Sweden's herd immunity strategy failing. Denmark and Norway are smarter!
It'll catch up.
>Sweden's herd immunity strategy failing
Tegnell has secretly infiltrated the state and is now implementing accelerationism.
The fire rises
you mean ramp up. Sweden already has the most deaths per capita. get ready for the boogaloo
Damn Sweden getting cucked by a virus is no surprise
COOF COOF *wheeze*
I heard mostly Somalis die from it in Sweden. Is it true?
only in Stockholm, and it's 50 %. thank G-d Zoomalis are illiterate
Actually true, 90% of the dead have been immigrants the rest has been old fucks
Yes but how many of those are muslim Swedes a.k.a. real Swedes?
Legacy Swedes don't count!
The amount of nothingburger posters in newspaper articles is astounding. People really need to have an immediate family member die to understand the severity of this. Retards already shilling for the re opening of kindergardens and schools , the same retards that will be triage’d in favour of mohammad once icu capacity is breached, which it will we’re already 1/5 there nationwide with little to no PPE for a prolonged period of time. NPCs think this will be over by easter, the denial and cope of what is about to happen is unreal and infuroating.
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is that deaths or cases?
disappointed that we aren't too much better at sweden as of now
Swedes genocide themselves, yet again. How can we ever hope to be that progressive!
Admitted to hospital per day with corona. We are ok
Triage is already starting, only the most severe will be admitted to hospital and tested. All nothingburgers deserve whats coming for them.
Your death rate is doubling every 5 days and you have third world levels of hospital beds per capita. SPAIN and ITALY have more hospital beds. You're going to be #1.
>have an aging population
>low birthrate
>old people die while the rest builds up immunity
>economy keeps running
>other countries committing economic suicide
>inheret the earth
Except the economy isn't running, like at all.
USA #1
We're trying. Jew York is kill but California now expects to avoid a much needed purge.
>have white old people
>have brown young people
>inherit earth
unlikely story ahmed.
Really? Ours is. Of course we are taking a hit but plenty of people are still working. I work in construction, it is business as usual. We have an enormous agricultural output which isn't affected. Royal Dutch Shell must be feeling the heat because of low oil prices, and sectors like hospitality, tourism, barbers, etc. are pretty much completely shut down. But mostly we are still functioning.
>>economy keeps running
kys jew
People have to work for the money that shows up on your EBT. No economy, no food.
And who is stupid and who is smart here?
Imagine thinking herd immunity applies to anything but mass vaccination especially in a new virus where we have no idea of the lasting effects. Hope it really does cause infertility and Sweden gets super fucked
Is Sweden near Denmark?
Jesus Christ
Oh no no no.
It didn't worked in the USA.
It didn't worked in the UK.
It didn't worked in Russia.
It didn't worked in the Netherlands.
Let's do it again.
silver lining
Somaliere på topp blant utenlandsfødte smittede
Somaliere ligger klart øverst på oversikten over koronasmittede som er født i utlandet. Nå setter FHI inn tiltak for å nå flere i denne gruppen med informasjon.
Folkehelseinstituttet (FHI) har i sin dagsrapport for onsdag inkludert fordeling på fødeland. Av 4.655 smittede som bor i Norge, er fødeland kjent for nesten alle. Blant disse er 829 personer født utenfor Norge. Av disse er 201 født i Somalia.
– Vi ser at det er noen grupper som kan være overrepresentert. For å nå disse i enda større grad settes det i verk tiltak blant annet på sosiale medier. Målet er å nå disse gruppene i enda større grad, sier avdelingsdirektør Line Vold ved FHI.
That's only a massive cope, 30 yo legacy boomers are dying.
Inshallah Sweden will come victorious
>the same retards that will be triage’d in favour of mohammad once icu capacity is breached
I advocate for the ending of lockdown because I'm not a mongoloid who treats my body like trash. Natural selection procedures should be followed, but considering most people in society are fat lazy junk addicts we won't, because they're all scared shitless.
It's a fucking MEME VIRUS unless you are a unhealthy piece of trash.
gtfo you coofer
You don't have to defend the herd immunity strategy any more buddy, Boris already abandoned it
>you have third world levels of hospital beds per capita
No we are much worse, we make third world levels of care look good
Im absolutely healthy and immune
Its Somalians. Deduce non aryans and our curve is below rest of nordics. It’s a great cleansing strategy, country will be purer come summer
The only under-40 palefaces had serious medical conditions. Last I checked it was one case of meningitis, and one case of extreme obesity which MSM left out.
Yes, Hassan will catch up to you and slit your throat when Fitna comes.
It's good that we welcomed so many excellent black doctors and nurses!
Now they will take good care of us and have a chance to show their gratitude like I suspect they always wanted.
I'm looking forward to being committed to a hospital!
English mother fucker, do you speak it?!?
Seriously can you back this claim?
Oh shit! My first green post! Im a coofer now!
Off to coof camp you go, nigger
just testing if i'm infected... how tf is this thing spread anyway?
when you reply to me
lmao! who could have predicted such an outcome!
They have no concept of disease management.
They seriously thought it only affected whypeople.
Many of them have latent TBC which Corona-chan wakes up.
>Sweden is killing TB infected welfare niggers.
They want to kill the old white swedes
It's honestly criminal
Infect me daddy
If you've not bunkered down you should do so now. Start living on stockpiled food so you don't get sick when there's a potential peak that fucks hospitals. I don't know when Sweden's peak will be, though. Guessing mid-May.
Thanks for reminding me of the importance of ledditor purge.
Fuck your language is gay
Old Swede: "Please. Give my respirator to the young nigger."
Doctor: "So tolerant".
Is this a clever Swedish plot to finally give the rest of their land away to the Muslim conquerors?
Swedes are significantly older than their Islamic BVLL masters. By letting this disease run its course, many ethnic swedes will die but BIC (Big Islamic Cock) will survive.
Only the Swedish brilliance that brought us IKEA, Volvo and SAAB could come up with such an elegant way to fix their white majority problem.
You mean sweden is doing something retarded?
Sweden let in more Muzzies.
Takes longer to throw them all back in the desert.