Are you ready for civil war in America?

Are you ready for civil war in America?

>hospitals collapse in two weeks, looting
We know the US only has a million beds, but 330,000,000 people.
It doesn't take a genius to work out that hospitals will be overrun.
the US claims to have 100,960,000 m3 of gasoline in reserve in texas- but not withstanding logistical issues and military reserves that's less than a months supply in a country with little public transport.
>rationing and martial law in three weeks
Rioting is already reasonably common in the US and there are large areas of the country where the police could not maintain law and order in a stand up fight against armed gangs.
Vulnerable people are easily exploited and the gun/person ratio is high.
To protect supply chains of food and fuel there will be immediate army control of strategic stockpiles and distribution points.
>government employees relocated to secure camps in four weeks, breakdown of essential services.
A combination of enormous demand, illness amongst staff and inability to keep people in their posts unless their families are secure will lead to essential personnel being re-housed next to power plants, defence facilities, police stations.
Soon the cells will hold the families of police and offenders will be corralled into fenced camps to stop the spread of disease.
>five weeks and states assume de-facto autonomy, wall their borders to stop refugees
Some states will break ranks, close borders and simply refuse to let anyone in or out- at which point pressure quickly mounts not to let key supplies out either.
Because of a lack of rail infrastructure, moving supplies out of less effected areas could be stopped by mobs- we saw this in the middle east and frequently in india

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You're going to get coofed on

Coof coof coof

give it a rest for a day,pussy

We joke, but this could really be the happening.


I hope y'all get sprayed with bullets from the military and rednecks
You'll see what the 2nd amendment is meant for

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>hospitals collapse in two weeks
It’s happened enough times before. Not a big deal.

It's pretty pathetic that people can't handle a few weeks of uncertainty without acting like the world has ended.

My brother told me he knows a hospital work who was sent home for some shifts because it's so dead. How long until people stop believing the lie?

Dead are being buried without funerals, dying being left to die alone. These families will get angrier and angrier when they realize social distancing didn't save their loved one but it did emphatically increase their pain.

If you knew anybody with a business that operates with heavy overhead you'd think differently.

Only NEETs and unemployed faggots think like you.

>30%+ unemployment
>The Fed giving free money by the billions to the banks and same corporations already laying everyone off who will keep firing people even after they get their bailout
>the little guys just getting a single $1,000 cut

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Already starting in Italy

>Rioting is already reasonably common in the US and there are large areas of the country where the police could not maintain law and order in a stand up fight against armed gangs.
imagine believing this
only places maybe are cartel infested shitholes, but the second those niggers pull some power move the government will take the gloves off and show the spics they aren't fucking around, that and the CIA jason bourne implants in the cartels will activate and make the cartels rip each other apart. anyone that thinks otherwise is retarded. if shit got to bad in the USA the CIA would just make civil war in mexico, push the cartel niggers out of america (or keep whatever ones they control to use as muscle on other gangs), then proceed to turn mexico into a 4th world country

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>t. Sheltered suburbanite
Okay, Blake.

I know many people in Hospitals as we speak.

Initially all elective operations will be canceled, high risk patients will be moved to in-home care, Wards will be shut down.
that is why there is and immediate emptiness.
America only has 100,000 cases- but that's already 10% of the hospital beds in the country, and the R value here makes an overrun of hospitals a certainty.

What we will see is people dying of the Flu at home- not in the hospitals.
And we will see community treatment patients also dying at home, as on the balance of probabilities going to hospital is too risky.
Then we will see patients who couldn't get to hospitals at all, because of petrol shortages, public transport shutdown.
The bodies won't be in the hospitals, they will be festering in apartments in the inner city- ask a cop how often they find one already.
Half of the casualties won't be corona virus, they will be regular community illnesses worsened by lack of services, social disruption and overcrowding.

Bodies will be collected in truck with in a month

Actually the issue is that what we would call "capacity building" has been totally ignored in western countries.
The fact is that most homes don't have a weeks worth of food, it's rare to find anyone who isn't reliant on mains water- half the country rely on private cars.
Many people are too physically unfit to carry out basic household labour like bailing water or carrying food.
Families are spit up, people are in debt and living hand to mouth as it is.
America has something like 10% living under the poverty line on a good day of the week

The lives of westerners has become incredibly fragile, for many it could end alarmingly quickly

The age of mutts is over.

The time of the chinksect has come.

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The US owes more than it actually has in assets.
That kind of debt is hard to even fathom, Americans may wake up one morning to new financial realities.
Wall street will hit great depression territory, and when states start nationalizing resources in the crisis (yes, you heard that jews) the value of the Dollar will reflect it's actual productive value.

The crime rate in the US is already high, and the rates of armed offending are notable.
Could you imagine what would happen if the police universally took a day off, and what the black neighborhoods would look like?
In france general civil unrest was punctuated with episodes of looting and lawlessness that lasted (the trend that is) for months.

The US has never been able to beat gangs and mafias because they prey on the vulnerable and operate on a community level-
In a societal breakdown the army and police still won't know who is responsible and ordinary people who are simply hungry and scared will be easily coerced into acting in their own best interests.

Could you imagine what would happen simply if the US narcotics supply chains broke down and millions of hard drug users had to go cold turkey- and thousands or mid level drug dealers lost their income?

Police have the upper hand because
A. they more or less only engage when they choose to
B. they rapidly mobilize and flood a small area
C. they are highly trained and well armed

You see time and time again that if criminals know the police are coming, it quickly becomes an issue- and if the police can't mobilize quickly they will just stay in their stations.
Literally take two cars, block a road with them and repeat- it's not moving the roadblock that scares the police, it's being cut off if you put one up behind them

Oh, hi Gerry.

>I work in a hospital
No you don't you're faggot ass shit skin spook.

Blow your faggot ass brains out and stream it shit skin.

>Russian asset can't even keep it in his pants for two posts
Kill yourself faggot I'd strangle Putin with my dick.


It'll be a couple months til that economic collapse starts to hit, then it'll be game on


80% of jobs still function At normal capacity shut the fuck up doomsayer. Nothing will EVER validate you spent your children’s college fund on a bunker and canned cat food.

civil unrest was already in China, that is why they started all this shit. It will come back mid summer and it should be a good season.

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So many people truly do not understand the restrictions of overhead/operational costs and lack of revenue.

>80% of jobs still function At normal capacity
This statement is 94.7% untrue. I know because I just calculated it.


When I said "I know many people in hospitals as we speak", which part of that implies that I work in a hospital

A russian asset would be busy in a black neighborhood destroying food supplies or inciting hatred against the police.
I'm just warning y'all that this is actually the boogaloo.
People expected it to be sudden or for there to be some sign- but in reality it will be a gradual slide into civil dysfunction.
Right now everything works, people are just waiting.
After two weeks people won't be able to wait.
After a month people won't be inclined to set aside their personal differences any more

>A russian asset would be busy in a black neighborhood destroying food supplies or inciting hatred against the police.
Nah. They're online sowing hysteria.

I just hope this all holds out till Summer so the last of my things being shipped can arrive. Every anarkiddie, Qtard, and commie get's the bullet.
Not Dead
Not Red
Dead Reds

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>if you knew anybody who had to take out a fat loan with a fat interest rate you’d be sorry
I’m not sorry. Tell your friend to save up some money next time. Poor people are the worst.


>ght now everything works, people are just waiting.
After two weeks people won't be able to wait.
After a month people won't be inclined to set aside their personal differences any more
Let's break down your Russian logic some more:
>things work
They don't. At all. Anybody that isn't a mid level manager or burger flipper or meme crisis actor nurse is shut down.

Most cash is not flowing anywhere.

>two week; won't be able to wait
Isn't even worth noting - there's no action there.

>a month won't be inclined...
People don't set their differences aside now.

Go play more Risk and imagine its relevant Vlad

Boom boom boom
>Even brighter than the moon moon moon
Boom boom boom
>Even brighter than the moon moon moon

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>save up some money
Oh so you legit don't understand operational costs. Specifically with businesses under 5 years old or even massive companies like Disney after major mergers.

You're a fucking NEET LARPing as someone who's ever left their house.

You really think the country is going to rebel and lead armed militias against the US military-industrial complex? You are so fucking stupid I can’t imagine how you rationalize this thought in your head. Call your friends up and tell them you’re going to march on Walmart and kill everyone who stops you. No ones going to join.

When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide
Where I stop and I turn and I go for a ride
Till I get to the bottom and I see you again

Do, don't you want me to love you
I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you
Tell me, tell me, tell me, come on tell me the answer
Well, you may be a lover but you ain't no dancer

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Events till 2025:
Civil war in the US
US beeing incapable to act, will leave euroe and Nato generally unprotected. Europe gets rekt by Russia and Turkey, aswell by a horde of refugees from africa due to the disease aswell as the Ethopian-egyptian war. Europe will be forced to go full right wing to survive this. We have to shoot them because Russia/china apparently weaponized Refugees. To Overrun europe.

Think about it for a second.
I run a small factory making shoes and employ 40 people.
If all the retailers are closed, I can keep my doors open for a week stockpiling shoes, then reduce hours the next month.
But if retailers are closed for a month, I have to lay off fifty people in a week.

If I can't get materials because other factories like mine are shutting shop- I might have to shut in two days owing to lack of materials
If parts I use are rationed, the same goes.

If I can't make sales and can't pay bills, I may not have power or water in a week. Fuck my landlord all he can do is yell, but without buyers I can't keep up with operation costs.

Most businesses are geared for maximum profit and don't have many protections- if it's not worth running what's the point preparing to run at a loss?

You heard it here first:
layoffs won't start in factories until the start of the next payroll
The service industry will make layoffs within a week, hotels, hairdressers, beauty salons- but many will stay open but simply not be paying staff wages
Logistics will be the next industry, they face layoffs directly in proportion to slowdown of trade.
After a month secondary hard sectors will be hit, auto shops, carpenters, electricians.
Expect 30% unemployment and 20% working without wages, and that's not even the virus- just a recession

Play this going 95 on a highway with a vehicle full of buddies on a trip to take some land when shtf

Remember when the the US Homeland Security purchased millions of rounds of lethal hollow-point ammunition a few years back? Let me tell you, those weren't for fighting off Islamic terrorists in America.

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No. but I'm not a histrionic faggot like you. I do believe there will be civil unrest and gatherings.

You seem to be unfamiliar with the term CIVIL unrest.

Do I fucking care about the bullshit you’re spewing? No. Fuck off with your doomsaying. The country isn’t going to break down to rioting and looting. Are you black and just want to live out your fantasies? Fucks sake dude. Normal people are just chilling at home playin Minecraft instead of worrying about 401ks and shit. Sorry you lost all your money in stocks and bitcoin.
I’m not. Poor people are the worst.


>layoffs won't start in factories until the start of the next payro
Already happened

>The service industry will make layoffs within a week, hotels, hairdressers, beauty salons- but many will stay open but simply not be paying staff wage
Already happened

>After a month secondary hard sectors will be hit, auto shops, carpenters, electrician
Many already hit

Your ass is so far behind.

>Lethal hollow-points
>As opposed to non-lethal hollowpoint rounds
Sounding like a boomer there, bud.

>lethal bullets
neck yourself skitz

Shoild have saved up for your rainy day fund then

>Le you must be black
Calm down faggot if you were here I'd snap your bitch ass neck.

You're the fucking faggot ass neet who doesn't understand overhead costs and thinks business is operatin just fine. Blow your faggot ass brains out on the screen I'm sure you use to stream your fortnight faggotry.

You're an idiot if you start a legit small business America these days you will exist only to be a tax and interest donkey for the banks and local gov. Progressive city councils in every blue city, which is to say all cities, will constantly fuck you with worker 'protections' and an influx of homeless who will scare off your customers. The realistic choices we have these days are work for some megacorp or some gov entity and do as little as possible, get on some kind of neetbux, or work in the off the books economy and possibly collect neetbux at the same time. Trying to have your own legit business is a good way to have your life ruined.

Yeah okay. Says the faggot in hysterics FREAKING OUT that Disney can’t pay its bills. Post your nose, Jew.

And you faggots shouldn't have baked millions of Jews into pies and become a fucking shitskin marching ground but here we are.

>only idiots don't work for minimum wage underneath several levels of legit vermin
What a fucking corporate cocksucker you are kid.

Many small business owners do quite well, they just act aggrieved cause they know all it takes is a dip in revenue for the surplus to be sapped. The difference here is the dip in revenue came out of nowhere.

So you’re just a mad Jew who can’t meet his bottom line anymore. Well bring your workers back in and make something different. Oh you can’t? Well who’s fucking fault is that? You harp on and on about diversity but you can’t even diversify your business. Fucking one track mind poor people.


Quote me freaking out kid. Go beat up on your semi-retarded mother some more Cletus.

At this point I'd rather just let it happen. Let it burn and then pick up the pieces afterwards.

You're defending corporations you cumguzzling faggot. Kill yourself and stream it.

dead on.
Europe has let NATO become too weak and relied too heavily on US support- even as the US china conflict deepened.
When Russia invaded Ukraine the writing was on the wall.

The problem with the US using state entities against it's own citizens is manifold and only takes momentary consideration to see issues with.
I may happen- but it won't work.

The issues are primarily logistical

Unemployment will be a big driver of this, as soon as people have nothing to do taking to the street will seem like a "better than nothing" approach.
As we saw in China, people will quickly be forced indoors by armed patrols to stop dangerous number congregating.
the problem is that china faced a pandemic- but their economy was perhaps the worlds strongest with a strong export driven industrial base.
The US will be faced with an economic calamity

I'm not wasting time reading the news, I know what happens next.
The people without income.
The strain on key supply lines
The difficulty keeping government workers in their posts

I'm buying rice and bugging out.
Worst comes to worst I'll lose a grand and have a years supply of food

He means bullets used against unarmoured personnel and he's right
It's like giving the riot squad frag grenades

Imagine if you could for two seconds stop LARPing. I voted for trump and you're sitting here doing "Le SJW" cartwheels. Blow your faggot ass brains out. Don't forget to stream it.

>telling you to be better at business is defending corporations
The mental gymnastics are impressive. Have you considered rational thought once? Surely they brought that up when you got your community college business degree. Assmad faggot. I have to say it...?

>The difference here is the dip in revenue came out of nowhere
What do you think you are supporting at the bank and government? Hard workers? LMAO. All you've done is give yourself an elaborate low paying job for the feels. Congratulations.
Life comes out of nowhere you dumb bitch. You calling me a kid and not knowing that is hilarious.

Oh no

I have created so many RWDS playlists on JewTube. Literally search RWDS playlist and behold the work that has already been done for us all.

You are so fucking mad lmao. Don’t you have a job to go to instead of whining on the internet? This isn’t very productive user. You have kids to feed and a militia to form so you can raid the dorito aisle at Walmart!