What do elites, pedos and wikileaks all have in common?

>They are controlled.
We've been watching you all since 2013 - not because you're interesting or people who post here are inherently smart, but because Wikileaks used to dump their info here (and on 8-chan). So we had to be proactive and distract people from the dumps. Once we gained leverage on Wikileaks, we lost interest in this board. However, Americans still frequent this site because they believe that this place somehow is the bastion of truth (their naivete is so tiresome sometimes).

I just want you to know that the internet is ours. You may think you have a chance of victory against us, but you don't. For the simple reason that we've been around since the internet was conceived, we let it evolve along a path that was beneficial to us. So the whole idea of encryption and anonymity that you all so desperately hide behind - yes, we know how to get around them (we've always known).

You can keep fighting all you like. But know that you are sheep. No matter how smart you think you are, no matter how much you analyze the pen or the shepherd, at the end of the day, you are sheep.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Ok boomer

>pride before the fall

Sorry to break your bubble. But there will be no fall.

>again, pride before the fall

enjoy hell

Are you obligated in some way, to stop by and communicate these 'truths' to us, or are you just bored due to self-quarantine?

whats the difference between you and me?

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Based retard.
Anyone else notice that a lot of satanists are getting infected?

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You again? Damn you are boring.

The truth is everyone you see on television is controlled (well, most of them). Including your prized candidate DJT. If it wasn't for Wikileaks suddenly realizing how much power they had, things would be fine and the world would be fine. But, Wikileaks had to mess up the plan. They never realized that they never had the power to do anything unless they did what we wanted. But they had to mess it up for the rest of us anyway. THAT IS THE TRUTH. If it wasn't for Wikileaks, most of you idiots would just be posting about random stuff minding your own business. Now, unfortunately, you're partially awake. You think you know how the world works but unfortunately, all you know is that the world doesn't work the way the television tells you so.

Unnecessary suffering. All because a few idiots at Wikileaks thought they're saving the world.

Do you have anything better to do?

Honestly who the fuck wants to herd sheep all day.

I'd much rather be in China getting cooffed on.

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Yes I am sheep and Jesus is my shepard.

In response to you wall of text, know this:
God the almighty will judge you for your grave sins.

Yes but I'm just waking up.

How does the world really work, Freemason. Tell us about Jahbulon.

Both are going to coof

>muh Wikileaks
You have no idea what we know or what we have in store for you.

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Post tits

DynCorp-The Franklin Coverup {others too many to list} - You talk like no one knew anything about 'your' proclivities until wikileaks dropped Podesta's emails. All they dropped were details-players{specifics} user. We already knew the {wider scope}. Obligated? Or....bored gamezzz?

>whats the difference between you and me?
for starters, Geographic location

Hey I actually do have a WikiLeaks question. Was there super incriminating shit on there that we sheep didn't notice and if so is it still up there or was it removed

>I just want you to know that the internet is ours
Hey user, I just want you to know we're in complete and utter control. Don't you worry, this place is just a cesspool of shitposting. No truth here. Btw I'm only posting because I hate this place even though it's not a threat, h-heh.

>Ok boomer

Shut Up MIllie!!!

Ok Boomer

Why are boomers like this
What did we do to you

>Was there super incriminating shit on there that we sheep didn't notice
Incriminating? Even if you accessed the COMPROMISING information (some of which is still on the blockchain), you would never be able to incriminate anyone. No one would be willing to prosecute the people you would charge with crimes - and those who would be willing to prosecute would be swiftly and efficiently removed.
>and if so is it still up there or was it removed
Most of it's been deleted. Some of it is still there.

But this is the problem I'm referring to. You were never meant to have access to that information. Now that you know about that information, you will continue to try and find it. Unfortunately, that information only leads to more pain and suffering. There are no rewards on that path for you.

You've been watching?
Did you see me win?
Is your big brother going to beat me up?
Am I no longer invited to your birthday party?
Come on over and we'll talk about it.

I'll show you how my guns work, user.

Boomers have been programmed by the CIA since the 1960s. They grew up in nuclear families at a time when their grandparents were legends, their parents seemed to have everything in the 50s. So their strong desire for achievement was exploited in the 80s by the Reagan administration to implement the consumer driven economy model that we have to this day. They're just useful automatons.

Nice larp but you have no power here

Be warned: every success. Every little piece of progress you think you make is actually luring you into a greater collapse. I told you the apocalypse was cancelled eternally. You can thank yourselves for that.

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The answer is nothing. I don't know why you're so desperate to find like a theory of everything to make it all fit some evil singular source, which always changes to the person's convenience.

What sort of stuff was deleted? Frazzle drip type stuff?

They slay Loli Cunny.

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I doubt that you could provide sufficient evidence that you are who you claim to be. OP is a faggot.

Similar. Yes. Videos compromising Hillary are still there because she has a desire to run for President again (no one else wants her to). So they've left incriminating videos against her on the web just as insurance.

You live your life hiding from normies.
You already know you can't hide from us.

Your posts are full of fear.
Who said anything about prosecuting you?
You're right. That won't happen.
That was never the plan.
Try to keep up.

This faggot is named Jay Rosen
He posted in my thread last night
Exposed himself
and tried a LARP with this same idea

There are no rewards from following you either so might aswell be a pest

Ok Joomer

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Who would have been compromised by the deleted items?

Oh man, and what about me. This seems interesting, can you tell me?

> just useful automatons
And you aren't?

I know what you are seeking, but those who pursue it are thoroughly inspected and have very high expectations placed upon them. Can you do it?

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Fair. To each his own. I offer a means for you to be at peace. But if you have pent up energy, you're right, you might as well channel that in being a pest. But do remember, pests are not threats. They are irritating and hard to get rid of, but they don't pose a significant risk to one's way of life.

What was on the Comet Pizza download page?

Really? Most politicians in the United States. Practically the entire EU assembly. Quite a few Arabs and Chinese, few Indians, quite a few South East Asians, few Russians, most South Americans and Central Americans, few Canadians, and few in Oceania.

I thought you "don't have much time"
Jay Rosen... non sober little bitch.

>hints about the plan

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It had their faces on it?

How did we miss it?

Don't get caught in the crossfire.
Say hi to my friend Sergio for me..
He's there somewhere..

lol, he doesnt know

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What ever happened with that commie Pope getting the virus?

Yes. That's what incriminating usually means.
Quite a few people found it. They were taken care off (all safe right now by the way). It's not easy for an average person to suddenly start decrypting files on a block chain without a prior understanding of what's going on. We built the block chain and we developed it's fundamental principles. We have all the backdoors. But going through individual transactions is always tedious. Hence, some material that can incriminate people is still on the blockchain (but we've deleted most of it).



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Peace means nothing to a slave, my/our life will be shit under you either way, might aswell take as many of you down with us as possible

You're right. I'm sorry.
I fell for the bait and said too much.

I'm going to go recount my ammo boxes and toilet paper.
Pretend I'm not still here and you can't see me..

Why do you lie?
I rather despise your existence.

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Did Yas Forums and the internet ever get shut down to stop it from being shown?

Fucking Tard. If you are not Moloch you are a Sheep as well. Fucking Special Glow Nigger Spastic. What don't you understand about selling your soul.


You were shilling this last night

You did not answer me then. It is clear that you are a shill, maybe you are part of it, but this is a shill campaign to dissuade those who would speak the truth.

You may be Gods in your mind, you can 322 it all day every day. But if I pull the trigger and put a fucking bullet in your head, you are dead meat just like the rest of us.

Tell me, what kind of God is this?

You might be in on it but you clearly don't know the whole story. DJT and Hilary are actors but Trump was born and bred to be president.

youtu.be/SZsYr_xR9Fs [Open]

32 second ad, talking to sheep 11 and 9 on two pillars Jachin and Boaz. Wearing the suit he wore on election night. At the end he says "looking good number 9"

1-9 added = 45. Trump is president 45.

I could go on and on. You might be right about their attitudes and habits, but where you are wrong is in your belief that they do not have a master.

Platos Republic lays it out, elite breeding programs with a fixed lottery. Many times they marry trannies and raise other people's kids (Melania and Baron).

Anyways 8/10 Larp, or maybe you know more than most of us but still don't really know much.

You might be right about ants and God's with the tech they have. It's a toss up but I tend to agree from the psychological perspective alone. They know us better than we know ourselves.

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Easy when phone posting..
I keep losing my ID.

>post written by female incel who's seen too many movies with villains
What did ur mum say when you showed her the first drafts femanon shill? Did she mention it had too many tropes in it?

What's the point of doing all this in an attempt to control the world when in the end good will overcome and you will be defeated? I guess it's part of the game we are all playing. I love you user, it's okay


Why 2013 specifically?

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Because that's when I won.

Things are changing.

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Laughing out loud! I do believe this is what you would call a "Life Action Role Player?", a "Larp," am I correct? Silly anonymous poster... Those who know, know. Those who don't, show. We are not here to control, we're here to save. To save this world and it's people. We are the stewarts of the Earth after all. To preserve our bloodlines and ensure that humanity can co-exist with Nature. Oh, you poor fool. Laughing out loud! Do continue to play your childish "April Fools," game. I do find it quite amusing.

>You were shilling this last night
Touche. I didn't have much time last night. I'm packing up today. Thought I'd pay you guys one final visit.
>but this is a shill campaign to dissuade those who would speak the truth.
Hey, don't let me stop you from your endeavors user. My assignment's done. I'm moving on to monitoring other things. You feel free to flail as much as you like.
>1-9 added = 45. Trump is president 45.
Yeah, I read your post last night. I chuckled too. But I can't say anything to you. You're already far too gone off the cliff.

OP can't say anything that happened here
in 2013 because OP IS A LARPING FAG