Russian women

Give me the rundown on Russian mail orders. I want an innocent virgin like this or nothing.

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Only the Clintons and some of their buddies can afford innocent virgins.

They're sturdy.

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I coom way too much to Anjelica

Why would a girl this beautiful ever do porn? I know she’s some rich dude’s wife now but why not just go straight to that? A face like that means you don’t need to do porn, so many more options.

>She shaves
Disgusting. Not built for anything.

My GF is from Birobidzhan, AMA

I fucked her

Attached: Angelica-10.jpg (683x1024, 75.28K)

Either beautiful gold-digging whores or sturdy babushkas, built for splitting firewood and carrying water.

Listen to Gunny, user.

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That's an old meme pretty much. You would currently meet mostly russophobe internazies or ukrainer/poo-lack golddiggers among those.

Bullshit. When she was escorting it was like 8000 euros for a weekend.

More Gunny, may he rest in peace.

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Coalburners, whores, gold-diggers

detected the chechen

No tits

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*Coof coof coof

Why are incels looking for dating advice in times like this *coughs*

I'll take one

>innocent virgin

>virgin like this
if you think a girl like this is still a virgin, you're pretty naive.

they get a sugar daddy as soon as they can take a dick and start their life of abundance. these women will never have to worry about anything because some man will always provide everything for them. the prettier the girl, the more things she'll get in return for her the usage rights to her hole. and when she come close to hitting the wall she'll make sure to pop out a kid or two from an affluent father, ensuring the continuation of a stream of handouts.

the life of a beautiful women literally could not be better. and you will never experience that level of insouciance.

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>virgin like this
pic is a buttwrecked hose hound.
oh, OP, you truly are infected.


Don’t have sex with Slavic untermenschen.

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Gotta be straight with you, user. She looks better than mediocre.

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My uncle did this way back in the day when it was new in the 90s. Totally fucked his shit up and got divorce-raped. I don't know the details because I was a little kid at the time but from what I can gather a lot of it stemmed from her family not living in the same country as them and the issues that it caused.
This wasn't even in the United States either, she was Russian and he lived between Italy and Germany at the time.
This leads me to believe that the only way I would ever even consider any 1st generation immigrant relationships is if all of her major family members have already moved with her, at the VERY least both of her parents.

this, the same as American woman but with a different aesthetic


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> >the life of a beautiful women literally could not be better. and you will never experience that level of insouciance.

>Non-NEET detected.

>the life of a beautiful women literally could not be better. and you will never experience that level of insouciance.

The talk of a (non-essential) wagie.

>innocent virgin
>stone cold wants to ditch her countrymen and trade sex for money (her sex, your first Worlder money)
All women are whores, user. The only way to trust them is to make sure they _cannot_ betray you. Prenup etc. You gotta keep that hoe under control and never ever turn your back

NEETs live the same way, but pay nothing for it. Cope, white man.

>All women are whores, user. The only way to trust them is to make sure they _cannot_ betray you. Prenup etc. You gotta keep that hoe under control and never ever turn your back

Lol, non-lawyer detected.

Give me a rundown on neets?

This is an innocent virgin, not what you posted.

Attached: afghan-girl-and-marine.jpg (1000x658, 160.43K)

Coof coof

they're way out of your league

>Russian mail order brides
> virgins

You neets are both fat and stupid

Here's another innocent virgin: but you would reject her because of your white man's belief system (which is heretical) and demand anyone that wouldn't follow your way be extinguished.

Attached: afghan14.jpg (982x674, 401.36K)

I had a friend who used to shag a russian wife. she also shagged her husband, but was waiting until they had been married two years so she could be a uk citizen I think.

that is a nice meaty cock with some curve to it.. wish i could that now.

Men who fall for the mail-order bride meme are actual low-intelligence idiots.
She will 100% leave you, take all/half of your stuff, make your life miserable and tell your kids to hate you.


>Give me a rundown on neets?

They do everything the white REAL man abhors, and avoid what the white man "respects"; and thus live better lives than the woman worshiping worker simpletons that white men are and have ever been.

women like this drive lambos sponsored by their sugar daddy while neets sit alone in a basement.

women like this fly to the carribian whenever they feel like getting some sun and relaxing, sponsored by their sugar daddy. neets cannot afford that.

not even a close comparison

also: stop samefagging

All white men are.
Which is why they banned marrying actual girls.

Most people could afford a $600 plane ticket, enough gas to reach florida or rent a lambo for a day

mind you one bloke I know went to work in russia and came back with a russian wife and she is really nice.


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BUILT FOR BBC Her parents sold her off so they can eat xD

Blyatniggers are disgusting untermensch who suck dick for greencards and then leave your ass

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>or something


Good lord this is a real post isnt it

>t. Got divorced raped by Natasha

fuck off pedo your not funny

t.blyatkin vodkanov

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I am not pedo her parents/culture are fag

based insoucianceposter

ok pedoscum you belong to her parents

Russian women are no different than American women. Try a trad Catholic Kenyan or Filipino.

She's whiter than the average American

16k to fuck a skinny bitch that has bareback anal with male prostitutes? No way would I fuck her, let alone pay for it.
Deenz & Beenz are going to skyrocket in value. Women are attracted to wealthy men.

Confirmed Coofer

Looks like a Bacha Bazi boy.