Sweden has a history of pretending serious issues within their country don't actually exist. The bombings...

Sweden has a history of pretending serious issues within their country don't actually exist. The bombings, rapes and trannies are one thing, but this is different. In this thread, we pray for their comeuppance.

God, if you're listening: Death to Sweden.

Attached: 510px-Flag_of_Sweden.svg.png (510x319, 654)

Other urls found in this thread:


no idea what u mutts mean by that but even with millions of middle eastern orcs invading sweden its still 10 thousand times whiter than your muttland

My state is 94% white. You should move to Sweden, then, die there.

Shut up, your country is run by the EU which is run by the chinese


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You are dumb as shit

Your country is run by Israel. Get of your high horse.

There is no justification for sweden hate.

This isnt to deny sweden has very serious problems, but often the nation criticising Sweden has almost as bad, if not worse, problems.

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They're dead already the infection figures are skyrocketing they will run out of hospital beds in a week, then the chimpening begins.

We just need to close the fucking border and string up some barbed wire on there as well to prevent spillover.

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I don't have to take this from a Slav.

I will recognize your trips of truth, while doubling down. They are about to get rekt.

Is the Finnish population of Sweden allowed to go back and forth?

Unless they are dual citizens, no

They already had to turn around some early season boaters from Marienhamn coming in from sweden.


'''''white''''' in USA includes Middle Easterners, North Africans and Central Asians. Arabs and Jews are white in USA


Fuck Volvo, fuck Ikea, fuck ABBA and fuck early season boaters.


You have a higher infection rate per capita in the US than here.

I fly into Copenhagen when I vacation in Europe. It looks like Turkey.

Because you guys stopped testing people that aren't "at risk" last month. We have tests that take 2 minutes and are giving them to as many people as possible.

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don't be a poorfag and go to some nice district like inner city or Hellerup

I didn't say I vacation in Denmark. My flight goes to New York to Istanbul to Copenhagen. I take the first train out of your country.


Except bombings don't exist, they only affect shitskins, not a single Swede has died from them. Trannies are also non-existent here, you find those in the USA. Now go enjoy your tranny-story-hour, Mutt

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Swede here. I can confirm this is true and I agree nuke us now.

It's exactly the same per capita as Denmark. Keep wishing Pekka

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Denmark just got added to my prayer list. I always hated butter cookies.

>the problem doesn't exist if we just ignore it

tbqh I hope as many shitskins kill each other as possible. and white people point and laugh at the zoo animals chimping out

I know I will. I work from home and invested in waste management back in 2006, which allowed me to coast through the last recession.

The country’s chief epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, believes that most Swedes must have a new coronavirus in order for them to develop collective immunity.
However, it is not yet known whether SARS-CoV-2 is immune and how long it is maintained.

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>Death to Sweden

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You are wrong. There's plenty of justification for Sweden hate. Now, as a Danskjävel i don't really need justification, the hatred spans more of a millennia of fighting.
The old saying of "I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy" applies here.
Sweden, please stop hitting yourself! Enough is enough!.

>There is no justification for sweden hate.
There is always justification for hate user.

>The country’s chief epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, believes that most Swedes must have a new coronavirus in order for them to develop collective immunity.
He's a genius.

Attached: LungDamageCovid.jpg (1024x415, 83.68K)

Some Yugoslavian Balkan war cache brought into Sweden "randomly" with success partly because of some laws which later got corrected. Sold for like 2-3 dollars on the streets to whatever scum wanted it.

Law changes to widening what constitutes "rape"

Happens everywhere right? For how to handle it we probably looked at USA and did whatever they do like always. USA has a strong culture influence over here. For example companies tries to do Black Friday (on a minor scale, advertised nonetheless) here which makes no sense.

What you're doing

And history is already being re-written on that. Originally he wanted everyone to get infected as fast as possible to "get it over with" like pulling a bad tooth.

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>one word argumentation
very strong

All of Scandinavia is lost.
Lots of value was lost and we will never get it back. Feminism, progressivism, social welfare and unstopped immigration for 30 years was more than we could handle.
Getting ready to converting to Islam. I'll get to put women in their place, can't wait.

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You forgot that swedes are backstabbers. The betray everybody because they are extremely overprotective and jealous.

Even if you treat them nice they are constantly virtue signaling others and at the slightest misunderstanding they betray others but never face to face and when they get caught they deny everything.
Seriously disgusting.

>Getting ready to converting to Islam
maybe you should put a lid of that butthole of yours fagboy.
Stop simping for retards. Nothing is lost, people are waking up to globalists and immigrant loving faggots.

>Play the game
>Get some money
>Buy some cheap and safe land
>Build up something worth passing on, and find the ones likeminded

The north is big and our time hasn't even come

No they are not. All is lost.
There is nothing we can do.


Compared to shithole Russia, Sweden is a paradise.

They're actually doing it right this time.
This thing is being blown out of proportion and all the countries that tanked their economy over this will regret it bitterly in a few months time.

>There is nothing we can do.
i got an idea you can convert to shitskin and think your a paki and wipe your white ass with the palm of your hand like a monkey.

That's an idea right?

Assalamu Alaikum

because they barely test

>reading comprehension

Binland Bloppy Benis

>imagine the smell

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>be industrial worker (robot programmer - MOTOMAN, ABB, KUKA)
>arabs start working on the floor, mostly welders
>they have no fucking idea what they're doing and destroy goods worth millions of SEK
>they come to me to ask for help since they realise I know my shit
>I teach them everything they need to know to do their job correctly
>most of them don't speak any Swedish at all and their english is shit
>they come to me to ask for help since they realise I know my shit
>I teach them everything they need to know to communicate well in the workplace
>they literally worship at my feet for weeks

>they ask me who I vote for
>I tell them SD
>they run to my boss (100% swedish - blonde and blue-eyed)
>my boss calls me up to his office
>tells me I am not allowed to discuss any politics at the work place
>tell him I didn't, the arabs asked who I voted for and I answered - and that was that

>2 months later comes yearly salary review
>ask for the 10kr an hour increase we had already agreed I would receive after finishing certain projects (which I did)
>tell me I won't get anything because I've been talking politics in the work place which is against company policy

kill all jews
kill all arabs
kill all niggers
but above all - kill all Swedes

Attached: Stockholm_Bloodbath.jpg (539x345, 126.79K)

>There is no justification for sweden hate.
YES, there is. Swedes listen to what foreigners say, but not what the Swedish people say.

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The disaster in Bergamo valley happened because local policitians and industrialists initially refused to hard quarantine the whole area to avoid economic repercussions, despite all the signals and warnings from the healthcare institutions.
There have been a series of wider regional soft lockdowns that didn't really address the issue at local level. When they realized the mistake, it was too late.
Bergamo valley underwent the worldwide most brutal healthcare collapse, and the industry had to close by consequence.

>Bergamo valley underwent the worldwide most brutal healthcare collapse, and the industry had to close by consequence.
I think that will happen to Stockholm as well.

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Yeah, Swedes have a genetic malfunction. Something profound is wrong with them. They even shook their heads at us Danes and Norwegians for handling the corona crisis the way we've done - with swift lockdowns etc. And now Sweden is starting to pay the price. 59 deaths in one day. Mind you, there's only 10 million people in Sweden.

It's gonna explode there soon. The next 24 hours, 100 new will die, and then it's 200 and so forth. Hopefully this virus will kill all of these miserable braindead fuckers. We won't miss them for a second.

Good one Svein-Torstein Knarresmed!

Combine that with this and you get Swedish superpowers.

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How can i meme post?

We are a perfect text book example of statistics, beautiful correlation:

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>The disaster
What disaster? Look at the age range co-morbidities of the dead. This is no worse than a slightly deadlier seasonal flu when you look beyond the media circus.
The real disaster will be the millions of unemployed and people going hungry. Your "healthcare experts" forgot to account for the widespread decrease in life expectancy that a protracted depression will cause. It's very hypocritical to call yourself morally righteous when you crash an entire economy to safe a few boomers but neglect the long lasting impact this will have on everyone else.

Riddle me this: why did no country in Europe come up with the idea of quarantining only those over the age of 60? Easier to enforce, no economic damage. Really makes me think.

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False. Muslims aren't white, and where I live I see neither niggers or islamikikes in any way as often as Stockholm. Are you daft or just ignorant?

If they vote in socialists, they deserve what they get

More white people here than there.
Muslim or white, pick one.

I think you just gotta change your name. Copypaste the weirdly spelled "anonymous" into "name". Could be wrong. I'm trying with this post. Just forget it if I was wrong, kek.

Kek. Didn't work. Fuck it then. Name didn't even change.

Assalamu alaikum.
More white than you.
And muslim.

>Muslims aren't white
yes they are you even had an arab congresswoman bitching that a lot of shitskins mark themselves as white on the census form because there's no other option. You even count mexicans as whites, fuck off.
At least in Europe we're honest about our stats and even distinguish between white natives and white foreigners.

>The US Census Bureau once again declined to add a Middle East and North African (MENA) category for the 2020 census. According to the US Census Bureau guide on race and ethnicity,’ White’ refers to people from Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Someone post pics of swedes getting fucked in the ass

Been dreaming of that bbc again user? I don't blame you!