The absolute state of France.
The absolute state of France
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*laughs in Icelandic*
Is France really getting BLACKED? I thought that was a meme. French anons. What's actually going on in your cunt frenchbros?
Is this really France lmao? What is going on? Aren't there more natural-born french there anymore?
is that a catapult?
Ooga booga me no speek white yo speek booga plz
honestly can't say that looks any different here. Liberez nous deja
Little white gurl is being raised to take BBC
If only
Damn that dosn't look right at all. Fucking niggers...
Where do you guys find them? I've never seen blacks in my life.
The biggest cities are full of them. And we have arabs too (3-4+ children / family).
If you're paid well you can find a decent place to live (with decent schools too). But housing will be expensive.
Otherwise go to the countryside. However I think that even the countryside will be infected in 5-10 years.
My country is doomed. This is so sad.
i don't see a prblem? oh i saw the datestamp. why aren't they self-isolating?
fuck i got possed *coof*
The only strangers that behaves correctly are Poles, Italians, Vietnamese, Chinese.
Triste vraiment
white kids wanted to play on the swing, black kids minus parents wanted to belong to in the situation aka gibs
yea i speak french
please leave to reddit
If you need to go and live in big cities in shitty parts of town, yes
I live in a smaller town adjacent to a bigger one and I have only milfy asians and some kurds as the biggest "foreign" group in my area
Low wagies tend to try to move to the city, thats everywhere in the world
>basically avoid cities
LOL, look at that peanut head.
How are french people simultaneously the most racist and yet most cucked people?
Racism is a meme, it's the foreigners that are racist. Except a few people, the biggest thing someone would do is pick a french over a foreigner to rent something
The french are even bigger negrophiles then you guys.
>t. Mohamed
Jannu died for this.
Not a meme We are an African country now
French police can't use force the way you do in America.
Because boomers ruined everything. Built a welfare, retirement and healthcare system that is not sustainable in the long term. Everybody know genx will be last generation to get pensions. Growth is at a snail pace and is only really pushed by consumption, so they keep importing third worlders so they can consume. Also boomers own all the real estate, the more people on welfare paying they rent is how they get their money.
That's literally the only reasons for immigration, considering all the industries are gone either in Eastern Europe or China.
Native people aren't having enough kids, the constant flow of africans with much higher reproduction rate is what keeps the capitalist machine running because what (((they))) fear more than civil unrest is depopulation for their pyramidal scheme only works thanks to million of poor jokes consuming their garbage and paying their rents.
Yes I'm French how could you tell
How is doing my "khey" ?
I couldn’t.
Because since childhood we are put into a constant systemic fear of being called out a racist. It is firmly ingrained in us through public education, but also the media, music, cinema and political sphere. Doing anything considered racist in this country is a professional and social suicide. France doesn't have free speech, saying something racist or criticizing the lack of ethnic statistics and mass immigration policies can get you fined and possibly imprisoned. There are tax funded associations in this country whose only job is to torment, dox and ruin people who voice"racist" opinions.
France is what your liberals want to turn America into. No right to bear arms, shoot someone robbing your house and you will get ten years in jail, argue with anyone and you will get your shooting license removed. No free speech, anything considered hate or racist speech will get you fined or jail term. Foreigners here enjoy preferential treatment over the natives, they don't have to pay for their healthcare, refugees typically lie about their age, can kill and rape and get away with a ridiculous sentence because it put on paper he's a minor. Just like Germany, Sweden ect..
Nothing value is lost. America, Canada, England, France, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy will fall. It's maybe bad for us. But it's a good news for the white race. The failure of the multikulti society will be the grave of the shitskins, the future Generation of Whites rising in Eastern Europe will be so right wing, Nazi Germany will be seen as leftist cucks.
Pfff these Cucks on sucks black cocks and rimjob Snadnigger
the closest apostles of jesus were jews; that means whatever you're talking about is something good
>believing in the dead kike on a stick
C'est trez triste.
Je voulait immigrer a France.
Je suis toujours aimee la France et le francais.
Je etudiait le francais pour avoir comme les officiers gigachads dans l'armee Russe de 19 siecle.
J'essai n'utilizer pas le jewgle traduction.
It’s just niggers trying to overtake whites for no reason
> My country is doomed.
Nice defending straits from Russians, napolenigger.
I work at McDonald's and there's a huge black population among my coworkers. One just left because she got her phd in medicine, another is working his way towards a phd in biology, we have one who has a second job and works from 5am to midnight five days a week and never complain.
Meanwhile I'm as white as you can be and I work there because I dropped out of college and have no motivation whatsoever so it's the best I can get. Our boss is as white as me and he backstabbed his way to the top, as bitchmade as a person can be and never to be trusted. I say let us get that sweet chocolate skin
The shitty ones are just as shitty as the whites who live next to them. I was in middle school with a bunch of retards and the bullies came in all shapes and colors
>bitch made
>early 90's jargon
user grow up
thank you Dr. Goldberg for this reflection. Very nice.
France is disgusting.
What a shitty country
consider yourself blessed
France will be destroyed.
France accepts more than one million blacks, Muslims and ChingChongs immigrants each year.
No such thing as natural born French anymore, user. They're all half-bred arabs and rape babies that are considered "white" according to their government's census.
Really sad, man. I was an exchange student to a family in Cergy Pontoise years ago, and really got into French culture.
America only accepted 499,000 last year and we have over 329,000,000 people. 1/3rd of us may be spics, niggers, and mutts but now Western Europe is where we were 40 - 50 years ago. Hope you guys enjoy it for being so smug
alors t'as aimé l’expérience banlieue parisienne 2.0?
no they only accepted 200k non-EU immigrants last year. problem is they already received too many since the the 60ies, and the fact that immigrants in France have the highest non-native birthrates in Europe. tfr for Muslim/nigger immigration is something like 3.3 if I remember correctly
this, of course
Thats the entire West. Take a hint from the deepsouth: silent killings. Shhhhh
Perhaps the only white nations in the future will be Australia and New Zealand.
so sad
Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana are the only states whiter now then they were in 1940. Though they have dropped a little since h their peak. Louisiana peaked at 63.5% in 1980. Georgia 69.6% in 1970. Alabama 72.5% in 1980. Mississippi 61% in 1980. South Carolina hasn’t peaked yet. Only state in the country getting whiter
What about all of central and Eastern Europe you retard?
Since Europe is geographically close to Africa and the Middle East, it is inevitable that blacks and Muslims will increase.