>Bolsonaro talks with Trump
>Trump throws him under the bus for trying to infect him three weeks ago, acting like a retarded Super Spreader and threatens to put Brazil in their no-fly list
>45 minutes after Bolsonaro cucks down backwards and decides Brazil will completely self-destruct in an economic suicide package

In case you can't into Portuguese, government has just announced they might be shitting 100+ billion reais in our already depressed and ruined economy in order to bail out 50 million brazilian families and business who can't work because 4000 people are sick somewhere. Keep in mind our currency is already in its greatest crisis since it was conceived in the 90s, and this might be the last push that will send us back to hyperinflation and being a banana republic.


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Other urls found in this thread:

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Still better than socialism.

Do you live in a cave or something? He said that last week. Reminder that you MBLfags will get the rope soon.

would breed

É só um resfriado rapai!

Attached: lowRes Brazil.jpg (276x182, 9.88K)

>Implying we weren't a banana republic since the republic started
go back to plebbit, fool.

>Trump throws him under the bus for trying to infect him three weeks ago, acting like a retarded Super Spreader and threatens to put Brazil in their no-fly list
This is hilarious, do you have a source for this?

if I take off that mask, will you die?

YES, dead people don't riot

I don't regret voting for him, but I can't wait to change him for someone normal ... but if I have to choose between crazy socialist and neo-liberal globohomo, I vote for him again

Nice Try, centrão.

Brazil is kill

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>economic suicide package
can someone explain this to an economy-let?

Real? More like Surreal

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we were never a Banana Republic ... we were a Coffe Republic, and before nigga candyland, and before that malaria infested gold shithole

We could've been stuck with Haddad now. Picture that.

BolsoNero was hanging on the rope that he was doing just like Trump was in the US, lying about him leaving non-essential stores open and whatnot
a journo asked Trumperino yesterday what he would do in regards to BolsoNero and his pandemic policies, Trump couldn't even remember his name at first, then complemented that the situation was so bad down here that he would probably instate a travel ban
then all BolsoNero's ''it's just a flu'' rhetoric went down the drain, and now the nigger is going through a soft-impeachment and only bolsocattle stands to see his face without wanting to stab him again

TL;DR: Trump cucked BolsoNero on worldwide TV and now that nigger is running back to his cuckshed with most of the HUEHUE population wanting to kill him for acting literally like Nero while Rome was burning
the absolute state

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That’s pretty hilarious. Trump should suggest his VP stage a coup

>send us back to being a banana republic.

Brazil literally is a banana republic anyway

it'd be extremely uma delícia

guerra civil, when?

fuck yeah


You are just jealous because you won't get free 600 bucks.

they giving bolsobux?

you've been spamming this board with these retarded threads for almost a week now desu

Yes. For 3 months.

Could be worse. Imagine Talíria Petroni as our president.

>almost a week
He has been doing it for years and still didn't get any less retarded and attention whory.

isso dai é um pastel de vento, o Dr. Beny já refutou essa noção que o pastel estava recheado.

He hates bolsonaro, like most leftists.

>catches covid from americans
>"brazilians are trying to infect america with covid!"
Serves him right for trusting a JEW

Hopefully soon. I dream ducal titles would be given for the top 10 on each state for killing as much commies as possible.

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>elect fashoid retard
>get butthurt at retarded results
Hues truly are dumb

>You wake up tomorrow as Paulo Guedes
Wat do?

Brazil has been a dumpster fire ever since Pedro II died.

>hurrrr there's no moni
This argument is so fucking tiresome
I find the correlation to mall sharter politics funny about this specific possibility. Sharters say that they thought Hillary would start a WW, when it was Trump who nearly did it
For this I say, we thought Haddad would install a commie dictatorship (he probably would), when the actual dictator was bonamaro
If Bolsonaro keeps acting like a nothingburgerer for 2-3 months more, I'd wager some States would request democratic secession, if a full blown revolution against the State doesn't happen
Reminder that the Army is with bolimbiro

This is sad. I was hoping he would stand firm on his zero fucks given policy and show the world what a farce this whole thing is.
I suppose Australia is our last hope now, they don't have a complete lockdown and their numbers are still very low.

Trust me, there was no other better alternative.
At all.

>Reminder that the Army is with bolimbiro
they think he's too crazy and unstable after this shitfest

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> democratic secession
will never happen.

I can confirm.

you mean since he was ousted, right dad?
that ID, true lusitan masterrace

Im sure some obscure 5% guy who actually wanted to help was there, he just wasn’t muh mainstream party or famous or sucking trimperinos balls

>the actual dictator was bonamaro
Complete retard spotted.

>some States would request democratic secession
Complete retard confirmed.

fucking shill posting shit again
>Keep in mind our currency is already in its greatest crisis since it was conceived in the 90s
the real is supposed to be around 4-5. it's not even close to the industrial exchange rate. read Bresser, retard
>100+ billion reais in our already depressed and ruined economy
which is growing and will grow in the next semester
>this might be the last push that will send us back to hyperinflation and being a banana republic.
they aren't printing money
are you legitimately braindead? im asking out of curiosity
>muh monarchy
we were lucky pedro ii was a good one. europe showed the world how many retards can sit on the throne over time
>then complemented that the situation was so bad down here that he would probably instate a travel ban
we have 1/20 of their cases. trump really is mentally deficient
it'll be just like '64. no civil war needed. commies and demofags will just chicken out and the most extreme ones will refugee themselves in guerillas on the araguaia until they all die from tropical diseases

Boa, gostosinho

>Im sure some obscure 5% guy who actually wanted to help was there
You would be incorrect. All we have are some pretty smart commies and a retarded anti-commie. I'll vote for the retarded anti-commie every election until I die. To commies, not even water.


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There was NONE.
The last "good guy" who had ran in the last 5 elections died more than 5 years ago.

>europe showed the world how many retards can sit on the throne over time
And also shown how little it matters when the king is a retard as opposed to a commie leaning republic.

>I'd wager some States would request democratic secession
you're either playing too much videogames or is still in the 1800's
>Reminder that the Army is with bolimbiro
that's true. although he's pissing some of them off because of this virus in the long run they all adore him
since the coronahype went off. it's a fucking centraofag or something of the sort

He and his fellow governors saved Brazil while Bolsonaro slept


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fuck off

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Olavo was right.
He made a few videos ages ago before this whole thing started on how the Brazilian military was filled with chink sympathizers. He was particularly critical of Mourao and his ties to China.
There's a soft coup happening against Bolsonaro now and the people have turned against him because they fell for the pandemic meme despite the number of infected and dead being negligible in Brazil.

I was always aware there were people in his inner circle wanting to oust him, but that's how the political game works. What took me by surprise is how quickly his supporters drank the kool aid and ditched him and how so many of his aides are loyal to the fucking chinks of all people. Like I wouldn't even be mad if they were betraying Brazil in favor of some country that at least still have some redeemable qualities like Russia or the US, but fucking China? Seriously, this is painful to watch.

You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.

How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?

You are human trash, Jose Tyrone LeShawn de Cordoba. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back into the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.

Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.

You nigger.

You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilization.

You are the Baltimore of South America.

Go fertilize the Pampas with you and your families corpses, it's the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a Brazilian "man" provided for a family.

Die, banana eating freak. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.

If it makes you feel any better, this Bolsonaro kike decieved us all. This Trump "right-wing wave" decieved us all.

Brazil flag is infected.

looks like a faggot

Next time Bolsonaro should listen to someone other than the guy who was fucking his wife

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there's s a video of him fucking 2 prostitutes that was released mid governor elections here
his weenie is rather small

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Literal commies or just social policies wokeish types?
Who was it? Genuinely curious

He won't do much shit. It's Generals that make the biggest changes in those regards
>1st vid
>keeps saying the Army is subjugated to the Ministry of Defense, which is subjugated to the President
>talks about the obligations of the Army
>doesn't mention that it's adamant for them to protect the current democratic order, which means defending the government even if they're wrong
>message keeps being redirected for the Army-only
>final boomer 64 jerk off
2nd vid is pretty much the same, same subjugation to the Ministry of Defense and governmental institutions
In the current crisis situation, it might happen, at least for the South

while I completely agree, from my experience not all of his supporters disbanded, just most of those that unwillingly sided with him because the other options were worse
his núcleo duro is still strongly with him, and the savings-melting-away middle class is almost rabidly in his favour because of how much he wants to end the quarantine and have the country go back into bussiness
remember, his support lays almost exclusively in cities with less than a million people in inner brazil. I haven't heard a single pot-beating this month (i'm in one)

Cant wait for the cheap trip to brazil next year

those vids were released on the day and the day after that BolsoNero did the ''just a flu'' pronunciation
you need to be borderline lobotomized to not see the innuendo in there

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You are one of us now, get in the kool aid line.

>I don't regret voting for him
You are a useful moron.

Now it's time to enjoy his negligence and the absolute comptempt he has for his own people.

>Literal commies or just social policies wokeish types?
If you still believe there's any difference between them other than the strategy employed you should look into it a little deeper. "Social policies" is newspeak for communism, mate.

>"I was the person the people elected, so who gives the orders here is me and only me, nobody else"
Don't get me wrong, I'm pro authoritarianism, but only natsoc or at worst a non-integralist fascism. Neoliberal vira-lata dictatorship is just as bad as a commie one
Cry me a river lamo
>you're either playing too much videogames or is still in the 1800's
Like I said in , in the current crisis, it is possible, if some conditions are met

Enéias Carneiro.
He was a meme candidate, and somewhat crazy.
But the man was geniunelly intelligent, and loved the country trully.
Also, he died 13 years ago. God, seems like yesterday...

Hit me up if you need a translator/guide. Getting paid in dollars would be awesome.

>Cry me a river lamo
What, you really believe there's a chance of "democratic secession"? The union is "indissolúvel" by the Constitution. Secession requires the end of the Constitution.

>Derka derka va patchoula ke patchou.
I understood some of those words.

>Who was it? Genuinely curious
Eneas, a legit crazy dude who ends up actually knew better than everybody else. I miss him.