>What do Create Memes, spread Memes, attack the narrative. Join AfD or IB or Einprozent; counter subversion. Get Yas Forums. Get a job. Spread flyers and stickers. Discuss politics with people; call attention to the Unrecht.
Don't reply to me and my comment ever again you coofing glowie-faggot.
Daniel Cook
No one else made an alternative, so take it for what it is or GTFO.
David Brown
Just a normal day of wagecucking with my normie-colleagues. To prevent Wehrkraftzersetzung my owner limited the number of wagies who can use the locker room at the same time to 3, while its too loud in the production hall to communicate without yelling in each others face. Got to love his humour, i guess. Hätt ich mal in der Schule besser aufgepasst.
That means we're going to reclaim clay from the Frogs and the Polacks, create a pro-German french government and hold sway over the shitty rest of Poland as a protectorate? Without even moving one soldier?
Ganz schlecht, alles ist mir langweilig und ich habe kein Job mehr, habe vor kurzem gekundigt Meine Eltern und Freunde hassen mich und sagen das ich nicht mehr saufen darf.
Gavin Morgan
Do you think this shit will go on for much longer?
Imagine living in a shitty country with illegal homeschooling. lol. That's like saying it's illegal to breathe the air, you have to use this mask instead.
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very based european man. too bad he probably goes for the Jewish idea version of women, and that's way too skinny as it causes fertility issues more than 4x, that way the models and singers and those on TV can fuck constantly in their prostitution gig and not worry about getting pregnant.
Not a clue how any of you aren't single or without kids, honestly. If I were a German man I'd be fucking even your slampigs to get them pregnant. You are so fucking dumb. !!! Dumb cannot even describe the average German today. It's far worse.
Aiden Reed
>limited shitter accessability
You in metal processing, right? Or was that someone else? Anyway, like this is gonna help against smear infection ... truly a artist, dat owner. I am on full lockdown now, snek had minor lung collapse again over weekend (likely left upper lobe again, should have had surgery!), hospital not that overcrowded yet luckily, situation manageable, no immediate surgery required, now at home recuperating.
Guten Abend, frens ^_^ >251426960 Nice buildings. Ever been in Duderstadt? It is a little marvel, one of the oldest Rathaus in whole Germany. I can recommend, whole town look like the pic you posted.