Give me 1 reason not to move to Ukraine, when they have
>10/10 white slim qt virgin women everywhere
>no Niggers or beaners
>traditional values (no feminism)
>Dirt cheap country/weak currency
>No coronavirus
Give me 1 reason not to move to Ukraine, when they have
>10/10 white slim qt virgin women everywhere
>no Niggers or beaners
>traditional values (no feminism)
>Dirt cheap country/weak currency
>No coronavirus
>traditional values
slavic women are million times worse than western ones because they play on both eastern and western cultural side in this matriarchy, they can abort kids en masse, suck dicks till mid 30s, chase careers but then they still expect knights on horses being their chauffeurs, atms, leaders, family men, lovers, repairmans comedians, entertainers, etc.
>Dirt cheap country/weak currency
Are you bringing in money to retire, or do you intend to work there?
If it's the latter, I hope you enjoy 100 USD a month for a salary.
Also, have you ever been to the Ukraine, or any country outside the US for that matter?
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Mutts law again.
1. Your not Ucraneian
What else reason do need you, hypocrite nigger? Take fellow mutt women that G0d, evolution, and circumstances gave you or go volcel like you aren't an impulse-driven nigger beast
Is this actually a fucking thing redditors do? Do they care about internet points that fucking much?
Imagine posting in a forum where you receive such a faggy message
based immune poster
rolling for a slim traditional qt virgin wife
Russia gonna put your ass in the gulag, coof coof, that's why user.
Virgin ?....Kek.
*rollin* PLEASE BE 6
Slavic women are known whores. how many times do you have to be told? why are amershart so deluded.
Do a "Bald And Bankrupt" and get some BJ action from a random lady for about 80p.
>half-naked models are Traditional
because you're a mutt and by nature incapable of learning a language
>Ukrainian girls
>traditional values
Wrong. 90% of them were sexually abused as children or are gold-diggers looking for simps at nightclubs. You can spot them by their bleached hair and leather jackets.
Why the fuck do you american always leave.
Stay in your own country
She doesn't look white
just learn american you dirty savage
if they had stayed in their countries they wouldn't have left Europe in the first place. they evolved into rootless kikes like their masters, and are cursed to wander the earth searching for more immaculate places to soil. they don't want to contribute anything or adapt, they just want to take take take whatever is there. disgusting.
I lived there for 4 years. Ask away. Ukrainian women while hot are sometimes like nuns. Others are like children--- you need to be the father financially. Pay their rent, food, makeup. They're gold diggers.
>Reddit is privilege, not a right.
I cant believe how deep people have sunken in the last 10 years
Based, redpilled, awesomesauce & amazeballs
Yes but it's full of scammers, trust me, I sell on eBay, Ukrainians then Russians biggest white scammers in the world. All named Ivan and Ekaterina
true and based
what city user? How much money does it take to live like a king for a year?
They don't send you that message on reddit lol
what do Ukrainian feet smell like?
Ukrainian woman are hot yes but they are foxes.
Mad bitches that will lie and cheat on you without a doubt or feeling bad.
Also they have about 500 cases corona lol.
Wait so I inherited 3 trailer parks from my dad died of kike cancer and make 67k a month after the kikes tax me I could live a king in Ukraine with a harem
coming from an Albanian ...
Kyiv the capital which is quite different than anywhere else. Modern, big, e.t.c.
I was teaching English & it wasn't good money. 400$ to 1000$ usd a month. Teach privately. Never work for a slave school. I also has money from crypto so I lived like a king & fucked a lot. Pretty sure without knowing Russian living in a smaller city would drive you crazy. I only speak English. Most people in Kyiv have a bit of English.
her hands are yuge
You're posting like 10/10 girls. I was dating 8s,7s, but usually younger which was nice. 10 year age gap sometimes
absolutely based
God Canadians are such shit can't wait untill china cleanses all metro insects like you.
Notice the Starbucks brand clearly visible to display wealth. They also aren't always smiling. They're way faker than even the worst Californians or something. They like iPhones. They're just like Chinese in that regard. (Notice how only asians like Yeezy shoes etc.)
some ukrainian woman are 185cm and more. once met one that was 194cm tall. I felt like a manlet with my 190cm.
Easily. Or even Canada dipshit.
What's your fucking problem?
>Kek typical balkoid
That you aren't homeless on the fucking streets of Toronto like you deserve faggot.
is Lviv better for trad qts?
I'm east german living in Slovakia, but used to live couple years in Canada or to be more correct, at tdot while attending shit tier toronto university and banging canadian sluts from ryerson university.
canadian girls are so easy to lay, canadian men were already back in 2008 soi based lifeforms before it became a fashion thing.
That's Slovakia buddy
I wholeheartedly agree that Ukraine has some fine women like pic related, but...
>10/10 white slim qt virgin women everywhere
user, that doesn’t exist anymore.
Wahmyns liberation and the media push the narrative about the need to be:
>strong and independent
>it’s ok to have hook up sex with strangers
>radical feminist
>being a virgin until marriage is patriarchy’s fault!
>girl you need to discover yourself!
Pretty much our current soy_ciety allows women to be whores without consequences, letting hypergamy take over.
>Travels to country not knowing language
>Employed to teach language
>Blows all CAD on random foreign whores
>Returns to Canada to draw welfare and be a city insect
You are everything wrong with the west.
Not really because it's right next to Poland (EU)
Also $1000 usd using English per month is great in their economy. Most people in Kyiv make $500 a month. You can chat up & date almost any girl but they know you're a horny foreigner. I am young so it's good. If I was a creepy old western sex tourist it would be awkward.
You have no idea what henpecked is until you date a slav chick. That said tomboy ones are 10/10 memesters and fun. Just super rare.
It's Ukraine. It's corrupt, poor and boring.
If you are moving just for sex you probably have nothing going for you or you are just asking to be played by one of these women.
>Give me 1 reason not to move to Ukraine
It's an AIDS-ridden, degenerate, post-Soviet, post-nuclear-catastrophe shithole and full of prostitutes, alcoholics, cigarette dealers, oligarchs, corrupt politicians and gangsters. It's currently in a civil war. It's a country where most people don't know English, and those that do belong to the "anywhere" type of people. Boomers in the Ukraine are often literal Communists, especially in the East, young people are pro-EU liberal free-love faggots, especially in the West of the country. The fact that people leave it en masse and that women literally sell themselves on the Internet should tell be a big red flag that tells you there is something WRONG with this fake nation.
Besides, you know nothing about Ukrainian culture, will never in your life make the effort to learn how to speak fluent Ukrainian and would only be an awkward, helpless stranger at best. Ukrainians are not your people and will resent you. The xenophobia you love so much will cause your demise, as this idea of "all Europeans are the US" doesn't exist there. Everyone will look forward to exploit your naivety, especially women. Otherwise they'll ignore you.
Mind your own business and don't become the cosmopolitan parasite rat you mean to destroy.
You will never be Ukrainian, you will only be another idiotic anywhere-fag who thinks he can become a somewhere-fag. But the world is just like a forest; the ivy will never grow to be an oak. You are just a rootless White millennial who thinks he can endlessly take White flight like an expelled Jew. Bloom where you are planted, or wither like a parasite. You are not a nationalist if you give up your home without a fight and the women you may find will not be traditional just because they give you attention and a quick fuck. In fact they would betray their own people in doing so, turning you a hypocrite. Flee your own country or be a man, you can't do both.
t. Slav living in the same conditions.
for leafs its all the same.
when you travel from bosnia to slovakia, you meet hundreds of people, fine cuisine of all kinds.
you travel same distance in ontario, you see maybe a moose and a fat girl. or two fat girls. nothing else. they totally ignorant fucks there, far worse than americans and germans.
Yup. There's a lot of that shit in Ukraine especially Kyiv
not to forget the
of niggers, iranians and afghanis everywhere in kyiv
Stay mad. Stay alone. Stay online. Stay a virgin. Stay in your hometown. Stay on the sidelines of life which has made you its bitch.
He who dares wins.
Allow real men to explore & conquer the world.
Having spent some time in Ukraine. The women are hot, but as every slav is saying in this thread, they have no values. They're pretty much all whores. Good if you want to just fuck and get herpes, but not if you want a wife.
Everything is dirt cheap though.
savage x based
They'll drain your bank account in 5 minutes.
Canada is the most evil country to be ever created the people who live here are so brainwashed and infantilised by the neo-liberal media they are totally incapable of understanding what they are responsible for.
Why the fuck would I want to be a leaf for
They hate Germans. That's why you're so bitter. They like Americans & Canadians. They know what Germans are about: early led, hardworking, boring & safe.
Canadian men make them wet because we're fun & mysterious.
Easily led***
I lived in lviv for a summer with my gf a couple years ago. i really love ukraine and the people. yes the country is generally a poor shithole and many people fit the dumb and rough eastern yuro trope. the stereotypes of the girls being gold diggers is true HOWEVER not all of them are like that, particularly if you avoid clubs. frankly I think they’re less gold digging than americans. women there don’t expect you to be a prince but they expect you to be a man, which is different in America or where I go to uni (Italy).
it’s always funny to me listening to yuros argue with north americans about how much better the other places are or how worse, especially when 95% of you haven’t even lived in the other. ukraine isn’t a paradise with 10/10 virgins everywhere, but it’s far better than america or western yurop in that respect
>Stop being angry at the establishment, socialize with braindead sheep, sell your virginity to a whore, leave your hometown, succumb to the mainstream.
>He who goes to Ukraine gets AIDS.
>Allow real men to defend their homes instead of trying to live off of the fruits of strange trees, like Gypsies.
I'm in Vancouver British Columbia
Fucking random slags is not an achviment you fucking loser.
If you have a brain & can say no then you're good. Don't be like the Turks or Pajeets in Ukraine. They get used & get no pussy.
>They hate Germans. That's why you're so bitter.
I just stated that I am a Slav in the exact post you replied to, which you would notice if you had any reading comprehension at all.
>They like Americans & Canadians. They know what Germans are about: early led, hardworking, boring & safe.Canadian men make them wet because we're fun & mysterious.
Talking bullshit costs nothing. Fuck off.
The situation is nowhere near that bad, but if you go to nightclubs, teach English or do any of the sexpat activities then you'll see them because they are there for everything that brings westerners to Ukraine.
There aren't many Afghanis, but there are a lot of people from Central Asia who drive cabs, restaurants or construction. You need to go out of your way to see these people.
The best any foreigner can do who can't speak the language and has no social currency other than their 'foreign' status is doing is a 7 or 8. Girls like this are for the local chads with the rich dads from 90s money.