How the hell is society still semi functioning with 75% of people at home?

How the hell is society still semi functioning with 75% of people at home?
Are the majority of workers just completely useless and the few (doctors, farmers, cooks, engineers) just keeping the entire country afloat while we ride on their work?

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Only about 10-15% of the country keep people alive and kicking. The rest are there to keep the stock market spinning.

Pretty much. Though the part "semi" in semi-functional should be emphasized.

the effects will be seen in summer

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It's not, you just can't see it yet.

Farm production is already being hit, and this will become clear over the next few months as prices rise. Distribution is also being impacted, and the current Whole Foods strike is just the beginning.

This is the big one, it's Happening dude. I hope you prepped.

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Retail was shut down. Now you can only shop at big name box stores. All the small businesses are fucked. Coof coof

How will this affect the future? Now that the gig is up were all literally dollar signs too keep billionaire bankers and stock executives fat will this honestly change how we view society or will it just be memory holed

this. food exports already being closed off

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that's capitalism for ya. Most jobs are bullshit and people only do them to pay the rent. Thats why we should free people of that burden and introduce UBI everywhere

Next 5-8 years will be messages of "inspirational change" and "patriotism".
Instantly forgotten when financial markets recover.
I 'member 2001, hell I 'member the dotcom burst.
Nother ever changes for long.

'Jobs' as we know them have only existed for a little more than 100 years.

Built for bbc

The other jobs are still relevant. Just not life sustaining.
Think of anyone working at restaurants, entertainment venues or shops in general (clothingm, electronics, whatever).
You can live well without going to any of these for a while, but people sure as shit crave the goods and services that they provide.


>he thinks the modern economy means anything anymore and is tied to the real world

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There will be a group pushing for work from home, under the guise of stopping climate change if a leftist group, and you’ll hear the socialists get louder. Probably won’t lead to anything, unless it costs businesses less to have most of their employees work from home.

All that matters anymore is breeding with genetically superior black women.

The difference is the millennials and zoomers already wanted socialism before all this went down. Millennials especially remember the 2008 depression and lived the after effects. We know what is coming. We know that of the Trump Bucks™ bill that just passed the people got .25 trillion while wall street got 1.75 trillion. It's bailout deja vu. Occupy is coming back once the virus clears up. Business as usual is finished and we are absolutely voting in a new system in 8-20 years.

well that too yeah

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>All the black queen bro’s coming out
It’s good too see fellow chocolate lovers
But no literally it’s insane how I thought life would just cease to exist without magic jew numbers

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Does China still import food? Could this be our ticket to revenge?

when the world has gone insane at least we still have the BLACK QWEENS

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my favourite poster has arrived

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>with 75% of people at home?

Most of them are fake jobs that are not even needed. I'd get rid of 80% of teachers and academics, and move learning online, or on the job.

I unironically agree with you, comrade


WTF, Commies are based???!!!!

>Are the majority of workers just completely useless
Didn't you realize that before the epidemic?
80% of commercial actiity in the West takes place because people are bored and too fucking affluent for their own good.

Most jobs are, indeed, worthless. They produce nothing of value.

all I prepped was bullets and water, I forgot to get food and toilet paper


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henlo frens I have heard quarantining yourself with an ebony for 14 days of ball draining sex will cure you of corona

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He was built for big black pussy.

Bingo! You just discovered that our country is full of fucking parasitic shitheads.


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There's a famous article about this called "on the phenomenon of bullshit jobs"

Most of their rice is grown in the US.

Why are all these employers hiring nonessential workers instead of buying golden toilets and exotic cars?

holy fuck she's perfect
QVEEN posters unite

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Their superior African genetics will make your descendants immune

they mad

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Based and racemix pilled

basically you need farmers, resource extraction, supply chain, manufacturing and tradesman. throw in a few police, and that's enough to keep 99% going

How do I coof?

Let me help you qt

i have more of her

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Everytime I read this pasta I imagine some fat self righteous blob in front if his computer and I want to drag him behind my car


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Big black coochie?

gibbe me name...I beg you

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I'm in the food industry. I don't see so much shortage on supply because restaurants are operating and half of 0 capacity so there's a glut on perishables. Except meat.
Groceries are tight.
But the big happening that is brewing is , suppliers, vendors, etc who sold on credit to restaurants are getting screwed. It might have a domino effect. A lot of defaults rolling in from restaurants. That's really gonna put food supply in a tailspin. Only produce has bankruptcy protection.

it shows you how useless almost everyone is and the elites want even more useless people to flood into our countries

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>i have pictures of niggerwhores on my pc

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We're coasting on stuff that has already been produced

imagine not having a folder dedicated to qweenz

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There are loads of people that shifted to work-from-home schedules and didn't lose ant efficiency. But yes, most jobs are worthless.

Excuse me fellas coof coof coof coof No I'm not sick tho don't worrry.

i have forgotten. she is a professional model, that i remember.

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There are more bullshit jobs marketing and selling useless shit to people than essential jobs. We just need food, fuel, water, healthcare, police, fire service, army and basic maintenance of stuff. The food, fuel and water is largely mechanized. Entertainment to pacify the population is provided by the internet/tv.

I had a dream last night I was making out with a cutie black girl with a short redish afro. shit was so real I woke up because I was making kissing motions with my mouth. I know what I must fap to today.

There's four tiers of people:

1. Rulers, celebrities, very wealthy - top of the population, relatively small numbers. You know who you are.
2. Absolutely essential workers - doctors, nurses, core manufacturing, fuel production, airline associated jobs, water and sewage, agriculture, etc - keep people alive and society moving. If you're in this class odds are you're still physically going to work in some form.
3. The great middle. Most administration in business, education, and government, bank workers, teachers and profs, luxury businesses and production, majority of small business in general. Some of you might be going in to work in person once in while, but the majority are teleconferencing and working from home right now. This is probably 60% of the work force.
4. The unwashed masses and useless eaters. Probably 20-30% of the population. You were let go because no value is associated with retaining you on staff in the absence of normal operations. You're unemployed right now.

In a culling #4 gets it (though you need to retain some of them as peasants), and probably half of #3 as well.

I guees I'll have to use google jew...Thanks anyway

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Yup. People “lived” had food on the table and access to health care in the old commie bloc as well but they sure as hell weren’t having fun

Smalltime vandalism is going up every day. It'll spike here and there soon enough. People are losing their shit in the empty streets.

Because most people at at home never actually did anything that was really important. It's amazing that we have an economy at all considering how little most people do for work.

It’s almost as if most of the economy is superfluous and if we divided the actual needed labor amongst ourselves we would only work 15 hour weeks?

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Most people are useless eaters

if you find it let me know also

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she cute and looks perfect for melanating the corona from my system

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Because anyone who isn't a complete brainlet has a job where they can work from home

STOP !!! My dick can only get so hard....

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I've been thinking about what technical occupations will always be in demand irrespective of how fucked society is

>• Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s.
god dammit I hate that place


All you dregs are just jewish money paper shufflers or just sell stupid trinket crap to coom over.

U know most jobs are fake jobs right.
They aren't necessary. Only things like construction workers or people who actually do real things are necessary.

Mix your genes

I moved to the first category at the age of 29 (mainly as an electronics designer, with some side activity). That counts my first four years of salaried work. I can say with utmost certainty that I was a net parasite until two years ago.

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would execute and feed her to my dogs.

This. REAL work. Not bullshit fluff.

I'd clap that fat ass. Coof all over that rich snizz.

Can confirm. Shit is getting real in AG. Was before all this..

was kind of like this. was very hot and not sure why I had such a vivid dream.

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Debt. We are paying by future productivity to pay that off.

Coof on me

Betcha I can coof on her belly through that little crevasse in her fat tittays.

This, 90% of the population only exists to ensure jews can force the remaining 10% around.
