498x290, 1.12M)

I don't disagree, it was entertaining, but it was when the bored began to markedly skew heavily to inorganic posts. Shills have always been a thing, but around that time it started to become amplified. It's as if people suddenly realized this place played an important role in 2016 and wanted to make sure it didn't in 2020.

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>It helps them identify their posts when they print the post logs later for court proceedings
They would just use a name/tripcode for that, a fucking memeflag doesn't make sense for that purpose
That would be retarded think before you post faggot

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I have that one already REEEE

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>the government is paying federal agents to follow me around on Yas Forums and call you a faggot
lmaoing at your life rn my dude


Nigger i've done discovery research on cases that involved posts on Yas Forums, memeflags were used for that exact purpose. Imaging digging through hundreds of pages of posts trying to pick out tripcodes. Way easier to just look for a visual cue.

Stop posting this stupid faggot, you degenerate canadian coomer. Canada should have been rangebanned long ago.

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>court proceedings
That's a stretch. It would be thrown out of court on 1A grounds.

Check out this tho

Reddit has moved here

>Nigger i've done discovery research on cases that involved posts on Yas Forums, memeflags were used for that exact purpose
No you haven't you lying faggot
fucking LARPer kys
How can one leaf be so based?

this isn't a fucking trap is it

>That's a stretch. It would be thrown out of court on 1A grounds.

you realize posts on this website have been used to convict people before right?


Jews are no longer responsible for the majority of the shilling. Literal PRC military is.


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Let me put this to you: What if Yas Forums was being manipulated by Israel/Con-inc into supporting Zionist stooges?
I don't think Yas Forums has the energy to support Trump after he went full ZOG.

>inb4 4D ouija

sure is
afraid you'll get aroused?

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>posts on this website have been used to convict people before
proof or gtfo

>calling others lying larpers
>thinks leaf is based for posting lewd
Yep everything checks out OP is completely right.

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Sage ;^)


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Nigger it's been since at least 2015

no of course, but thats not the point is it?
how can we even discuss relevant things if actual threads drown in an ocean of piss?

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I agree, but you must acknowledge that the spread of 5G is the leading cause of the present degenerate state
and its going to be worse

this trap makes me *COOF*
how do guys get this cute?

based and fagpilled

why does this make me agressive in some sort of sexual way?

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tfw still uninfected

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>how do guys get this cute?
hrt I would think

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I would't, but if this abomination was female, I would go in hard

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it sure is working


starting HRT young

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I hate to agree with a larping memeflag...but the white boy is right.

>he doesn't want to fuck taftaj raw, kiss him passionately and then cuddle him to sleep

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Go cry somewhere else


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gamer here
my only problem is with the fuggin jannies, there's usually like pol listens and art threads that get pruned or put in the rape closet of /bants
also a plethera of others where dialougue is being had then pruned fuck you
but then
you have how many nigger threads, how many commie threads, just shit absolute garbage, jannies dont care and are probably doing it on person this wouldn't be the first time where mods where paid shills
>ben fischbein
anyways look at gif and b just fucking tranny and fag shit, my filters have to block like half of the threads,
do the mods do anything
in fact i would say they are doing the opposite
anyways jannies, mods , and fuckin mook.
do your fuckin job because if another website comes up ill leave this shithole

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Yeah, when they've actually commited crimes.
>Jews no longer responsible for the majority of the shilling
You a jew? Joking but you should read the wiki. Learn the difference between unorganic shilling *coof* Q *coof* and banter, like the bbc posters.

At this point, if you're shilling for zion don, you're a shill.

nah this place was still tolerable up until 2018ish. The kavanaugh hearings was a comfy time here, for a brief moment normalcy overshadowed the Q rantings.

Muhammad here gets it.

Literally this entire thread is tranny posting, probably fucking jannies themselves doing it.