What are the most based drugs?
What are the most based drugs?
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Heroin. If you're gonna use drugs go hard or go home faggot.
Marijuana, mushrooms, acid.
I haven't experimented with DMT or peyote or any other psychedelics. Getting your brain to think differently is a redpill for anyone.
Cocaine, heroin and medical drugs are bad.
Psychedelics are instant redpills
Cocaine and meth and based if used correctly
Cocaine of course, it's the working man's drug. Downers are for losers that don't need to get shit done.
Ibuprofen and tylenol
cocaine is based, poorfags seethe about it because they could never afford the habbit
I make thousands of pounds in passive income each week, so can easily afford multiple grams a day of coke and increase my productivity further, feels pretty good
Heroin with a little bit of fentanyl mixed in. It’ll make you feel like Jesus.
Heroin because it kills mostly white people
Caffeine, marijuana, psilocybin mushrooms and alcohol. Everything else is junkie-tier trash. To be fair so are the ones I mentioned if you do them excessively.
None of those
Gabapentin is also amazing for almost completely wiping out opiate withdrawal symptoms. It’s a miracle drug for that purpose.
t. nordic faygola
Coke, weed, beer, and hookers
Dissociative personality events after alcohol consumption made me shit my pants
MDMA, but only a few times a year. If you do it every month you are a degenerate raver.
Alcohol for socialization.
Psychedelics have a place for introspection and general experience.
Amphetamine, caffeine and modafinil for productivity.
Steroids for chad gains.
Anything else is unacceptable and bluepilled.
Based as fuck, except cocaine is much less bad for you than meth or crack. Meth is a neurotoxin at any dose. Psychotropics and hallucinogens have been proven to be the most effective treatment for many kinds of brain damage, or mental trauma.
DMT is probably the best hallucinogens to start a new guy on, because it's basically impossible to have a bad trip. Not only are you transported to a whole different universe (not like acid or shrooms where you see our reality differently) but even bringing up all of your negative emotional associations takes so much effort, that you can't really do it anymore. The last thing that makes it great for newbs, is that when you smoke DMT, your trip will only last for 30min or less of actual time, though it may make you feel like you were just tripping for many hours or days.
Cocaine is for white men only
No you shit your pants because you drank too much. Then you dissociated because you were embarrassed
Or just do speed, lasts way longer and you don't have to redose (useful if you're ACTUALLY doing something productive) every 30-45 minutes. Comedown isn't near as bad and you don't feel like a dumpster the next day.
Would modafinil be better than kratom? It don't work anymore
>based drugs
What to you got?
Weed and shrooms should be legal cause of the. Grows in nature principle. A coke in plant form could be legal just as a plant but only 1 plant for each house hold. If it grows why not?
My top 3
1. Mushrooms
2. Kratom
3. Caffeine
Anything else really isn't needed
Idgaf if i get infected. Spees fucking sucks. Crack is so much better.
in making 150k comfy at home thx to adderall. enjoy unemployment turds
Cocaine is just terrible for you though. Literally fucks your heart and brain instantly. It can't be justified under work either as that's a total lie, you'll just talk and accomplish nothing.
Amphetamine is the work drug and is a lot safer.
I tripping balls: hallucinating being somewhere speaking to a guy and the next second I zoom back to my room and realize that I'm sitting on the bed murmuring/talking to myself
That crept me up
>be me in high school, hanging at my best friend's house
>it's about 11 at night
>his older brother bursts into the house with a wild look on his face
>powerwalks to my friend, grabs him by the shirt
>pulls him in close
>shouts "NEVER. DO. COKE."
>goes back outside and drives off
We should chill coofer
It's crack cocaine user. Rob ford, chet hanx, hunter biden approved.
Caffeine is just based. Safe, useful and cheap. What's not to love?
DXM... fuck man that brings me back
that took me places. you teeter on the edge of insanity and reality ends up feeling like a thin veil that will fall apart any second of any day. I was in another world for so long
looking back on it, it was humbling
How do I get an addy prescription assuming there really isn't anything wrong with you?
>Heroin with a little bit of fentanyl
quaaludes are actually pretty based if you have sleeping problems. Like I did and are non addictive and in some sense not even drugs. Also busting a nut while on one feels like you traveled the whole space in just a minute.
because muh gubment needs to control us
Yeah it's nice I have a ton of it at home
who here too the tramadol redpill?
mild euphoria for 20 hours, added energy, no sleepiness, no sex drive, no hunger
You are deluded by the jew overlords who tell you that greater production is what makes you valuable.
Nitrous is also for socializing
Yes but I've found it is wearing on the gut. I personally don't find it gives any 'drive' it just stops you feeling tired as the day goes on.
I personally prefer caffeine most of the time and amphetamine once a blue moon if i have a tonne of work to do or boring work to do.
>so can easily afford multiple grams a day of coke and increase my productivity further, feels pretty good
i adicted on krokodil
dont do this mistake also brothers :(
MDMA is great. So is GHB
Fresh tinnitus
You never go full nigger tier
This shit is retarded
>adderal based, not soi
>the drug of choice for college students and "young profethionals"
Just because a compound or mixture of compounds is natural doesn't mean it should be legal. The end result is harmful, so it should be illegal as a deterrent for normies.
People will always get drugs. Laws won't change that. But, making certain harmful things illegal makes the average joe think twice
I got that with kratom. Lost 59 pounds and got a promotion. Sucks it's not working anymore.
I love how motivated makes me feel too
Is weak as water and also has SNRI-like activity, which kills your sex drive
Anabolic Steroids // HGH // Petides
None of them.
Correct answer. Dexamph is the king of uppers. All of the productivity with none of the tweaker bullshit and bad teeth.
absolutely this.
Imagine a Star Trek scenario, where you as a human, have to explain to a egalitarian alien with an IQ of 500, that your govt didn't allow you to freely consume a plant which naturally grows on your home planet, and because you never did consume, you can't even think in the same ways as he can.
Prohibition laws of substances/activites which don't inherently harm other people is fucking retarded.
Your mom dingleberry cave..fixes me real good...ever time
>Giving DMT to absolute noobs
This is the worst advice I've seen here lol
Based robotripper
dilaudid is better then all of those
Shit, Ivan.
Get yourself together fren.
Coffee, you fucking degenerate.
Get your shit together.
>Top care
I smell a fellow southwesterner.
Im not drinking a 40oz malt liquor.
>he don't smoke meth with hookers
Tramadol is amazing...until you decide to stop taking it.
Gabapentin or Pregabalin
I heard good things about ketamine but I haven’t done it yet.
Very true user. Amphetamine salts didn't even used to have a script, as recently as the 60's, because it is so safe when not abused. People who had to work an all nighter in the 20s or 50s just took a speed pill at 5-6pm.
dmt is cool it made me come to terms with my impending demise and mushrooms made me take the jq redpill
For everyday shit while still being able to function: Weed and Ketamine (in my case)
For god-like euphoria, Coke no doubt but Meth is also nice. For an euphoria more of the comfort kind (not my preferred) IV Heroin is very nice.
I drink a lot as well but I wouldn't rank alcohol among the top.