Western companies are going to ruin my favorite nip games



We're fucked, weatern game developers are absolutely retarded, they'll absolutely butcher silent Hill, they're probably going to make Heather Fat, black, and transgender or something.

When will they learn to keep their fat stinky lesbian hands off of my favorite classic franchises.

Situation's fucked mate, remember E3 2018, All the games were shit EXCEPT the Japanese ones, that's because the Japan understand aesthetics, and know how to make games likeable instead of catering to the sjw audiences.

Think of Gravity Rush, >charming, cute, adorable qt protagonist.

Now think of Horizon Zero Dawn's protagonist,
>boring, manfaced, muh empowering wahmen, shoved down our throats.


Anyone optimistic about this exchange? I know I'm not.

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Konami obviously isnt going to do anything with them. Unfortunately microsoft, rare and everyone else sucks at making games.

grow up

why the fuck would MS buy them and not Sony??


>how to end this bullshit with game sequels
>buy companies that make the fucking sequels and dissolve them

Konami wouldn't sell anything to Microsoft nor Sony. They are making too much money off Pachinko and Yugioh to care. Also I hope that rumor of a 3d Castlevania by Sony is false, 3D Castlevania sucks.

Doesn't matter now that the mastermind behind metal gear is gone from konami

>windows 10 only
>xbollox only

Kys weaborast. Japanese games are even worse shit. Im not into horrors so i dunno maybe Resident Evil is not that bad. But all japanese games i tried are absolute shit and basically made being high on heroin. FF, Kozima,s shit etc. Story makes no sense at all. Worldbuilding is crazily retarded. All girls are unlikeable sluts straight from pornhub. Horizon Zero Dawn is very good game with interesting and vibrant world. I can't wait till it is on PC.

Get out of my thread then ruski

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Buy imagine what big money can do for silent Hill brand coffee mugs and metal gear brand light sabers.

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rip metal gear solid :( i have nice memories when i was kid and played it on playstation in 90s

shit taste

Weaboo videogames become more absurd with each new installment. They need to be grounded.

Every good game that will ever be made has already been made.
Who gives a fuck about DLC online multiplayer season pass nu-game faggotry? $500 for the next playstation or xbox, and all you get is a slight upgrade to the ps4 and xbone.

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The hell is this green post? Must be infected with aids

>The new face of the silent Hill fandom
Pic related unfortunately :(

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>Abandoned city with parallel world
>Creepy girls and butchers with fucking hammers in the place of heads
>No story no explanations
How tf can anyone like this?

You're right.

(((Western gaming))) sucks

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That's what happens to faggots with shit taste


You're an absolute idiot if you think Japanese games are worse than western games. A complete idiot. Literally 99% of the best rated games are from Japan. Fucking kys

Ladies and gentlemen, take your pic of the new Heather Mason design, she's going to be a sassy nigress now

Why do you hate an overweight body positive black woman killing cyber nazis in silent hill?

Stop playing new sjw games, stick to perfect games like www.RisingHub.net

Its been like that since like 2008
>guys i saw a guy on youtube talk about a game where youre a toxic male being punished for it its called silent hill 2 im never going to play it but PYRAMIDHEAD LOLZ I WANT A PLUSHIE

1 and 3 are good. The rest are garbage.

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You are the one with shit taste. You eat japanese shit right from some crazy pervert's ass cause it is wrapped into misticity creepy monsters and sexy "girls"

smart move by Xbox I Can see them actually hire some japanese teams so they can finally crack that market but there all dead IP's so whay care anyways

>The rest are garbage
Just like your opinion

Dude, watching someone ruin a franchise as good as silent hill, regardless if you plan on spending money on it.

Is like watching your sister get raped, silent Hill and metal gear are about to get Last Jedi'd

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They are technologicaly worse, they have worse storyline, worse worldbuilding, virtually all of them are some kind of self nostalgia from 30 yo games with borderline unplayable mechanics. Yes they have no sjw propaganda there. That doesn't make them a bit better

White supremacists have developed a bug that only targets speakers of ebonics. It's up to you to stop them!

This is the last time I'm responding to your stupid bait, I'm hiding your posts, and encourage others to do the same, you have nothing to argue for your side except insulting things I like and throwing buzzwords at me.

I bet you collect Funko Pop figures too.

You're litterally just the western equivalent of the guy who has an anime body pillow.

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Silent hill 2 sucks MGS4-5 suck and Lords of Homo sucks.

Souls are great tho. But i wouldn't call them japanese. Still they suffer from too much mysticism and unreasonable story

Maybe they can save the MGV engine from going to waste.

>Muh graphics are more important than story and likeable characters

People actually think this way

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I dunno what is Funko Pop. If you want to describe Japanese games in one word i would say superficial. They are trying to impress you with visual art: everything glowing, monsters, tentacles, tits and also gameplay(sometimes). But deeper lever is not thought through at all.

I thought Sony was already buying them, or did that fall through?

All japanese stories make no sense cauae they are simply crazy and that automatically makes all heroes unrelatable

Slavic games are obviously the best :) like mafia, cyberpunk, witcher etc

A bill just passed to allow 80,000 more H1B pajeets too.

Microsoft, Google, Apple will all hire them.

They don't need any native white programmers anymore.

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the only video game made by jews afaik is raid shadow legends, and you can understand why...

KCD, stalker

No, you're just too dumb to comprehend them.

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Roaches M&B is great also

Sony shouldn't buy anything they'll just fill it up with SJW Poz.

Now explain to me what happens in Silent Hill

this is bill gates doing

Both of those series jumped the shark a long time ago literally who cares

At least you'll get games now. Konami is now into gambling machines.

why pay 100k+ when they will do it for 50k

Because Microsoft is using their weight to wage a culture war. Konami will not touch anything that Kojima worked on again.
Microsoft doesn’t give a fuck. They may even try and add Kojima back into the fold.
But be aware there is no way this will not be subterfuge.

Based retard

Silent Hill one;
Man goes to a vacation town with his adopted daughter, finds out the town is haunted, and his daughter is missing, explores the town to look for her, and learns more about the history of the town and his adopted daughter.
Finds out that she was once used in a ritual that attempted to sacrifice her to birth a demonic entity. And that the people who did it to her the first time are attempting to do it again.

Rescue your daughter and fight off the cult and the demonic incarnations to bring your daughter out of that nightmare.

There, simplified for brainlets

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I can't imagine a world where kojima cucks. And yes I get he is already a cuck in some ways but I don't see Kojima adding trans characters or other gay ass shit. And no, the Death Stranding stuff with the "guy who wanted to build walls" is that big of a deal.

I shouldn't have to buy a fucking Xb*x to play my favorite Nap games

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WTF happened to Konami anyway? They used to be one of the best. A real shame.
That last Contra game was ungodly bad.

*Jap games, even autocorrect is easily offended now

You have a PC. It's the same exact thing these days. PC gaming is just glorified console gaming now.

All Metal gears last decade were rubbish.

>Konami will not touch anything that Kojima worked on again
Why? Iam not into gaming that much, but even I have this Name in good memory.
MGS and NinjaGaiden, those where the days. Offline and alone, in peace on the couch, against the self.