Brit/pol/ - R NHS edition

Links are tory fake news against R NHS

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck micks.

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Hi bongs

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First for are Mozza

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just ate a bag of granulated sugar and i'm weeeeeeeeeeee

That looks photoshopped. I dont think those people would hold a banner saying that.


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Just want her back, i'll do anything lads.

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Fuckin bat AIDS, lol

How's the /herd/ today

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is this real?


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reminder that the 3.4% estimate from the (((WHO))) and the

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Lockdown ain't working. theirs more people on the streets than before

Me and green posts.

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can't wait to hear about refugees getting priority treatment then having the native british slugs do absolutely nothing

Alri lads anyone know if staying inside would save lives and help protect our NHS?


how come everything in the uk gets uglier as time goes on and never more attractive?

it's basic triage during a pandemic.

>giving boomers with COPD ventilators that could go to 30 year olds

Definitely more people around today than the rest of the week

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It's standard triage protocol, if you have two patients but only the capacity to treat one you pick the one with the best chance of survival with treatment

Hi tweeple. Whats your flavour of outrage this afternoon?
>The economy
>Staying in (WHAAAA I only get to go out once)
>Clapping for care workers ( days old but still crying )
>Social distancing
>Queueing to get into a shop
>Have to cut my own hair REEEEE
>Other peoples homes
>Working from home and not getting the 80%
>Not working from home getting 100% but wanting the 80%
>Sports cancelled
>Corona virus might delay the release of the next gen consoles
>Using projectors to show slides on the news
>Women’s eyebrows
>Other peoples living conditions
>Can't go into tesco in groups

Yes but you must clap 5 times a day to save the NHS

>oh no why arent the police shooting dog walkers i might get the coof



Me right now

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>a whole day without tripcunts

Nice one gookmoot


Outrage after a week LOL

ventilators don't work. the virus attacks more than just the lungs. it causes kidney/liver/testicle/nerve damage even in "mild" cases.

>sorry lad your mum was taking up valuable space

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she's 36 in the bust
28 in the waist
44 in the hip she got real crazy legs

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No sports.

I thought my gambling addiction would break me due to a lack of funds, not a lack of things to bet on.

I disagree lad,

the idea of offing myself grows more attractive by the day

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Definitely sportsball being cancelled. I reckon a small number of men have killed themselves because of it.

Found an outraged poster.

honestly, they should be purging pets and wildlife. the virus has jumped from humans to both dogs & cats in recent weeks.

Fucking meme flag wankers.

Just talked to my south african neighour
>I'm glad I'm not there because someone just got shot due to coronavirus
>I hear they're rounding up white people over there anyway though
>Yeah that's why I'm here ha ha ha my grandchildren are still there ha ha ha

I miss my footy ):

sounds like she's got a nice rig

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the herd shits been over for ages
the True /HERDERS/ are Sweded and the Netherlands


cvg/ predicted this

>remove the veil to make speech clearer
what sort of mong does this?
he really didn't need to ask her to do that
because I bet she can't speak English anyway.

every white south african immigrant i know of is a really hard-working entrepreneur

Touch my cat, you die. Im not a violent man, but id make you eat your own ballbag. With marmite.

The lockdown and its consequences have been a disaster for brit/pol/

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are you saying the police should just shoot the patients and staff in hospitals aswell then?

Imagine losing the space of a loved one to give to someone else

*puts on sunglasses*

that doesn't explain why the national trust just replaced the wooden gate opposite my house with a galvanised metal one

like, why? for what purpose? is this some sort of uglification scheme? why does everything have to look terrible and offensive?

>Woman passes on coronavirus to her pet CAT: Belgium's public health body says vets found infection a week after owner came down with it

>Dog that caught coronavirus DIES after the 17-year-old Pomeranian was declared disease-free and returned home from quarantine in Hong Kong
animals are disease vectors

>Priority beds for NHS staff
Feels good man. In other news today, our hospital WHSmith has started selling grocery items to staff - toilet roll, pasta, you name it, at 20% less than Sainsburys prices. Special shops with hard to find items for the nomenklatura. Another block of the New Therapeutic State falls into place.

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it's unlikley but the conspiracy theorist inside me slightly belives it being plausaible.

virus is a cover for forced disepearnces, if somebody died of the virus they are a wrongthinker

Going for my daily Boriswalk™
see yaz in a bit i hope

Good, get rid of these drains on society

she's not too tall
complexion is fair
man she knock me out the way she wears her hair

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No, what you are posting is standard triage. Thats not what that notice says, not by a long shot. Its pretty clear that not everybody who paid national insurance will be getting the same considerations.

every white south african i've met has been a grumpy arragont cunt.
Guess i would end up a cunt if i had to live in south africa

this whole thing is catnip for woo-tards

cvg told me you've never had sex?????

the situation is fucking comical.
>"we advise you to pay with contactless"
>marker on floor saying stand within 3ft of cashier
>i've only got cash right now, is that ok?
>hand her items
>you've got to scan it yourself, love
>there's a scanner on a desk 3ft away from her
>scan items, hand her cash
>she's wearing medical gloves, but sanitizes her hands anyway before and after i hand her the cash
>tell her she can keep the change
>as i'm leaving some norf is getting angry he's only allowed to buy one crate of carling

go to a self service till next time folks

Likewise, they're top lads n'all

Was WW2 worth it, Nigel?

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Everythings a fucking disease vector. Your fucking milk carton could kill you if some cunt coofed on it. Lets burn the milk cartons, quick.

This isn’t Canada you nonce



ah fuck I was alright a minute ago

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>r r r r real.?

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>Coughs in your general direction

animals can carry their own types of coronavirus too. we're completely fucked if it jumps to an animal, undergoes an antigenic shift and jumps back to humans. this is probably already happening in brazil with their bat population.

2hrs and 15 minutes till clapping

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go make bank reselling on ebay (or boot fairs once this blows over)

the virus is zoonotic, milk cartons dont move on their own and cant make more of it, livings hosts do, you are stupid

At least we know the BBC recognizes it's on life support.

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there was a time where the idea of a black knight was so absurd they made films mocking it

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CVG mong BTFO again

>How to understand the coronavirus death toll - data from Italy suggests "only 12%" of reported deaths caused by specifically coronavirus

What do we think of Hungary at the moment

All the wood has been bought to build minarets lad. That and the demand for refits on council housing for immigrants.

/cvg/ predicted this

There is PDC "Darts at Home" this evening on the PDC Faceberg and Youtube channels, and you can bet on it, at least with Betfred. The players are playing from their own shockingly vulgar homes.

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Tweet on outraged brah!

Reminder virtually nobody is dying and shutting down business over SARS-COV-2 is completely unjustified. Reminder there are still no Borisbux

no, you guys are much more spineless

Imagine paying £160 a year for a TV Licence when that would probably pay for unlimited broadband.

Let me guess, /cvg/ predicted this? Killer brazilian bats ravaging favela monkeys. Ffs.

Good, Fuck them, They’ve been milking it for years