I HAVE FOUND THE CURE (not a meme)

>Certain keywords make your infection level go down
>The Qucik Reply button is what causes you to become infected, do not use that method of replying to people

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shit now i'm infected



Fuck off we are dying

coof coof nigga

tell me the sacred keywords


it's a hoax, it all looks the same to me

it's in the site's javascript code faggot. go look for yourself

Reminder only newfags reply to namefags


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Oh fuck, I'm ded.

>getting infected

no no no!

kys dumb lying nigger
i'm still not infected

No lung AIDS for you.

Natural immunity


it takes a while, i wasnt infected last night but i was when i started posting today


܂What’s a quick reply? When I click your post number?
Also, why are all my replies backwards now? Is this part of April fools?

Okay nigger


Gib smiley face


Lets see nah.


Coof coof

Fun fact this faggot flu ain’t shit, it can’t infect me.

tfw not infected

I'm always clean. Fuck you coofers.

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Coof coof

So what is the endgame? Getting banned?

CoofCoof coof coof


>Testing key words

Fuck the jannies niggers hikikomori gook mods, and kikes

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Am I infected? If so, I'll "self quarantine" for awhile

I notice that my infection level goes down when I don't post for a while.
I keep leaving and when I come back I'm not green anymore.

How did you morons manage to get infect to begin with? I've been posting across various boards w/o issue although I do make sure to check for signs of infection on 'anonymous' before I respond to anyone and never reply to obviously infected anons.

Stay safe. Stay pure.

im immune

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Let’s see

coof coof... plz help me.coo...f oh god I just shit myself! coof... hold me plz its getting dark!.. coof

>he doesn't know about the 28 threads incubation period

Lemony sea

What if Someone who is pozzed replies to you? I infected someone earlier that way.

>all the immune fags
Literally the scum of Yas Forums




well I wouldn't respond to people like you because your name shows infection signs. You're unclean. UNCLEAN.


based immune chads unite

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just a flu
flatten the curve

what's wrong? i can't get infected

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i'm cured

Shut up

Why contain it?

I'm not sick, it's just allergies.

Look, I have multiple Yas Forums gold accounts, I'm kind of a big deal. Its simple' as, the more blacked, bbc, built for bbc posts you made, the more infected you are. Don't let shills tell you otherwise.


No, but i am.

I'm immune.

dude you clearly have a squiggly mark on your name. you're fucked.

What nao biatch

Man, I'm gonna miss out on all the fun :/

OP is a fag

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what are the keywords?

There are no keywords. Only peace.

am i still immune?


coronachan take me

Brazil man. Nobody give a a flying fuck. Your country could be wiped out and north america would barely notice


Just wait

I can't get sick

Me to : (


it's bullshit but i believe it :)

Hmm, I was growing pretty green last night early morning hours. I have a feeling if you are infected your glow increases the more you post.

Coof coof

Can confirm that

I feel pretty fine I think this is all a bit nothingburger

don't reply to me, you disgusting faggot