Comfy thread for immune anons only. NO COOFERS ALLOWED! Also, no niggers, kikes, leafs, beaners, trannies, sandies, faggots, or shills.
**coofs all over you***
I don't get it, so I woke up and was mad at that one namefag who was ruining borads but then I realized it's april
Get out
Hey fellow immunebros *coof*
Green man bad
How do you know you're immune?
I just have a mild cold, not the virus, can I stay please?
**coofs in your face**
Immune chad here
Right, I forgot about the retard day. Fuck April's fool
Look at your skin colour
White = good
Non-white = bad
coofers out
I'm immune fags
Me too man it's great being immune from this haha
It's just a flu breh
Checked and coofpilled
or so you thought
Am I fine, doc?
i don't have much time left. with my last act, i pozz this thread.
So clean, so pure, so fresh.
Am I infected?
You have to be based and redpilled and White. The system knows if you’re lying. Looks like you made the cut user. Get comfy
Am i okay?
You seem fine, go home and keep your postial distancing to not get infected
**coof coof**
Hey guys, how are you do-
Where's the proof the clovervirus is even real?
Looking healthy Sven. Welcome
Feels pretty comfy
based russia is based.
Practice good social distancing and you'll be fine.
Feels good man
i feel sleepy does anyone else feel sleepy?
Not for long
Oh shieeeet am I green?
Fuck isolation.
Lets get herd immunity!
Im immune
I dab on coofers all day
Sure is comfy in here :)
Fuck coofers
pretty sure im immune boys
You’re gonna have to leave, nigger
Nice and comfy in here. No coofing aloud!
Taking the test. Sorry in advance if I shit up this thread w China Fru
Finally, a home for homies
I will heal you
I haven’t coofed yet
Sleepyposters get the bullet after greens
*coof* I'm starting not to feel so good guys. Am I ok?
It's just a cold bro, you're fine.
*coof* *coof* It's just a cold bro.
Imagine being infected FAGGOT MAGGOT. Spamming retard nonscence through the whole board all day destroying all meaningful conversation
So, when am i suppose to catch this shit? I've been out frequently and shared blunts with friends
Hell, one friend even told me he feels sick for weeks but apparently recovered now on his own, with only fat joints
Is this a nothingburger?
I’m good
Hey guys, how are you do-
Hello fellow immunitybros
You can't stop me.
*coof* Here, have some of my coofs.
It doesn't work. I'm mestizo..
You both must come with me. Mandatory quarantine for your as well as the board’s protection. Nothing personnel
test immunity
Ahem *ding ding ding*
but most importantly...
>pideras 2edgy4me m8
Hello fellow immune bro
čad here
Wait, wtf happened to this board?
You have to go back
OH shit im gloowwwing
All these coofers and their shitty ass immune systems HAHAHAHA
Fuck coofers
pee pee poo poo
fuck coofers
>tfw bug chaser but immune
I'm not going anywhere with you, fucking communistic fascists trying to take away my freedoms, I'm going out to the movies.
Dancing on coofer Graves right now
Fuck Chinks
what are the possible endgames for the chink flu?