How far do you agree?
Serbs are orthodox turkroaches
you know nothing about true history, i2a sSerb here, SUCK MORE JEWISH COCK YOU BRAINWASHED FAGGOT
Looks like Brandon Herrera
OP doesn't know history read about battle of Kosovo czar Lazar, just like a commie to post trash
>serbs are turkroaches
serbs fucked your sister
stop being so based user
you're making the serbs cry
if you only knew how much pipe I laid inside jugoroach bitches, sheeit I could probably be elected as an infrastructure minister
All turkroaches need to get corona'd
you got bullied by yugos and they fucked your sister
Serbs are pretty fucking based tbqh
Fuck albanians who converted, fuck turks.
Kosovo is Serbia.
refugee nigger fantasies are almost all the same, that's the funniest part with you subhumans
Hans is such a pussy he cant even reply to people properly because hes scared his posts might get green
Europoors need to fuck off from this north american board.
lmao another fuckin refugee
>p-pleas gibe yous you sc-scaredy scared!!
Refugee? Old stock canadian
My ancestors realized what a bunch of pussies Europoors are and decided to face the great wild west in the Canadian winter.
My ancestors are survivors, explorers, adventurers. Yours hid in a cuckshack during ww2 to avoid fighting for blood and soil.
Fuck you Hans.
when I meet an "old stock" [insert western country] that gives even 1 (one) fuck about cockroach shitholes like serbia like you have done ITT, I'll go buy a lottery ticket
stupid fucking roachmigrant role-playing as an ethnic lmao
retard outs himself with the whole kosovo spiel then still tries fitting in LOL
nothing burger,
memeflags are kikes
>muh canadians dont know world politics
Nigger we were peace keepers in the yugoslav wars
>Aj ne seri
"you" aren't shit, but a pathetic refugee with refugee parents that ran away from a shithole
if you think ethnic europeans larps even a half as much as some pathetic roach loser who doesn't even live in his homeland, you're mistaken
No! They are white!!!
Serbs (and even Croats and Bosnians to an extent) are based, piss off Xaqiri. Since you won't show your flag I'm going to assume you're either a dirty shiptar or even worse, a Djetic.
They’re slavs and therefore a sort of chimpanzee sub species.
pozzed burger
Said by someone who lives in a degeneracy center of Europe
Serbs are honorary West Asians
i have your back and you have mine
The country is bigger than Amsterdam though.
>Serbs are honorary West Asians
Boring convo now hans
Keeps reiterating same shitty point.
Toooo bad
Justinian the Great was Serbian so fuck off rabbi.
says the war rape baby with the american dad that he never met kek
>says the war rape baby
kek actually born while it was still Yugoslavia my refugee friend
Memeflag is unaware of genetics. Fuck you memeflag. Serbs are the same as other Yugoslavs but they just have a bit more proto-Albanian blood.
kys and burn in hell crorat & ahmet
Bosnians are the filthiest and most dishonourable Yugoslavs of all. To keep Islam despite not being forced to believe in it is the most pathetic and vile act one could commit. You deserve getting genocided by Serbs.
Black hair is a sign of gyspy magic. I am glad i am not a gyppo but it'd be pretry sweet to have powers dont you think. Lemme ask u this. If me amd a serb practice voodoo, who tf will have an easier time. Move alomg nigger move along
Nobody cares about Balkoid-Turko mongrels here.
I take it you got some Turk trauma, i dont even know anything about you faggots to make fun of you
Turks are the descendents of rape babies and cowardly pontic greeks who converted after economic pressure. Any Muslim in Eurooe is a roach, not white, and a candidate for expulsion.
Serbians who are native to Eurooe and not Muslims are European.
And your flag is the flag of an islamokike wearing a mask.
nobody really cares about anyone here, its just shit posting
>Turk trauma
As long as Georgia was united we have been btfoing Turkroach for centuries you inbred muzzie bitch. Even if we have trauma at least we kept our culture alive instead of succumbing to retarded Arabic shit like your cowardly ancestors and yourselves.
Muslims are half nigger islamokikes and child rapists, just like muhammed. They behave like niggers because their religion is a handbook for niggardly behavior.
Sounds like turk rape baby trauma to me
funny thing is that spaniards greeks and italians have more arab blood from the thousands of arab invasions than the balkanites because the turks that conquered the balkans werent as brown as the arabs due to the mixing with the byzantines people
Not one drop of Turkish blood you cowardly bitch. I'd break you in half inbred scum. I know muzzies like you, we have plenty Azerbaijanis here, weakest bitches on the planet, effeminate, cowardly, literal bugmen.
But yea choice was easy, convert get wealth and power and avoid rape, within the empire, or pray to a kike on a stick and become a butthurt turk rape baby
>Not one drop of Turkish blood you cowardly bitch,
Sure you dont bitch
Dont really care. Just testing
greeks and italians were never conquered by arabs lmfao
Christianity is bad, Islam is far worse, you are an inbred treachorous disgrace to Yugoslavia, you deserve genocide and you will get it, don't doubt it.
>I'd break you in half inbred scum
Yes, I don't. My ancestors never even fought Turks you illiterate inbred subhuman. As for Western Georgians, they have been heavily sampled in genetic studies, not one drop of Turkish blood, so choke on a dick traitor.
All their Posts are as low IQ, aggressive and incoherent as turkish Posts.
yes not conquered :D
but what about the thousands of arab invasions?
is what I mean
Good god the seething in this one
Albanians and bosniaks are the turkroaches. Respect to Serbia.
They look like sandniggers (dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin, hairy) and speak gibberish instead of an Slavic language so other Slavs can barely understand them
>Dragoslav, šta se dešava? Jebaću ti kevu bre! Budala! Bakšiš! Sat! Čarap! Kapija! Baksuz! Želim da prestane da pijem!
Who are they? Turks? Gypsies? Slavicized Illyrians
>funny thing is that spaniards greeks and italians have more arab blood from the thousands of arab invasion
False, why you lie?
report and sag*
serbs have ntohing to do with turks.
>true history
You Serbs have alternative made up history from the rest of the world lol
Literally darker than the migrants from Middle East
the only part of italy held and invaded by arabs was sicily
arabs never got into the greek mainland
agreed, even turks are whiter
To be completely fair, Dutch language sounds like a dying monkey that has hairballs stuck in its throat.
Genetic studies show that although Sicilians have some Middle Eastern blood, it originates long before Muslims existed