We should be celebrating covid-19 for ending prostitution

This virus is saving society. Women are no longer able to leave the house and be whores. Soon they will go back to being stay at home mom's that cook and take care of the kids.

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how are you going to get laid user?

It took a virus to stop men paying women to be whores

All is lost


What's her CashApp?

she's mine.

If anything it makes prostitution really cheap. You can get the full package for 30$ now on the streets over here, because brothels are shut down and hookers still need their money.

This is true. Sucks for some stuff but overall not bad.

>Women are no longer able to leave the house and be whores.
They haven't needed to do that for 15+ years. Because of the internet they can rake in the whore money from the comfort of their own homes.

nah. They just create premium snaptchats and onlyfans accounts.

Ha this is funny for two reasons - the punters who consider themselves lucky to get herpes but not a mild flu we need immunity for AND the talkers who will pay for a hooker, not even have sex and still manage to catch a stigmatised disease.

I kinda like prozzies, they're so ironic and unfortunate, a constant reminder we're a bad decision away from becoming animals.

>It took a virus to stop men paying women to be whores
LOL. AIDS is been around for decades now.

>can't prostitute
>Just start an onlyfans or patreon
>advertise your whore ass all over social media
Yeah, really tough times for whores. It's never been easier to drain the funds of thousands of losers from all over the world while not having to even suck a dick. Maybe abortion numbers will go down a little.

Why isn't the IRS hunting these thots and BBC enthusiasts down, bros?

This, they're all online now. They don't even need to sell themselves, just pictures and videos of themselves.

Post receipt.

if they don't have money where will they get their drugs?? -I mean feed their kids obv.-

AIDS isn’t a virus dumbfuck

Its MAGA AIDS you fagget

That mostly just effects faggots though.

Still selling their souls on only fans you're an idiot

>Impling all whores are easy on the eye
No user 90% are buttfuck ugly, but a hole is ahole.

That really only affected niggers and faggots. It truly was a based disease.


Suck and fuck was 20€ all the time rite?

>It's never been easier to drain the funds of thousands of losers from all over the world
Who are now even more lonely than ever due to quarantining.

what's her name?

i respect prostitutes more than promiscuous girls (every western girl)

What’s with those massive man hands?

THe fuck are those greens i just came back form work. is it 1. april jokes ? or whaaat

You will get now 100% better whores as the Romanian will return home

Infected anons they have the kung flu

I used to get rub and tugs from asians and blowies from an old blonde milf with big tits. I miss that shit. Asian ladies got soft hands and the milf was a dick sucking pro.

On the subject of AIDS, it exploded amongst gays in NYC at first. Did they ever find out which patient zero junkie gay gave it to the druggies and who gave it to the Africans in a big way? It makes sense basketball Americans came out with it since most of them are 'down low' but man it spread quick, considering it's not easily transferable. Some gaylord must've went to Botswana or some shithole and started going to town AIDSdicking the locals.

In a way the typical AIDS victims is like a map of degeneracy. Blacks, gays and smackheads in giant promiscuous poz race.

If the infected reply to you then you get a visit from coronachan.

>Impling all whores are easy on the eye
You really think that matters? Go look on some major cam sites and you'll see mediocre and even ugly bitches still making plenty of dough. They can be a 3/10 ugly hamplanet yet they're still going to find dudes who will pay to watch them rub their nasty ass pussy and pretend to cum.

is it like that? i would assume everyone is green by now then.

She's 15 you perv

None of these pozzed faggots will infect me I'm master race O- blood

I got a (you) by some infected tool mass replying so maybe it's only from a single reply or multiple replies.

>Streams exist
>implying they wont bounce back like with every other plague

How do i donate my money?

prostitution is increasing

>A constant reminder we're a bad decision away from becoming animals
This is a great description of prostitution. It really is animal behaviour for a female to submit and offer her holes in exchange for food

Gonna need sauce on this

It did nothing to end it, girls who know I have a stocked ranch away from the city have been offering to fuck constantly if they can come stay with me. I actually let one in so far, might let in one more. But I only keep a year and a half of food for guests

>I'm master race O- blood
oh same here

You could always get sucks for 20 from some uggo. Fucks for 30 from an eastern european cutie is new since corona chan hit us.

maybe its you need to reply to them

Yup! Now they're just staying at home and being whores online

You are sick and deserve to die alone.

Women are free and shouldn’t be otherwise.

If anyone needs company during this time, please call me.


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Knowing this site they probably added a chance to each interraction so it's random if you get it but the odds increase the greener they become, like the most infectious stage of an illness.

All these white bitches trying to be asian. Sad!

What the fuck is wrong with her left hand?

Thank you corona-chan for giving me plenty of keks to pass around.

Hoes mad.

more accurately, it took a worldwide psyop using a virus as a cover story, to convince women that MAYBE the cock carousel isn't such a great idea. Women in my experience don't respond to facts. They respond to emotion, and social cues, and because the media is programming radical new social behavior, women conform to new social behavior. Women are like bees. They communicate by socializing, and they can't think for their self like a single bee, they can only do ANYTHING when a large group of bees support the idea.

Even better

shut up idubbzz

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>black hair
>black eyes

get your eyes checked leaf

hah, yeah, they don't have the skin for it. Look at her underthighs.

mfw he actually believes this

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If that’s fifteen, you are all pedophiles!!

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Know what I've discovered? If a woman is experienced (not even good) just experienced at vanity shots like this, she's not worth any thinking man's time. It's almost a 100% guaranteed THOT

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Day of the rake when I fucking hate leafs