Green post = Underage/low IQ

They partook in some dumb, time-wasting maymay shit. Keep that in mind before you engage any kind of discussion with these people.

And hope mods keep this stuff for as long as possible. It's good.

Attached: unnamed.png (214x300, 25.41K)

they are optics goys, they come here to troll and nothing else we had a whole thread about them yesterday

Attached: sketch-1585706187390.png (1967x1440, 1.69M)

You're nufag is showing.

OK, mental toddler.



2004, actually. Just not a brainlet like you.

>he's been on Yas Forums for 16 years
>he still treats it as serious business

Attached: op is a faggot.jpg (700x700, 77.38K)

Okay, buddy. Who cares what they do?

Attached: No-fun-allowed-moar-krabs-30769686-488-516.jpg (488x516, 91.37K)

>i'm a big boy now, i can't join in april fools jokes because they're for children
lmao fucking die

Attached: nofun.png (512x512, 360.9K)

coof on your jealousy!!!

Attached: 61CA73E5-1971-4A47-9CE2-84D71A4D6042.gif (360x240, 470.32K)

>16 years shitposting on a mongolian basket weaving forum
>not a brainlet

If you say so.

Attached: cat box.jpg (480x360, 106.45K)

No, the difference between me and you is that I simply don't treat it at all. You literally live here because you are a braindead retard or a child. I come here to discuss news and maybe find something no regular news sites tells me.

You meanwhile waste hours of your life doing some meme posting.

Green post = LITERAL fucking retard or underage. This is a fact. And I LOVE that there is an idicator now. You can completely ignore these "people" now.

I love this.

Attached: 3lv6nk.jpg (1252x1252, 143.37K)


Underage or braindead? What are you?

Anyway, better things to do now. Hope mods don't change it back tomorrow.

you are on the wrong site my friend
try this >>>

No one cared how long I've been here until I put the mask on...

Attached: images.jpg (115x144, 4.25K)

sloth love coof

Attached: 1E59F7C4-AEFC-4FF8-B729-E3956F427E70.jpg (384x384, 26.94K)

Yeah, I am the Redditor of us two, not you "coof, ghihi, funny" retards.

fuck you thats discriminating

>No, the difference between ah-bloo-bloo
jesus christ you're a faggot
Also you're going to go green soon too retard

Legit took me 30 mins to get infected because newfags are so easy to bait didn’t even used a memeflag

>They partook in some dumb, time-wasting maymay shit.
I got infected by someone mass replying in a thread earlier this morning.

Letme help you out with that green green

Wat arr u talking abot user. Im the cleverest gy on the bord

Attached: Yes.jpg (1360x804, 152.58K)


trying very hard to appear "mature", aren't you?

Attached: 400k.png (256x384, 134.96K)

you literally just get it from posting retard you probably have it now too

Mediocre b8 but it will attract some (You)s.
Ain't getting one from me though :^)

We are all infected. Check back in a few hours.

Coff coff
Russian rape baby

Imagine being German

its habbening



almost there

Is the permaban thing true?

no that's fake news

i hope so.

Why are you here

I fucking hope so. I want to be free.

My thoughts exactly

>inb4 this retard gets infected
You're participating in the dumb maymay shit you were just denigrating.

Ohhhhhh shit


at first I thought it was arbitrary, but after a while of browsing I've noticed that green posts are of consistently poorer quality than pristine post, and if you think about it it's no wonder, these people have no regard for purity, no respect for maintaining an unscathed public image, in addition they treat this tragic, deadly pandemic as a joke, which anyone with a shred of empathy can see that it's not.
of course their posts are going to reflect this mentality. As the hours pass I suspect being a cleanposter will become more and more rare and sought after. A lot of the people who mindlessly threw away their purity will wish they had not, and some might use VPNs or reset their routers to restore it, of course it will not be genuine anymore, but only they will know that.

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lol copypasta faggot
this thread is pathetic
and now you're gonna get infected little bitch

You've just destroyed your own purity by responding to this thread. Enjoy the virus, shlomo.

Imagine being so retarded you think you are smart because you haven't posted as much as other people.

Glad I’m not one of them lmao

>i'm a big boy now, i can't join in april fools jokes because they're for children
No. I did partake when I laughed about it for 2 minutes. What you are doing, however, is quite literally what (man)children do. Not men.

I really hope mods keep this for as long as corona is going on. I absolutely love this shit.

Attached: 3.bild.jpg (864x1026, 157.76K)

>Yas Forums
>Apr 1
>Morale high ground


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>imagine being this ass blasted on a Mongolian basking weaving forum.
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Ok fag

HAHAHAHAHAH HE'S INFECTED. YOU FUCKING BRAINLET. Oh you are so fucking stupid user. Your stupidity knows no bounds.

Attached: 1580817219191s.jpg (115x125, 3.17K)

>getting less infectious
>was max infected just a few minutes ago
Why live?


Hans, the signal has been lot!

Attached: 731481699.jpg (620x424, 23.02K)

Fuck everyone I do what I want

Let's all take a moment to laugh at OPs stupidity. It's almost embarrassing. Hahhahahahahahahaahahhahahahaha.

>not funny

Why does my peepee hurt?

user you might actually be right

Attached: worried.jpg (224x225, 6.27K)

Because OP is a drooling retard.

Dun goofed

Attached: 1543110504729.jpg (435x444, 139.97K)

you may be right, but you're still a faggot

Now he's infected and won't reply to the thread out of shame. Shameful and pathetic. Extraordinary.


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Inb4 OP makes a thread about how infected posters are obviously intellectually superior. Hahahaha, What a cunt.

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one of us one of us one of us

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