>You rock up to a date
>She’s a 10/10 qt 3.14 absolutely gorgeous
>She laughs at all your jokes and hits it off with you massively.
>You have a romantic moment where you look deeply into each other’s eyes
>Date is almost over and you feel excited to be seeing you again
>She says “oh user I can’t do next Saturday, I’m going to the women’s march as a part of my feminist club but after that would be fine”.
What would you do Yas Forums? Would you continue to puersue her knowing she’s a far lefty progressive who thinks white men are evil and homosexuality is cool. But she really likes you or would you BTFO her?
What would you do Yas Forums?
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I feel like it’s easier to sway her opinion of society/the feminism movement than her opinion of me. It’s easy to change a woman’s opinion.
That said, fuck em. You don’t need a woman to be happy or enjoy life.
> yfw ywn have a chubby mommy Levantine waifu
> descended from the consorts of Palmyra (mothers of Roman emperors) and the muses for Ishtar herself
> hardy, well tempered for nomadic and desert environments
> very fertile (goes without saying), wants a large family
> born knowing her family's age-old recipe for goat and biryani, keeps you well fed; the Arab mommy in her makes sure you eat EVERYTHING she cooks you
> the mediterranean nature of much of her diet allows her to live longer than even her first-world counterparts
> thicc stature bears hardier sons, she is a lioness over her children and her household, makes sure they achieve honorable places in society
> proud of her tribe and lineage, sings the odes of her ancestors as she does chores (in an Arabic far more sublime than any Latin)
> takes everything you give her in bed, well
> when you're locked in embrace, you feel surrounded and secure by her womanly essence
> your favorite thing to do is resting your head on her supple bosom after your passion is spent, and she strokes your head while whispering a lullaby to you
Looks like I’m hitting up HelloTalk instead and switching my desired language to Arabic
You really are a fucking loser aren't you, britbong. Can't go one day of your worthless life without obsessing over women hating white men.
Swaying the opinion of a woman who loves you is as easy as stealing a retard's candy
I'd walk as soon as I saw her. I wouldn't want to deal with all the attention that she'd get from other men. It's not about me being weak or scared it's just who the fuck needs that all the time? Islam is right about women.
Wouldn't date. There are millions of women out there. I've rejected women for being feminists in the past, so it wouldn't be my first time. If you date a feminist you are a needy cuck and everyone should shame you. They do it to us all the time and now they are winning politically.
We need real men with actual standards.
Also, she wouldn't laugh at my jokes.
>But she is hot
Who the fuck cares. There are thousands like her.
u sure?
feminists are submissive sluts
last one I had I was choking her while gaping her asshole and slapping her around and she loved it then I never called her again
Tell her no she’s not, and to stop getting these crazy ideas in her head that tell her to make decisions. Then breed her.
>>She says “oh user I can’t do next Saturday, I’m going to the women’s march as a part of my feminist club but after that would be fine”.
Oh, okay. I would like to join.
more girls - more fun
And make it fucking clear too. Say it to her fucking face: "Sorry, I don't date feminists. I hope you don't take it personally" which of course she will take personally because they have constructed their identity around their ideology, so a critique on the ideas is an attack on the ideologue.
Reject. Women as a group need to learn that being a femicunt is a deal breaker in the dating market. This is the only way to return to some kind of normalcy when it comes to the relationship between the sexes.
>laughs at your jokes
Yeah, definitely not a feminist. Not a real scenario.
true. fucked one in the middle of central park on a bench and her pussy watered like niagra falls.
Defiently a trap
They’re rare where I am lad, makes me want to cry :,( I guess I know what weebs feel like in a way
Why did his doctor put the fake tits on the sides of his body?
Based Ivan, putting that Berlin action on all those nieve waspies
>Imagine being so insecure a woman's political viewa could be a deal breaker
Women are property and their political opinions are irrelevant
Best course of action is to arrange a date at the same time she would supposedly be at the fem march
If you manage to convince her your option is better she will ditch the leftist politics
but you might need to spend some money
>Rock up a date
Is this a drug reference?
>Imagine being so insecure that a women's physical attractiveness is enough to justify a relationship woth someone who doesn't share your values
>Imagine validating the feminist movement by dating a feminist just because you don't think you can get a better quality woman.
Top kek.
Every woman ive been with has adopted my beliefs after a while. Just be a man. Women having opinions is a meme.
or weed
>niagra falls
>justify a relationship woth someone who doesn't share your values
Women have no values, just social groups.
nigga wut
Virgin fingers typed this post. Your complete ignorance of the female mind could not be more obvious.
>feminist club
>Imagine giving a fuck your kid believes in Santa Claus
say “ok what time can I pick you up”
Yep, if things get ugly I can get into this organisation and decay it from inside.
Triple can't lie.
>>Date is almost over and you feel excited to be seeing you again
gj i fucking lost
This is true, but it takes time and you will probably have to end it before she adopts your beliefs. That is if she even likes you enough to do it. It's infinitely better to find someone who isn't already a radical.
Dating as an institution is flawed from the beginning. Courting exists for a very good reason.
Wtf is going on here?
Totally agree
Whenever my girlfriend expresses a political opinion, she looks at me with validation-seeking eyes. If i don't agree with her she will quickly pretend that she gets how i see it and makes it her opinion from now on.
How have I never seen this before?
>you feel excited to be seeing you again
what did op mean by this?
I'd go to the women's march with another woman and hold hands where she could see us. It's what she gets for not inviting me. I love an identitarian hate rally as much as the next bigot.
Already happened to me, rich too, constantly on tumblr/lefty sites. You just use her for practice sex and practice jokes and be slightly racist because women actually do identify with having unsanctioned standards. Gotta ghost that idiocy though.
I wouldn't even gesture to improve her quirky opinions since that is what they are looking for, some simp who thinks she can and should be improved for the next simp.
So to wrap it up: a feminist is just a woman who doesn't love the man she is with, probably cucks him, or a single woman being misled by her femi-lesbo friends.
>brown eyes
Absolutely based and chadpilled.
>She’s a 10/10 qt 3.14 absolutely gorgeous
Not a virtue
>She laughs at all your jokes and hits it off with you massively.
Not a virtue
>You have a romantic moment where you look deeply into each other’s eyes
Not a virtue
>Date is almost over and you feel excited to be seeing you again
Not a virtue
>I’m going to the women’s march as a part of my feminist club
Definitely not a virtue.
OK so what makes you think this person would be a good mother to raise your children? How do you know if she's honest, faithful, kind, not a complete slut etc?
Nurture her and let the hate grow until she reaches her full potential..then impregnate
Yes sure, who cares about what women think ? I've dated an anti fa chick, best relationship I ever had. When I couldn't avoid her friends and I had to talk to them, she would crush my knee with her hand under the table to signal me to shut up.
>best relationship I ever had.
>she would crush my knee with her hand under the table to signal me to shut up.
How can one man be so cucked and not see it?
i would kidnap her and lock her in my thotcage to save her from herself
Not worth it
Every liberal woman I have ever dated adopted my own politics after the first time I made them orgasm.
So I would disregard her statement about her protest march plans and concentrate on getting into her pants.
This is a good point.
If a 10/10 announces to you that she's a feminist, it's a performance. There are no 10/10's who are *true* feminists.
So you can ignore what she is saying, based on her appearance.
Only trigglypuff types really believe the nonsense they spew.
I'd use my seed to fix her. She'd get so addicted to my oxytocin highs that she'd slowly become more tenable to my worldviews until she started wonder on her own, what's with (((the blacks))). And in bearing our white children she'd suddenly start caring about the future in a personal way. Nothing redpills a woman like growing up and having kids. It's the ones that keep thotting and kids occasionally fall out that are killing society.
I would be ok with it, since my jokes are all antisemitic and she's antisemitic too.
>Altaír Jarabo
her fucking name is the same as that Assassin's Creed character
Fuck die with your slide threads sage this bullshit
it's fake.
feminists are not nice.