IPetGoat II predicted all of it

This is the end of the petroleum industry.

>The world could soon run out of space to store oil. That may plunge prices below zero


IPetGoat II:

Attached: oil.jpg (1270x711, 92.44K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/pet goat predicted/

>Go to zero
You know it's bullshit when you hear this

If storage is full they will literally pay you to take oil.

BELOW zero

you have to pay people to use your oil to make more room for it

All those wars fought for oil
All those intrigues for oil

all of it for nothing lol

serves them right for keeping humanity stagnant

So gas stations will pay me to fill up my tank?

He’s an mkultra victim. He only knows half the story

Something like that problem is nobody wants to pay you for using their oil so they're going to hold on to it until demand fixes everything but the longer they hold on the more they lose and the less people get to have any oil

in a sense we have to look for alternative energy now because greedy people played themselves

Entire video is showing describing three days of darkness.

Free oil sounds good to me

meh it's all encrypted symbolism

for all we know it could depict ww3 that's caused by oil

think about how many countries depend on oil production like in the middle east and suddenly this oil doesn't cost shit in fact they lose by having it

global war could be like a last ditch attempt to restart the system before it shuts down forever perhaps during the peak of the coronavirus or just after the thing is contained

We don't have electric planes yet retards. A 747 uses 2500 gallons per second

It sounds good to me too lol but it's not good for the people that have oil and they're not gonna give us any free oil or pay us for using it when they can just hold on to it.

>A 747 uses 2500 gallons per second

Why do you think we don't have electric planes? Because if we did less things would require oil and that makes oil more worthless and the people that have it less powerful.

We would be Bladerunner tier advanced by now if the last century wasn't spent fighting for oil and suppressing technological progress

Attached: Blade-Runner-1982-3-1500x680.jpg (1500x680, 197.24K)

*half a century

i suck at math

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you think that scene is about not being able to store oil?

Interesting, but im not sure thats possible....

The actual reason is because specific energy for batteries is terrible. Far worse than jet fuel.
With batteries you have to carry half of the reagents with you the whole time, with fuel you just pull in half the reagents from the atmosphere.
For hard physical reasons it might be strictly impossible to get comparable energy density with batteries, even if you had god's knowledge of physics.

>three days of darkness

Hows that?

i think its like this

Osama + hooded CIA figures = worshiping and fighting for oil that keeps the world running and people enslaved

The water in almost all of the scenes except in the end isn't really water but oil that clears up from the christ figures(metaphor for human awakening)

I think i pet goat was about predicting ww3 that was over oil/trying to reset everything to keep it the way it was

Tanks use oil and so many other things and a global war is just the thing to drive up demand for it again between China, the US, Russia, Middle east etc

Also there's pic related that looks like the coronavirus

Attached: 1583337579924.png (1426x3333, 3.86M)

Why need energy storage? Just make a generator inside the plane that creates and supplies electricity to everything.

Oh wait that's illegal and if anyone can just make a generator what's the point of fuel then? how can you monopolize it and keep others in your pocket?

And what are you going to power the generator with? You don't get energy for nothing.
If you think free energy is real and being suppressed by oil/governments, give up now because you will forever be disappointed.

>If you think free energy is real and being suppressed by oil/governments, give up now because you will forever be disappointed.
Technoccultism is a thing you know?

try this for yourself now imagine making a simple device that creates the same resonances your brain does without requiring oil or blood or flesh


>inb4 wtf is wrong with you dude?
try it you'll be amazed

kinda like a metalic sphere you hook up everything to

My favorite part is the end where the sun destroys the pyramids.
I think it symbolizes the end of the Secret Societies that have hidden the truth from humanity since before even the Egyptians. Using the knowledge of history, psychology, natural law, and technology against us, to suppress us and further blame it on us because we were too ignorant to understand what we were doing with our own free will.
I'm getting ready for the next phase. I have a lot of studying and reorganizing to do this year, but I am willing to dig in deep to be a capable and competent teacher for the future generations that will need our Great Work.

>based and goatpilled

Life wouldn't exist without electrical phenomena. All chemistry is based on electrical forces and the nervous system uses electrical signals, none of which are even disputed.
That doesn't mean you can charge a battery or short circuit a PC a mile away with your mind, that's complete bullshit and I don't believe you. Not a single person charges their cell phone by "thinking" about it.

This video is always amusing. I feel like I find new Masonic symbolism everytime I watch it.

we don't have electric planes because planes have to fly and batteries are heavy

yeah, thats an interesting take.

What do you think of the but where a mexican is being swallowed whole by some sort of yellow goo?

What of the old lady, in the cock tower, whos period stains disappear in the light?

i think thats where the dollar falls with a new economic system coming. The pyramids are on the 1 dollar bill. Not sure if that Christ is the actual Christ or the antichrist

I remember seeing this stupid crap a year or two ago.

I can't even begin to explain how annoying art like this. WOAH IT'S SO TRIPPY AND SURREAL. You have no fucking clue what surrealism is, FUCK off with this garbage video you stupid hipster.

That's just it. Electricity is everywhere around and inside us it can't be "sectioned off" as a separate thing like say oil/fuel. All electricity everywhere is the same force, the intensity/invocation is different. Electromagnetism is the future that will be available to everyone plus it would make them healthy and smart instead of sick and stagnant.

>That doesn't mean you can charge a battery or short circuit a PC a mile away with your mind
Psychic abilities are possible exactly because of it it's mostly thinking with electricity and manipulating it to produce cascading events which define psychokinetic phenomena e.g telepathy, astral projection etc

I mean try it for yourself grab an empty battery and place it on your desk. The meditate on it while imagining it's getting charged/zapped by currents then see if there's a difference.

You can do this with your phone battery too or drain your phone into yourself while imagining you're getting healthy from it.

You mean, they are gonna pay me to use oil?

btw sorry im not replying directly i dont want to get the wuflu X_X

Attached: 1561280887797.jpg (851x685, 119.08K)

No it means you're not getting any oil unless you buy tonnes of it. Even if you have the money why would you need so much for just 1-3 cars? Where will you store it?

Electromagnetism doesn't make you healthy or smart, it just is. Viruses, bacteria, parasites, etc. also exist because of the same forces of nature.

I tried all this "electric" psychic stuff in the mid 90s fren. You name it, I tried it. It didn't work.

>prices go above $100/bbl, we're running out of oil and the end of the oil industry
>prices go below $30/bbl, we have too much oil and it's the end of the oil industry

The "oil industry" isn't going anywhere. These economically-ignorant retards have been predicting "the end of the oil industry" since the late 1800s.

>It just didn't work
because you don't want to believe and have no faith and without faith you can't manifest crap which in some situations isn't so bad but not in these times

no i don't mean religion you can be atheist and do this stuff but it's mostly because of faith and as a species we're running low on it

why not instead make it a goal to start believing? Believe in nothing

shit, I might be infectered...test cooof...test, test...coooof

>These economically-ignorant retards have been predicting "the end of the oil industry" since the late 1800s.
idk man anything can happen and i'm expecting anything

like sometimes i think ill wake up and this coronavirus business is over just like that and we all move on not because I wish it but because anything can happen

Attached: it was supposed to end here.png (611x428, 106.74K)

I believed it with all my heart, it still didn't work. Have you considered that you believe it because you want it to be true, not because it actually *is* true? There's nobody easier to fool than yourself, especially if you want to believe that the world is full of untapped possibilities instead of restricted by boring old physics.

If this stuff actually worked and you could charge a phone with it, then build a phone charger and convince people. And when it doesn't work don't tell them they weren't believing hard enough. If all your talk is based on natural forces you shouldn't need to believe in it. It would just work.

And it's just a cohencidence that Russia and Saudi ramped up production at the same time that the Chinese kicked off the Covid19 scare, facilitated entirely by the kike-run media. It has nothing to do with rising nationalism in the U.S. that threatens their hold on power, and certainly nothing to do with getting politicians into office who are more willing to sell out the nation.

That's what I'm saying you can't use this stuff "publicly" because it disrupts the world order. You can astral projection or do telepathy with people all you want but building stuff? That's a big no no and they'll even resort to mind clamping where you can't think properly so you can't build it.

It's one thing to have ideas about tech or free energy, it's another to share them and it's a crime to actually build stuff from it and they will know if you attempted it even if you didn't think of it.

It is WAYYYY overdue for humanity to have a new energy source anyway.

btw you believed it with your heart but your mind isn't in-sync with it

Use your heart to influence your mind

Also look up charka opening breathing/meditation techniques or just feel your heart and mind and bridge them together as one

Ya tried the shakra stuff too fren. Didn't work.

Well no one with any understanding believes in energy created from nothing. The idea that people think Tesla identified is creating usable energy from an unknown or unseen source like electromagnetism or something else

then do the last thing

Feel your brain/mind as you are and at the same time feel your heart. Now imagine both are becoming as one.

It sounds gay but it will work if you just try it then you'll realize how easy it is to have faith

finding out what to do with it is the fun part

Did that too for god's sake.
I hope you eventually come to realize what you're doing. It's not charging batteries or bettering mankind.

It's not "nothing" that's a different thing. Electricity is everywhere in the universe as a background or foreground force driving everything. It's the "force" behind any biological process or other phenomena like physics.


Gravity is influenced by electricity. Why make combustable engines or thrusters for space craft when you can just make it have its own gravitation field it can manipulate? That way it can also maneuver or move in ways regular engines would never allow.

wait let me try something then

>i pet goat ii
hi heliofant. your video is gay as fuck and you're a skitzo, which is why you havent made anything new in over a decade and you keep shilling this shit here every single time there's a "happening."

What I don't get, is how these people can invest this much Energy of their own limited life spans, planning how to kill people, instead of helping humans get out into the Solar System where we have a nearly unlimited supply of resources and energy.
If these faggots had a bit of brilliance, and not just selfish asshole claims to land they don't own anyway, they'd be doing shit to solve things.
Instead, they bite fear and greed and plot murders to "make things better."
Fucking shithole idiots.

i didn't make it tho it was special effects maker for Lord of the Rings


He was on alex jones too

i mean, look at this pathetic shilling
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/pet goat predicted/

you from just the bg flag alone have been shilling it since at least 4plebs went online, but I remember you from long before
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"pet goat"/country/bg/

Because people are unhealthy and driven insane. Think about it we have so much stuff our ancestors don't yet we're still miserable and try to spread it. This problem is from the inside just as much as outside.

Inside enabled what happened on the outside and now what's happening outside is eating away at the inside of everyone as an individual or collective.

It's pure vampirism. Oil is like the blood of planet getting sucked out and this taints everyone either directly or indirectly.

Do you pump raw crude into your tank? If so yes.

>All those wars fought for Israel
Ftfy blue pilled interloper.

>avoiding (You)ing others

im practicing social distancing online xD

>electric planes
Total meme. Nothing compares to throwing tons of exhaust out the back allowing the plane to become more efficient the longer it flies.

It doesn't help.

I know i do

dude don't reply to him you'll get the virus

wait will I get the virus now?

oh fuck I gotta go

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Trips of truth.