there is nothing your kike landlord can do and if they try you can start the resistance that starts the riot that starts the revolution. The world is ripe for revolution right now, make your mark on history and RESIST

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Other urls found in this thread:

Of course I'm not paying rent this month. What's this about a virus?

Pay your rent, parasite

I just paid rent, cry about it.

You added a boomer middleman to giving the bank sheckles.

I bought a house so I didn’t have to pay rent. Now EVERY DAY you poor commie trannies push this propaganda about not paying rent and some revolutionary bullshit about how it is anything but being a nigger living for FREE in someone else’s paid property. It’s not and you’re literally a nigger

Lol, what are you? a fucking socialist?
Pay up Bernie

Made for BBC

>paying rent
>posting whores in awkward poses to make their bodies look niggery

Does it get anymore pathetic?

why be a cancerous degenerate brat imbecile?

you just have to pay more later plus late fees etc

so yeah, great fucken plan
you commie shit

>ching Chong ching Chong
Reply to this post or you're a racist

it’s the banks property not yours shlomo

Don't pay your rent and see what happens to your credit score.

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Not paying rent will absolutely drive my Jew credit score into the dirt though.


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Shut the hell up, Wang. You're just trying to get people to owe back rent and late fees.

didnt pay mine today either. lanny can get his rent when im back to work.

Can't wait for this whole thread to fill with bootlicking cucks simping for (((landlords)))

See commies sre dumb losets, thats why they adopted communism in the first place

no bro!! the revolution!!!


*coof* I’m not *coof coof* giving my landlord a single cent

It's pretty simple, leaf. You pay rent to your landlord if you're dumb and broke enough to have to rent. If you don't you get evicted. The landlord is not going to die, and the courts will not be closed forever.
Landlords are leaching off people who are letting them do it voluntary.

>tattoo next to her vag

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If everyone has a bad credit score, no one does

>Just buy a house, goy!
>Wh-what do you mean, "property values?" M-my friends and I are just engaging in some chutzpah-- I mean, good business!
>I-it's not MY fault you can't afford a house! G-go back to sleep, goy! Get away from me!

>If you don't participate in THIS Jew usury program your Jew score won't be high enough to get a Jew Usury card

Haha You poor, i will pay because i have enough money to live years without working anyway

landlord calling a renter a parasite
kettle calling the pot black

Jews are also just leeching people who are voluntarily getting leeched. No jew ever forced people to get a loans to open businesses

kek's law

Imagine if the young (30 and under) took back the earth from boomers. Imagine what we could do

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paid it yesterday.
what the fuck is wrong with you?

And when the courts reopen in 2 months and you owe backrent (with interest) you have an eviction on your record and the only place that will even look at your application is Tyrone section 8 rentals, you will remember this post.


Just mailed my rent. $1400.

whats wrong?
see theres all sorts of stuff he wants but cant have
this is unacceptible
the world shouldnt deny him anything that he wants, ever
because he wants it really bad
so hence the liberal bitch moan for various mob violence, vigilante or govt, to take or destroy whatever is desired

tfw still working
tfw just got your bonus
tfw still making money
tfw trumpbux for memes
tfw millions of freeloaders are gonna get evicted soon

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Funny that the only time Yas Forums sides with the Jews is when they get to be Jews themselves.

Top kek, the point is to buy time. We'll see how the courts handle this when its all over. My bet is that they will give everyone 50% off on the outstanding rent.

Kys commie. You don't own other people's property.

going to coom

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>TFW your A Landlord

Annons No

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I’m gonna pay my bills this month. Sorry you’re a useless faggot.

I hope all the boomers tenants in income properties die though and the influx of properties on the market crashes all their precious investments. They get to buy 3 houses and charge rent on 2 to basically live for free, I mean they gave that real estate agent a firm handshake which counts for something I guess.

None has the right to own land, the earth belongs to none

did you also thank mr noseberg for the opportunity to pay it too you cuck

Jesus. That’s more than my mortgage. What the fuck, bro.


Their personal investments are more important than society's overall wellbeing. Who cares if men can't buy houses anymore to start their families. Landlords need that passive income. God I hope they lose everything.

Is it that surprising

Everyone was against gibs too until Trumpbux

If you want a free house go live in niggertown. Useless fucking leaf

you faggots always say this but it literally is not. I owe the bank money for my loan, but it is legally my property. The bank can acquire my property if a lengthy process is followed after I refuse to make payments, but it is still my property and no one can “evict” me until then.

Boomers are a cancer on this earth, eliminate anyone over 40

do you burgers not use debit cards?
oh wow the bank won't approve me to be jewed harder nooooo what will I do

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I HAVE A MORTGAGE I have to pay you fucking degenerate

Bought the house and paid for it at the very moment. Poor plebs paying the jew.

Gay af.

That hole is a disaster

She’s clearly built for my BGC

Envious Jews like OP need to fuck off. Clearly that is what Japmoot meant with the quarantine.

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>Why can't I buy a house?
>Fuck a credit score.
Pure nigger.

Or what?

My landlord is my mother in law and we pay her rent in cash. Shes going to be waiting until the end of lockdown when we are allowed to see her again and I am going to pay her what she is owed.

This is only fair. Pay what you owe


I own a house retard

Sorry I don't live in San Francisco and need to pay the price of a house in Texas as monthly rent

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it's impossible to get the wirus, you're all paid shills. no coof here, just a big ole nothingburger.

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I already did. I am a Caucasian gentleman with plenty of savings.

But I have the means and I signed a contract, OP.

I know right it just makes me reeeeeee so hard, boomers call our generation entitled yet theyre the ones who mortgaged away the future so they could live like kings while we got to feed on the scraps. They also have the audacity to think they deserve a bailout for making bad investments, I saw this one boomer complaining the bank tricked him into a mortgage he couldnt afford after he lost his job when the economy stopped booming, like newsflash oldfuck dont live outside your means and you arent entitled to whatever you want just because you think you can afford it at the moment, needless to say I was happy that guy lost his house. He tried to blame the banks but the banks are just going to sell you whatever is going to make them the most money they dont give a fuck what happens after that debt is just a number to be traded around and sold

it will only take a few months of not paying, idiot. the same as a renter in most states. you think the (((banks))) haven't rigged the game against you? just because you have a pretty little legal document with your name on it doesn't mean shit.

Literally omw to pay lmao
Good luck ever renting again


>spend more so you can rack up those good goy points
Pure kike

Here all mortgages have been postponed 6 months. Meaning for the next 6 moths if you were lay-off or lost the job you have to pay nothing.

my landlord just died in front of my eyes

nah you see, i'm not buying this is real

Am I sick guys?