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We need to nationalize socialism.

Fuck off poor niggers.

Save some fucking money.

Yeah release a bunch of murderers and rapists when the police are sick. Smart.

We need to nationalise social media

didn't this lady lay off all her staff and bug out with a massive bonus check before closing up whatever subversion company she founded

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Um actually sweaty everyone in prison is only there because wypipo rasis

I see what you did there.

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>nationalize housing
>nationalizs healthcare
>release criminals fron jail while putting everyone in defacto house arrest
This person deserves bad things

>release everyone from prisons
Great. I've always wanted to shoot a home invader legally.

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landlord here.. had a female tenant greet me this morning with donuts and a little something else if you know what I mean. I own my properties outright.. so.. if I get a little sexy time with my 20-something female tenants so that I waive their rent... I am on board with that!

>Release everyone in prison

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>release everyone from prisons
And that is why we get NONE of those because Americans are retarded

Here, lemme help ya out

>muh free stuff
Every. Fucking. Time.

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hope she coofed all over you while you coomed


The best performers are highly capitalist nations.

Wouldn't keeping people in prison be in line with shelter in place?
Better question, why hasn't America sent subversive Jews to Israel?

>a woman has an opinion

Release everyone in prison? Is she fucking insane?

We literally gave it all to fat squat little cockroach spics

wow, a Jew promoting communism, how original.

"shelter in place" is tyranny, and you have to believe China's lies to believe anything like that actually works any more effectively than what we're currently doing.

It has


Capitalistic monocultures, in fact. The multi-culti places are all doing the worst.


What kind of donuts, user?

>realeased everyone in prisons

surely there's no downside to this suggestion

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>releasing everyone in prisons as a response to a pandemic
That’s legitimately the most retarded idea I’ve ever seen.

that's what you have to do. that or let all your prisoners die horrible deaths

>Anita 'Shekelstein' Sarkeesian

Why would you release prisoners if you want people to stay where they are?

Well if I was going to look into socialism I certainly won't now.

I mean forcefully, en masse.

They need the prison space for people who violate their quarantine

>I said sooner or later the world will know that I WAS RIGHT

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ahhh, yes, releasing everyone from prisons. The true alternative to capitalism. Can someone please point me to good literature detailing the massive economic and social benefits to this?

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>that or let all your prisoners die horrible deaths
A thousand times preferable to letting them out

They have frozen the mortgages here tho

I’m sorry user, do you mean us to remove Jews with dual citizen from the Senate, the federal reserve, academia and the media?

Fuck I hate this attention whore. Milking other dumb fucks for a living...

It should be illegal to have a government job and dial citizenship anywhere. So, yes.

Dual citizenship with Israel*

Yep that's a risk I'm willing to take rather than let out every dangerous idiot during a fucking pandemic. Anyone advocating that should lose their right to vote.

>Release everyone from prison
So long as we bus all the rapists to her house I'm okay with this

Uh release people from prison? Trying to get your mom raped user? Lefties are a fucking joke.

no thanks. kys.

I expect subsidized armbands

>Release everyone out of prisons

literally what the fuck are these retards on about?



Release everyone in prison? Wtf

Why don't you shut your fucking face?

She’s a has-been. Let her fall into obscurity.

Eviction courts are shutdown.
Landlords are lashing or canceling rent.
Banks are postponing mortgage payments.

Socialism is already happening until things are resolved.

You dumb nigger.

I've got six figures saved up, home ownership is now looking like a real possibility. I'm hoping for all out destruction. Hurry the fuck up.


This but unironically

>they want orange man bad to seize even more power for himself

just standard assortment.. glazed.. plain..chocolate. I made glaze on her thigh a little later if you know I mean :)

The only reason why we haven't tried socialism is because out if fear and we are taught to be ideologically opposed to it. We may know the short comings that can come from socialism. But we also capitalism shortcomings.

You can't say something is bad when you've never tried it.

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Because we don't listen to retarded big nosed bitches?

I’m a shocked as everyone else that this subversive Jew turned out to be a hard-left authoritarian.

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so they are just anti-justice now so long as its a nigger? Does she want all the whipipo rapists let out too?

Why did you? Shoot those fucking traitors for all I care

crispy crunchy leaf fag

What if we released all of our prisoners into Israel?

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This bitch should be thrown into a VOLCANO

Anita is a cunt, so her opinion makes me want to think the opposite is better.
Keep the prisons full, let’s see some criminals pay for hurting people. Non-violent prisoners get to go home.

Why the fuck would they release everyone from prison?

Well Fuck you, Half of Germany tried after WW2 - go look into a fucking history book how that played out. Spoiler:- It wasn't fun.

You're a fookin brainlet m8

Jesus. She is an idiot.

No. What do you mean?

>Knowing nothing about history
Stop just using the internet for porn

Fuck East germany


surprisingly based

>release everyone from prison
Yeah, that's a great idea. Totally nothing could possibly go wrong there.

She’s so desperate for attention. She was fucked before COVID19 and now she must have zero dollars in her account so she needs to rile up Yas Forums to get hatewatches on her videos.

There was one good thing about it...a fucking wall around it - i would want something like this right now to keep (sand)nigger infestation and virus infections out.

Most Americans in prison are there for the dumbest shit like having 5 nanograms of weed mixed in with their pocket lint, not because they're dangerous murderers.


Cringe ragebaiting
Literally who?

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RELEASED EVERYONE FROM PRISONS?? WHAT???? Do these people not realize how insane they are? This is what pushed me further right. I was originally slightly liberal in college, now I'm a moderate conservative. These people need to be shot.

this, but for all races who live in the US

You do realize she said release ALL prisoners, right?

>release everyone in prisons
>issue shelter in place

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