Ok guys, I am Venezuelan living in Spain since I was 6 years old, now I am 22.
I want to ask if I can consider myself Spaniard and European, and if my children would be Venezuelan or Spaniard. If I compare myself to the Spaniard phenotype of 300 or 50 years ago, I would say no, but every time the Spanish mix more, and more immigrants come to Spain, so the modern Spaniard phenotype will be more like the Venezuelan (Latin), Can I call myself Spaniard and European then?
Or will I always be Venezuelan? Also, many Spaniards who were born here are Latino or Arab immigrants, what are they? Spaniard and European?
Are you of mixed European and Amerindian descent? Then you are not ethnoracially Spanish. To be "Spanish" in the sense of possessing Spanish citizenship implies nothing about your ethnoracial origins.
user, you can be a good guy, but you will never be Spanish. I am sorry.
Jonathan Parker
I dont understand you sorry for my english
Anthony Russell
want to ask if I can consider myself Spaniard and European, and if my children would be Venezuelan or Spaniard. If I compare myself to the Spaniard phenotype of 300 or 50 years ago, I would say no, but every time the Spanish mix more, and more immigrants come to Spain, so the modern Spaniard phenotype will be more like the Venezuelan (Latin), Can I call myself Spaniard and European then?
Or will I always be Venezuelan? Also, many Spaniards who were born here are Latino or Arab immigrants, what are they? Spaniard and European?
No, never. You're a Indio negro.
Levi Thomas
You're 100% negro Indio.
Tyler Thomas
Imagine the Spain of 2100, the will be 0 pure spaniards, then what will be they?
What will be the people of the 2100 spain?
Elijah Evans
You can probably consider yourself Spanish, since you have more Spanish blood plus you lived in Spain for most of your life.
you're mestizo or maybe castizo because you probably have more white blood than the average mestizo but you are not spanish nor european white
Elijah Foster
>... >Anonymous (ID: 3ExvGZa9) >04/01/20(Wed)10:45:03 No.251397964 >You can probably consider yourself Spanish, since you have more Spanish blood plus you lived in Spain for most of your life. He would never be called Spanish always a sudaca pancito.
John Lee
In that example there simply wouldn't be any more Spaniards. There might be people living in Spain who call themselves Spaniards, but the Spanish ethnic group will have ceased to exist.
Ian Jackson
>Imagine the Spain of 2100, the will be 0 pure spaniards, then what will be they?
>What will be the people of the 2100 spain? Not Spanish if there's no ethnic Spanish people.
William White
not spanish, just mutts
Daniel Flores
He knows the answer to his question, Spaniards don't consider him Spanish, also Fuck all panchitos and sudacas, monkey nigger/injuns.
Hudson Anderson
Not this mutt again. Nigs with 100% African blood look better than that monstrosity. Just send him to African where they will assume he is an Albino and kill him for his bones and be done with it!
>negro Indio. Oxymoron The amerindian is the race most further away from the negro. That said, OP is just a nigger. Venezuelan and Congolombians are always at least 30% nigger.
Asher Parker
30% nigger 60% INJUN
Joshua Cruz
Your 4 grandparents are europeans/spanish? if no, you are not and willl never ever be spanish
You are not spanish of course and never will.
Joseph Adams
I'm sorry mate, but even if you don't have Venezuelan accent, it's pretty clear that you are not Spanish.
It won't be that bad if your fellow latin-americans were a bit more decent.
You have to accept that most of us won't trust you completely unless we get to know you even if you're a nice person.
>but every time the Spanish mix more, and more immigrants come to Spain, so the modern Spaniard phenotype will be more like the Venezuelan (Latin), No, fukc off. >Also, many Spaniards who were born here are Latino or Arab immigrants, what are they? Spaniard and European? Fuck off with your civic nationalism, your pass does not change your ethnicity. >I want to ask if I can consider myself Spaniard and European No. >if my children would be Venezuelan or Spaniard. Are you Mestizo, Castizo or full Creole? If you are Mestizo, fuck off. If you are Castizo, only your great-grandchildren would pass the one-drop rule, but you should still fuck off. If you are full Creole, only then you might be considered a Spaniard, but even then you should fuck off and stay in the Americas. t. armchair anthropologist.
Europe is full
Jaxon Bailey
>If you are full Creole, only then you might be considered a Spaniard, but even then you should fuck off and stay in the Americas.
I disagree. The americas is for the amerindian race. You can keep your children with you in your shithole continent.
Hunter Morales
They never called me sudaca or panchito, only gypsis called me like that at the school.
A lot of people dont know im from Venezuela.
Jace Long
¿ Acaso usted no es mestizo también ? no insulte
Elijah Davis
the americas is for the white race the americas didn't exist until 1400s, it was created as a gift from God to Spain after many years fighting against muslims and jews
Dylan Ramirez
no onions mestizo, no todos los que viven en el continente americano son mestizos
Easton Rivera
No. No eres español. En vez de intentar ser lo que no eres, honra a tus antepasados que domaron las Américas, honra sus tradiciones y horna la tierra que les cobijó.
Por favor, dejad de intentar apropiaros de algo que simplemente no sois. ¿Por qué os avergüenza ser venezolanos/Sud-Americanos? El hecho que hableis nuestra lengua no pruba nada. No es cuestión de manias, es cuestión de lógica.
Y no, un plastiquito en tu cartera no prueba tu españolidad. Solo prueba que estás en el censo, nada más.
I don't get it, all Spanish people look like that. Some might have bigger moustaches and beards and stuff but generally they all look the same. Literally every time I go Spain and I see plumbers and technicians and stuff in every hostel they always look like that.
>plumbers and technicians and stuff in every hostel they always look like that they are probably inmigrants
Samuel Fisher
Venezuelans arent even southamericans, they're closer to central america/mexico/the us. >OOGA BOGAA WHERE THA LATINA WYMEN AT? Get out
Carson Edwards
no, yo desciendo de personas que llegaron mucho más tarde en los 1800s y 1900s desde España, Francia e Italia, como la mayoría de aca
Isaiah Lewis
He is mestizo
Easton Hill
Thats what im saying, the spanish phenotype is changing because the immigration and the mixing. Thats why im asking. They will look like a regular latin country in the future anyways.
>They will look like a regular latin country in the future anyways What the fuck is a regular latin country? an argentinian doesnt look like a chilean, a chilean doesnt look like a peruvian, and neither of those look like a venezuelan
Aiden Jones
>honra a tus antepasados
Ese es el problema de los mezclados como yo, no tenemos una identidad clara. Usted puede revisar en archivos y verá a sus antepasados, sus nombres, oficios... Yo no sé nada, y aunque supiera algo ¿ a quíen honraría, al español o al indígena?.
Alexander Phillips
Sí, ya sabemos, ustedes chilenos, argentinos y uruguayos son la Europa de América.
Jaxson Cook
We are not. We just don't hate ourselves like you caribean niggers do. You disgust me.
Gabriel Kelly
A tus padres, a tus abuelos, a tus bisabulos, a tus tatarabuelos y así hasta que te falte el aire. Tu identidad es Americana, registrada en un mestizaje de peninsulares y indígenas. Hay quienes se consideran criollos, hay quienes se consideran mulatos y hay quienes ni saben que considerarse. Mírate cúales son tus antepasados y, al menos, entiene de donde viniste.
Honra a quienes te dieron la vida. Tu existencia se la debes.
Not at all. You can separate an Andalusian from an Asturian. We're just different. And most of the time doesn't really matter, but mestizos and natives are just different.
Spain is still a pretty homogeneous society, at least outside Madrid/Barcelona.
Solo los criollos nobles tenían escrito su árbol genealógico, yo vengo de senpaiília humilde.
Y si por un casual lo tuviera, ¿ qué debería hacer, honrar al español o al indígena? seguiría teniendo dos identidades. Me encuentro muy confuso.
Nolan Watson
Mi senpaiília hasta donde yo sé eran agricultores y sirvientes de terratenientes. No sé más.
Andrew Scott
Brandon Wright
Porque naces siendo español, joder. Si toda tu familia ha sido de aquí desde siempre y tu te has criado aquí: eres español. Si te has criado aquí desde que naciste pero tu familia no es de aquí: no eres español. Si tu familia es toda de aquí pero te has criado en otro sitio: no eres español. Yo lo veo como herencia genética y cultural, dos cosas inseparables.