>Right wingers: "If you fap to porn, you're a left winger degenerate."
>Left wingers: "If you don't fap to porn, you're a dangerous right winger."
Double yikes!
Right wingers: "If you fap to porn, you're a left winger degenerate."
Seriously though, since when is porn a political matter?
What if I fap to infographics?
>basement dwelling anime watching hentai fapping alt-right VIRGIN
>mass confusion
Classic gaslighting
>you WILL watch the porn goyim!!
This has got to be fake.
Personal is political.
Femanon here
Well think about it. What is the reason why rightwing “no fappers” are resisting masturbating?
It’s because your image of a female is shallow. You think you are more worthy than any woman on camera and if you do masturbate to you that decreases your value as a man. The average rightwingers mindspan is equivalent to a bird in a cage. It clutters trying to escape but for the rest of its existence it will be trapped in its confines of its political ideology.
Told you so!
Chad centrism: watching porn without fapping
Maybe stop paying any mind to stupid op-eds.
No one cares about any females opinion. You exist for one reason. Shut the fuck up
oh user
>Chad centrism: watching porn without fapping
That's literally what I do these days. I just think, why do I spend all this time, all these hours on jerking off to random women? What will I gain from it all? Nothing.
nofap is jewish reddit conspiracy to suppress male sexual expression.
you might as well put on a cock cage faggots. real right-wingers are coomers, just not into cuck shit.
The volume off the female brain is 10% small than that of the average male.
checked and coofed
the best thing to come out of this retarded culture war is all the fucking fag commies and leftists demanding everyone jerk off more and defend the courage of camgirls
>spewing nonsense in an attempt to sound intelligent
The reality is that you are a tranny, but in case you're not, go bake a pie and shut up.
you know the rules cunt
when jews promotes porn
stop watchin porn faggots
Show your flag kike.
Actual femanon here.
The reason to abstain from porn is really really simple psy101 Easy.
Pavlov. You ring a bell and dogs drool, why? Because you’ve been conditioning them to associate a bell with being fed so now they will drool at just the sound of a bell. Classical conditioning. People like dogs are easily conditioned. Conditioning men to get gratification by watching other men have sex with anther women is why cuckoldry and polyamorous relationships are now going mainstream. It’s destruction for the nuclear family which leads to the destruction of the nation. Porn should be banned. Anyone who has ever set foot in any respectable college should know this.
It's a fatal flaw. I need to cum at least 25+ times a day, or else I'm a walking sex crime waiting to happen.
There's a difference between watching porn and masturbating, retard. Use your imagination.
Whatever, thot. Back to your kitchen now.
The left not only consists of porn watchers but they're also the majority of sextoy owners, especially beta-males with dildos
>since when is human sexuality, reproduction, and family life related politics
Imagine being this retarded. I would shoot myself if I became self aware.
Women are dumb.
Google it. Iboth wish it was and am glad it isn't. It's a gargantuan fucking redpill.
>women in charge of coming to conclusions
I agree with (you).
same thing in every thread, mindless brainwashed cunts that are completely incapable of separating the idea of PORN with that of MASTURBATION.
two completely detached things, but you can't manage it.
"if you don't watch 5 hours of porn a day from kike-approved sites, that means you never masturbate, ejaculate or even have sex."
that's what is going on in their brains without them realising, so utterly conditioned that the two things are completely inseparable.
I have a feeling it is mostly americans, who also can't imagine the concept of masturbation without lotion and kleenex brand tissues beside them.
that's how it goes on the films, doesn't it?
porn + lotion + kleenex tissues = masturbation.
any element missing and masturbation can't exist.
fucking deranged freaks.
>It’s destruction for the nuclear family
why would anyone want to do this to a society?
Everything is political
Everything is a weapon
holy fuck, end yourself and don't ever try any intellectual endeavor ever, it's not for you. go back to selling nudes or masturbating to nudes or whatever you do to intelectually mongrelize yourself into such a mess
Whew good thing I don't give a fuck about what some political ideologues think of how I live my life.
>First they Mock you,
>Then they Fight you...
No-Fap ftw
Wild Jew Hare Spotted.
> why is it a political issue that a culture of casual sterile fornication with rampant sodomy and masturbation and prostitution is being promoted by the government as a way of supplanting marriage
Show tits with timestamp whore, also
>Abstaining from masturbation means you hate women
>Watching women be degraded for money is empowering
Christ, kikes did a number on your kind
porn must be REALLY bad for you and important for them for them to say things like this
there was even an article that said yes, porn makes men more docile etc but it went to say that men need MORE PORN not LESS
>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>much cleaner than real roasties because no chance to get herpes, other stds or babys
>not degenerate like hookup culture
>can be obtained for FREE
>makes men spend much less on roasties
>even guys who cant get laid can see naked 10/10s
>boosts your immune system to fight off Coronachan
yep Porn and Masturbation is based (and life saving)
>femanon here
>your life must revolve around you not having children, thus expending your seed in any way except the marriage bed is great!
No Fap!
No Fap!
No Fap!
Here I come sweetie, you're gonna get triplets with this load...
remember the good old days when femanon wordfiltered to cumdumpster?
>takes away from womans pussy monopoly
>because pussy is for cooming
God that's fucking beautiful. Where would I get a copy?
>thinking that your oppinion actually matters here.
Why not? We're de-facto liberals if we dont hear a voice outside of our little "He-Man woman-haters club"
political labels have been reduced to "my team good" and "my opponent's team bad"
>holding on to masturbation
Let the anger compell you user. Imagine millions of pissed off men. It will be fucking glorious
you're expecting addicts to adhere to common sense and ignore the screaming emperor in their brain that calls for the absolute defense of their addiction and the attack against anything that threatens their addiction.
Try to interrupt a smoker's schedule, or even a coffee drinker. most will become increasingly irate and irrational until they can have their fix.
it is like their brain is split into two parts, with the addict part becoming increasingly more dominant in their actions until the next fix is acquired.
Porn at best trains you to sit in your chair flicking through 40 porn tabs every day, and never pursue a real female.
at worst it makes the voyeuristic tendencies and offshoot fetishes such as you mentioned.
after kicking the porn habit, within a few months you realise how it has no point to it at all for you, that it was utterly unnecessary but yet managed to make itself an important illusion in your life, almost on par with eating.
>primarily for the purpose of reproduction
Based infected-poster
Fuck off, cunt. Where is your husband? Oh wait, you probably don't have one because you're insufferable bitch who's self value is hyper inflated
Porn addiction caused my social anxiety
Great, now I'm infected with your cunt coof
What if I draw hentai but completely abstain from fapping or watching porn?
masturbation no longer has such a hold over you with porn out of the picture. it used to only be mental patients that were chronic masturbators.
within a couple of months you can easily go from several times a day to 1-2 times a week. enough to keep things in order, but don't feel it is a necessity, it is instead a choice.
problem with long term nofap is that desire is semi-permanently reduced after some months as the body/brain adapts. that's how monks could deal with it.
porn is like pouring cancer into your brain and should be eliminated completely.
fapping to your imagination if you don't have a girlfriend/wife is alright 1-2 times a week as a reward for chatting up girls, or for system maintenance.
Why do it then. Money?
I doubted that anyone would aim to achieve this, but Fred Brooks has an article in the current Atlantic that .. well I don't know how to characterize it because I didn't read it fully, but, says that we should consider other forms.
dang'erus alt-reichters !!111!1
HALP pozcuck sois and whales, save the Planet ! HALP
It's something I've done since I was 13 and I just like doing it. I've done a few commissions before but haven't turned it into an income stream yet. Also go coof in a FEMA camp
Got more of her
I see. Post some art please -coughs-
thats right
righteousness is indeed of supreme danger to wickedness