Immune posters only

Green niggers get out reeeee

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i've been posting all night. and i've sucked tons of unprotected dicks in bathouses.

somehow i'm completely healthy.

What is this year's event?


Am i infected?

Don't tell me what to do.


how do I get the green thingy

am I infected now?

Shitpost more user

i think im good

Oh no this is bad


Im gonna.... Im gonna coof

I'm glad to be immune to such evil

*coof* I think I'm still safe.
Just have a bit of a cold.

I'm immune!

I'm immune

Do /lgbt/ Have poz me threads yet

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Looking like a coofer

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Don’t discriminate

Just don't reply to coofers and you are safe.

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That's what I thought. But things are rapidly deteriorating.

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Not sick yet != immune

Its just allergies I swear

I'm invincible fuck you sick niggers

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How did you get Green?

It's a nothingburger

Wear suit and wash hands frens, and you will be safe

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immunechad here

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This virus is only effecting vancouver and toronto posters
Prairie and Island leafs are safe

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coof coof
just have some black mold in my apartment

God gave me a vision, a vision of greenfag cleansing.

I am immortal, but you will find out soon that you are not

I was fine a minute ago, but the Nazis sent me to Auschwitz and I got sick. Oy Vey.


Me too. We're all going to make it fren.

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coof coof niga

I'm thinking it's the filthy phoneposters

am i infected senpai?

Eat shit.

Infected niggers need to get off the internet now!

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The board is now divided between glowniggers trying to bait cleanfriends into (you)ing them so they get infected to, and a few heroes trying to inform the healthy before its too late! Join us cleanbros the great cleansing is coming!


is that how you got green?

Try and remove me retard

I am immune?

Sorry user, the first symptom is an insatiable thirst for cocks. *COOF* all coofers know this.

>JIDF detected

I agree, no irishmen allowed

What if coofers reply to you?

This isn't cool.




I am healthy, let me in sir, please!

Believe me brother! we must eradicate green niggers!

It doesn't matter just get out before we all get infected!

The board is now divided between glowniggers trying to bait cleanfriends into (you)ing them so they get infected to, and a few heroes trying to inform the healthy before its too late! Join us cleanbros the great cleansing is coming!


>i've been posting all night. and i've sucked tons of unprotected dicks in bathouses.

me too, been promiscuous as hell.

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I really want this gift. I'm an essential employee with 4 months of sick time saved up. Please coronachan, spit in my mouth

Stay safe bros

They cant infect me

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no u

Comfy in hazmat

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It's just a flu. Buy the dips!

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You'll slip up eventually anons

It's just the flu bro


I feel fine

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Peepee poopoo I'm in a tutu


Wish I could spend end times with a girl like that

Don't coof on me!

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