let me tell you that.
The quarantine will trigger a baby boom
A thread died for this.
(X) Doubt.
how does that make any sense?
'we just lost our jobs because of a deadly virus with no cure in sight. I guess we better have a baby.'
I’m hoping your mother can still get pregnant. I’m trying to give her the son she always wanted. I hope the humping sounds don’t disturb while you fap on anime in the basement?
My hand cant make babies
Why does Africans keep multiplying every year despite materially being worst off than anyone?
The boom will come after lockdown, I notice Tinder, Bumble, etc are full of horny women that are stuck at home and cannot get their cock fix. Matches like crazy even with women who would never usually match with you.
When the gates are opened there will be lots of fucking going on. Now is the time to build up your pool of women ready for that.
Normalfags who go to bars and nightclubs will never have it any easier than those first few weeks after lockdown ends.
How will it trigger a baby boom if all the possible couples needed to make the babies are separated and isolated?
I was thinking the same thing myself. This is going to create a huge boom. Roaring 20's are here starting June.
not on my watch!
they don't know any better. they think their life is great.
>how does that make any sense?
Easy. All these couples are stuck at home and bored. So they have lots of sex and so have lots of babies. I understand Italians aren’t white but that wasn’t hard to think of.
Femanon here, can confirm. Lots of fucking happening in quarantine, what else is there to do?
you've just answered yourself
If it's not a baby boom for the whites then what's the point?
>Handsmaid tale protest
I love how "Islamaphobic" these women are without even noticing it.
These white bitches can get my nigger aids dick
wrong. the longer women go without sex, the less horny they get.
why are the 20s allways roaring.... did someone let the tiger out again?
I think it's possible there may be a strong recovery, it really depends on the trajectory of the virus. Once people can go back to doing "normal" things, there will be a lot of aggressive spending due to celebration. I'm hoping to by in when things get really bad, but I think timing also depends on when trumpbux drop. If this crisis is already pretty much over when people get their trumpbux...that will be huge.
Not from dykes eating cum it won't
>despite materially being worst off than anyone?
They are not.
White people like you hand out welfare like candy.
Why are you lying.
Not for your kind.
Not if they do it like in OP pic.
My wife is all horned up. My cock will be fucked off by the end of April.
You two used to know each other yano. Guess that's gone.
If white women didn't care, they wouldn't.
Oh wait
like clockwork
Workout. Lose some fucking weight first Sharon! Maybe then I'll fuck you!!! Bitch
THIS is the solution boys.
Ignore them.
> Baby boom
> Posts picture of a facial
But I'm a wizard.
What is contraception??
more slaves.
quick rundown? posts have covid now? when?
not islamophobic if the ones doing it are kuffar :)
oh a woman is here, the authority on fucking
No shit dude I'm raping like 2 girls a night
Fuck you
Based coofer
Kekked and respected
Kekked - please send n00ds of waifu
Also cuck em virgins
Too risky (divorce-rapes, false rape accusations, paternity frauds...)
A baby boom triggered by surrogacy is much better.
wet fart
she thinks that sign is so funny
Domestic violence has actually gone up I’m numbers
I’ve wanted 5 times a day for the past 2 weeks. I’ve got two girls I’m talking to who want to meet up. One of them I could actually very easily but I’m scared Bong police will find me and fine me
Not if that's where you're finishing.
More like an abortion boom
coof coof
got you
I haven't had sex in a year and this pic just made me remember what I'm missing. I hate you OP.
Well maybe fucking is my workout of choice then
Not with the Advent and wide use if birth control
Oh jeez, you must be frustrated. Get fucked incel!
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