Why isn't sex a human right?

Why isn't sex a human right?

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because most women have easy access to it anyway

b4 BBC

Women aren't human. But sure make it a human right.

you have the right you just dont have opportunity for it

That’s a jew göy


Because saying no is a human right.

It is a right for two (or more) consenting adults to have sex.

because then women would have to do a single thing they don't want to do. Healthcare, not being fired, cakes that support fag marriage abortion, being treated how they want to be treated are all human rights. They have brain washed us into thinking that everything they want is a human right, and everything we want is evil and should be suppressed and solved with more porn

BBBRRRRRAAAPPPPPsnnniiiffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnniiiffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....sssssnnnniiiiiiifff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....BBBBRRRRRAAAAPPPPPFFFFLLLLPPPFFF Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....ssnnnniiiiff.....hmmm...hhhmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmm....yes quite.....BBBRRRRPPPFFTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnniiiiiffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffff….yes….

A hot wet curry fart next my dear?

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It is... if you're a woman.

Thats a tranny, right?

That's a dude, isn't it


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Okay, as a fireman "no, I will not save you from that burning building, oh wait I literally can't say no or I will go to jail"

Nothing in this world is a right, all things are earned and fought for. You are just reaping the fruits of your father/ancestors

Thotposters get the rope. Sage

Women have a right to sex. Men have to purchase sex with women thru various means. Why else do gay couples have more disposable income than male-female couples? It’s because the gay male couples aren’t spending money on the useless shit women do.

My dick starts twitching and growing involuntarily when I see imagines like this.



Nothing is a right. Get that out of your head. Even water is not a right. You must get things for yourself

Ugly af. Could gag a maggot with that face. That ass though. Coof coof

A fireman is payed to do it.

Also, sex is not a life or death decision.

i yearn for the old days where you could just buy a girl from their dad

nooooooooooooooooo those jew jugs are too much to resis I’m gonna *cooooooooooooooooooof*

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it is a human right. thats why you need consent.

Thats a man baby.

Because some humans shouldn't deserve sex.

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why is long nose brown showing off its back butt

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No,it's a priviliges.

I would breed a jewess. Tbqh
They are the right mix. White enough to satisfy my snow bunny urges, but at the same time not white enough that I don't feel like I'm exterminating my white brethren.

I can't lose.

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Incels are pathetic misogynists. Have you ever thought about this from a woman’s perspective? Why even entertain someone with your mindset; someone who hates them and thinks their only purpose is to provide sex? There’s a good chance you’re also into the MGTOW movement, lead by your disgusting and unhealthy mindset to not be a norm or, so much to the extent that you’ve ruled yourself a social outcast and have effectively killed off your bloodline, all for the sake of being edgy and cool to randos on what used to be a fringe image board. Not worth it. You’re still a normie, and just because people say edgy shit doesn’t mean they’re correct or “based”. Most of the time it’s just cringey.

TL;DR, improve your image, be publicly presentable, sociable, and mentally healthy. Cut this edgy shit, because it’s not doing you any good, and anyone outside of Yas Forums is going to see you as a closet homo and creep with your current mindset.

So if I work hard for 25 years to invent the cure for HIV and want some profits off my effort. Government will take it, kill me and give it for free because it's a life or death decision.

It is. If you aren’t having sex it’s because you are subhuman.

Because it involves another people who may not be into it.

It is if you do it right.

She needs some BBC action between those cheeks

>may not be into it

Not gonna lie i would eat her ass

Is this a man or an ugly woman?

It is.
if you're not getting laid, you're not human.

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You can say no to being a fireman. Jesus what a pathetic argument.

Because nobody is obligated to fuck you if they don't want to.


Nobody forces you to be a fireman.

Everyone has access to it. Easiest time in human history to get laid: you dont even have to leave your house. Too bad you zoomers cant use craigslist anymore.

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Way to assume that I was talking about women cuck.

>implying real sex feels that much better than a good onahole

Sex is only worth it if it's with someone you love. Otherwise it's too much work for something that's not really that different from masturbation.

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Coof on her

>Easiest time in human history to get laid
Only if you're wealthy or exceptionally handsome. Gtfo normalfag

10/10 would bang again.

It is a human right.

For example, you are free to go fuck yourself

you, again.

>Only if you're not fat and/or woefully autistic
Fixed for you

>Only if you're wealthy or exceptionally handsome. Gtfo normalfag
Dont shoot for the stars and lower your standards.
Yeah, it's me. What about it?

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Because then women would lose the only control and power they have over men

because you exist


>1 sentence post with a half naked whore

Sage. Stop killing the fucking board.

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