Why can’t men stop abusing women?

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Because some women deserve it.

Women are trash.

>implying it's only men abusing women

me and my gf have been fighting and arguing more than ever since this shit, I don't have a job and we can't really get away from each other anymore. even the dog is getting pissed off that she doesn't have dog time.

Because bitches just can't keep their mouth shut.

why can't women be silent?

imagine you’re some fat blue collar normie who got laid off and is going crazy from being inside all fucking day. Then your fat post-wall wife tries to pointlessly nag you death every fucking day as the bills accrue and there is no hope in sight

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Probably because a lot of women can't shut their fucking mouths.

>even the gf is getting pissed off that she doesn't have dog time.

>men forced to spend time with their wife/gf
>finally realizing how shit their women are

Most domestic abuse is dyke on dyke, and most of the rest is fag on fag. Men abusing women is vanishingly rare.

>user why you...
Corona teaches women they have no say

Why can't women stop making people abuse them?

Ohhh nooooooo! It’s happening noooooooo! Return to the natural order is commencing!!!! Soulless Roast beef whores getting blown the fuck out!!!

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most relationships are a farce and will collapse the moment both parties have to spend significant, consistent time with one another

>Most domestic abuse is dyke on dyke, and most of the rest is fag on fag. Men abusing women is vanishingly rare.
this is your brain on Yas Forums. it is not rare are all, especially among minorities

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All a woman has to do is call the cops and say you were yelling or anything that can be considered "violence" and you go to jail.
Call the cops and tell them the woman is being violent. I dare ya! They will laugh in your face when they make you leave your own home for 24 hours so she can calm down.

This. People get married out of artificial societal pressure because it is (((beneficial))) for the divorce, wedding, education and real estate industry. Most couples can’t fucking stand each other after living in the same house for more than 3 years

Based truth.

I actually have a real communication with my wife and we hang out all the time so it's completely normal.

Some of us can live quite peaceful with our woman. This is a time for bonding. Getting the house in order & having very intimate time.

But many people are broken & unable to bond. Plus i bet a lot of fights start with quit eating the bacon & pasta you fat bitch, you already fat.

I wonder why

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I got along with my ex perfectly when I was a jobless bum. In fact she left me after I started working & giving her expensive stuff

I just can't keep my hands off 'em

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Guess she wanted you to be dependent

I'm talking about humans, not animals.

do stupid shit, get hit.

Imagine having a wife who you usually have to respect out of fear she'd find someone else or divorce and use her as a sex slave everyday and cum in her until she gets pregnant and fuck her ass too if she tries to escape

Bitch needs to learn how to take it up the ass


there are not enough homos to fill this statistics you retard

wut comes next?

women love deadbeats with no job
if you are a stable, successful man most women will run away from you like you're radioactive, if you're single. women are only interested in a stable man if he has a relationship already, so they can destroy and ruin the relationship

Tag me u italian pussi

Just fuck the dog while the dog fucks your gf
Simple as


Why is that though? Why are women repulsed by stable good men and would rather whore it up with bum fucks?

Women are often abusers, they just get away with it.

Can you imagine being trapped in your own home with some female? They're pretty much insufferable outside of offering holes you occasionally coom in, now imagine dealing with that 24/7 and she's a panicky fucking NPC because all the fake news media is on overtime programming hard.
If I were dealing with that shit I'd rate my hands E for everyone! Sometimes broken property needs percussive maintenance.

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Because women are fucking annoying.

coofing counts as domestic abuse

why can't women stop being subversive whores?

Women have forgotten how to just stay the fuck home and be humble

Because men have been hammered on all sides from the jew media to destroy men.
They lost their way, letting women become dominant.
So the 'good' men are passive, and less dominant.
The men who don't give a shit are the 'assholes' you read about.
Their are still plenty of good confident men who do not deal with this nonsense and find good women.
You can be that as well.
Become a man with hobbies and principles, and go after women you think are of interest.
If they reject, move on to the next.
There is a scale between asshole and confident chad.
Assholes sometimes are the only confident men around women, so the women flock to them. Dominance is an archetype.

TLDR - jews ruined most men.

based Coofer

My last ex flat out assaulted my ass with a wine bottle the day we broke up. And I didn't lay a finger on her because I knew if I did, she was a phone call and a few crocodile tears away from having me tossed in the cage.


Women are over exposed to:
Birth control
Subhuman cultures

They’re all nyphomaniacs now and are not satisfied without nearly constant sex.

Because women cant ever never not in anyway shape or form under any circumstance in any physically possible way abuse men like never ever

Kys simp scum

women being insufferable complainers.

100% of man on female violence is justified. Either she overcame the man's strong indoctrination against such a thing, or she welcomed refugees who are not afraid of a bit of thot patrolling. A man would be on the ground or under it years ago, so she brought it on herself and I have no sympathy for the simps.

how long until normies realize we are in clownworld?

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Energies Must Be Directed Somewhere

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>can't get away from gf
>follows me everywhere around the house
>have to lock the door to sit on the throne to be alone
>she's bored of her hobbies, nothing else to do

She can't into self entertainment. We've always gotten along very well before quarantine. At first quarantine was great, but I'm over it. I want to go back to work. She needs to go back to work.

Criminally underrated

And now that you have surrendered the house she can now steal it and everything in it from you. She can also steal any property she can name, which since she can freely access the home is everything there. She can steal your car... This is all legal and lawful and police will aid and abet the thot in her decriminalized robbery.
The only solution is pic related.

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Incoming mass divorces and baby boom

Do you realice you will get your wee we full of poo?

Yall forget women shit, still idealice them like fucking temples or some shit, good luck with that corona-diarrea

Because women are always reasonable and never start shit.

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It's just allergies

Women don't know when to shut the fuck up.

My girlfriend is a masochist. It might be domestic abuse to you but it gets her even hornier.

>check flag

Somebody tell him

>button pushers push buttons risk getting patrolled for additional drama that makes life worth living.
news at 11

mine attacked me with a broken beer bottle when I was working, just because i wouldn't drop what i was doing to argue. because i was able to disarm her and no evidence she got away with it.

Alphafux, betabux.
Females have not evolved since the caveman days, so they're still looking for angry and violent sorts aka niggers, dogs...
Even if they could self reflect and realize the provider sorts usually aren't the most physically imposing their provider is a collective of men so it doesn't matter. Sometimes they reflect a bit more and realize their protector is also a collective of men. At that point they become public use cumdumps.

The CURE to Female Hysteria Is a Good Fucking

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There are no good women. They can fake being nice to you but in the end the result is the same.
Pump and dump, what you want a woman for?
"I want to have kids/family" well, some news, you will get tired of that biological need pretty fast and even start to hate the kids, why do you think nowdays there are so many monoparental families?
If she didnt sue your ass for the sweet alimony you will get tired of the family shit soon and repent anyways.

well its commiefornia so probably more the other way around

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>Not realizing thots voluntarily strike themselves barren or make their own bodies a mass infanticide site
Not gonna make it.

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>>implying it's only men abusing women

This. Domestic abuse goes both ways. There are some really nasty bitches out there.

why can't women stop talking back and asking for it ?

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Why are you assuming women are calling? They are the abusers.